
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 194: The Strongest Sound of Humanity

Translator: 549690339

In the largest space at Base 10, there wasn't room enough to accommodate the team of five thousand, so Gao Yuan and the others were waiting in the hallway.

Gao Yuan stood upright with a flag held at a forward angle, bearing the words "Fierce Tiger Brigade" in bold.

To the left and right of Gao Yuan, Yu Shunzhou and Nie Erlong stood just as straight, but instead of holding flags, each cradled an eighty-one type rifle in their arms.

The Fierce Tiger Brigade wasn't comprised of only three members; behind Gao Yuan was Song Qian.

Thus, the Fierce Tiger Brigade had four members, which included one flag bearer, two color guards, and one soldier.

At the very front was a special combat squadron from the Sharp Sword Special Combat Brigade, with Brigade Commander Zhao Hui personally carrying the flag at the forefront, followed by a phalanx of one hundred and twenty infantrymen.

Following the Sharp Sword Special Combat Brigade was a special combat brigade codenamed Falcon, consisting of more than one hundred and sixty personnel formed into two arrayed platoons.

Behind the Falcon Special Combat Brigade was an infantry battalion, assembled from various units, that formed six phalanxes, and following them was the engineer battalion's formation.

Following the engineer battalion was another squadron from the Sharp Sword Special Combat Brigade, a phalanx led by Shi Lei, and behind this phalanx was the smallest parade contingent of the entire Expeditionary Army, which was none other than the four members including Gao Yuan.

Trailing Gao Yuan and his team was yet another formation from the Sharp Sword Special Combat Brigade.

All combat-ready personnel of the Sharp Sword Special Combat Brigade were present, not a single one missing.

Further back was the artillery battalion, followed by the Thunder God Assault Team, which had the scale and organization of a special combat brigade. And behind the Thunder God Team came the medical troop's formation, followed by the armored tank troop's phalanx.

Lastly, there were three squadrons from the Sea Dragon Special Combat Brigade.

Yes, on the eve of their departure, a military parade would be held at the Supreme Command.

The arrangement of the reviewed troops in the parade also included all the units, which naturally had its reasons.

The national anthem concluded.

Gao Yuan finally heard the voice he had been eagerly anticipating.

"Comrade Li Wen, the Shenzhou Expeditionary Army has assembled in full and awaits your inspection. Please give your orders!"

Commander-in-Chief Liu Muyang, a major-general of the Expeditionary Army, called out loudly at the forefront. Then, Li Wen's voice resounded through the loudspeakers.

"Comrades, the aliens have arrived. They've brought hostility and a virus that has invaded Earth. But is this humanity's doomsday? Many see this as the end of times; many nations have abandoned resistance, abandoned effort. But to us, the Shenzhou People, no, this is not doomsday. This is merely a war, an unprecedented war, a war that will decide the fate of humanity. But we have not been defeated; hence, it is but a war.

"For thousands of years, the Land of Shenzhou has seen its rise and falls, but we have always been here, because this is our homeland. The enemy has come; we repel them. Aliens have come; we will drive them away. We will not submit to anyone because we are the valiant Shenzhou People. We must fight! We must fight to the end! Because we are the valiant Shenzhou People!

"Comrades, you carry the hopes of our nation, our ethnicity, and the hopes of all humanity. I firmly believe that you will return successfully, and that we will certainly achieve victory, from one victory to the next until the invaders are completely defeated."

After Li Wen finished, the commander next to him, with an excited face, approached the microphone and almost roared, "Begin the parade!"

The military parade began.

The speech was brief, the ceremony was simple, and even the venue was so small it didn't allow the reviewing troops to spread out.

But that really didn't matter, as long as the spirit was there.

This was a declaration of war issued by the last defenders of a nation, a nationality, a species known as human beings.

This was a parade, but it was more than just a parade. It signified the beginning of the war.

The March of the Steel Torrent resounded, and Liu Muyang was the first to pass in front of the reviewing stand. He saluted, then marched forward, passing the stand with a formal step.

A salute for the soldiers, and for the civilians, it was the attention salute.


There were no spectators, no live broadcast, only a core group of Shenzhou people watching from the platform because aside from the parade troops, there was no room for anyone else.

This might be humanity's last military parade, somewhat simple, but the parade and troops sounded the strongest voice of mankind.

Li Wen suddenly shouted, "Comrades, good!"

Liu Muyang, along with the squads passing the platform, roared with all their might, "Greetings, Commander!"

"Comrades, you've worked hard!"

"Serving the people!"

Squad after squad passed by, the same voices resounded over and over again.

It was not until Gao Yuan entered the parade hall that he saw the platform and the people at the parade.

Gao Yuan's body trembled slightly as he raised the battle flag high, waiting to pass the platform, he, like everyone else, shouted, "Serving the people!"

The immense sound was deafening, as the voices naturally amplified in the confines of the underground bunker.

But no one cared.

Gao Yuan walked steadily, then out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Luo Xingyu and Luo Guodong.

Li Wen had intentions—actually allowing Luo Xingyu to watch the parade. Regrettably, Gao Yuan couldn't wave goodbye to Luo Xingyu, but at such a solemn moment, he still smiled, believing she would surely see it.

Luo Xingyu was crying, yet she looked as if she were smiling, waving continuously at Gao Yuan until he disappeared with the reviewing troops into the narrow tunnel.

Gao Yuan kept the flag aloft until he reached the formation and dispatch point of the parade troops.

Why mix the special combat brigades with other units? Because once the units in front completed the parade, they would pick up their weapons and gear and walk out of the base gate.

Walking out the base gate meant the front line.

The parade ends and the war begins.

Of those who depart, how many will return?

Of those who fight, how many will live?

The units at the front had already departed, while those behind were still receiving their equipment. Gao Yuan retracted the flagstaff, removed the brigade flag, and tucked it into his jacket pocket.

He queued up, reached the equipment distribution point, but Gao Yuan didn't need to collect equipment here, as his gear was arranged separately.

Xinghe was already waiting for Gao Yuan, wearing a baggy camouflage outfit, probably with her body-hugging clothes underneath, but her hair had turned black and was cut short. Aside from appearing somewhat tall, Xinghe didn't have anything particularly distinctive about her.

Standing beside Xinghe were eight exceptionally unusual individuals. What made them so unique? They were the kind that specifically protected Li Wen, the legendary imperial bodyguards.

The troops assembled and departed in an orderly fashion, one squad after another leaving through the base gate.

Gao Yuan walked up to Xinghe, surrounded by the eight imperial bodyguards, and then, escorted by several individuals, he stepped out of the base gate.

The spring breeze was gentle, the moon hung high.

A light rain had just fallen, the air was moist and fresh.

Outside the base, spring was vibrant.
