
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 162: Coming out of the Mountains

Translator: 549690339

"You're going out on a mission?"


"What kind of mission?"


After considering seriously for a moment, Gao Yuan decided to tell the truth.

"I need to retrieve nuclear materials from the city for controlled nuclear fusion."

Xinghe frowned, then nodded and said, "To the city, huh?"


"That's very dangerous, does it have to be you who goes?"

"Yes, it has to be me, no one else will do."

Xinghe took a deep breath, then suddenly asked, "Will it be very dangerous?"

He had already mentioned it was dangerous, but now saying it again, Gao Yuan thought for a moment and said, "Actually, it's not that dangerous, and if it is, I can run away."

Xinghe considered for a moment and then asked, "When will you go?"



"In fact, I'm about to depart right away."

With a helpless smile at Xinghe, Gao Yuan whispered, "Actually, I just came to tell you, I've been preparing for several days now, and all the preparations are complete, it's time for me to leave."

Gao Yuan was afraid Xinghe would stop him from going. If Xinghe firmly insisted he must not go, perhaps he really wouldn't be able to leave.

However, Xinghe did not seem intent on stopping Gao Yuan.

"Hmm, return early."

It seemed she did not offer the expected entreaty; with Xinghe, you never quite knew what she was really thinking.

"Alright, then I'm off."

Gao Yuan didn't fully understand, but until he left, Xinghe did not say anything else.

After coming out, Shi Lei was already waiting outside, visibly nervous.

"How is it?"

"Nothing much, just that I'm leaving, we can depart immediately."

Shi Lei exhaled softly, then nodded and said, "As long as you can go, that's good. Hmm, I'll report this, and then we'll set off."

It wasn't just Gao Yuan who was worried about Xinghe letting him go. In fact, anyone who knew what Gao Yuan was up to would feel somewhat uneasy. Those qualified to be in on this secret mission had to be of a certain rank, and those of a certain rank also knew of Xinghe's indescribable attitude towards Gao Yuan.

But now, many could breathe a sigh of relief.

A squad of special combat troops was already waiting on the train.

No one saw them off, nor were there any ceremonies. The entire operation was as low-key as if it had no bearing on the future of humanity.

But that wasn't the case, for whether or not they could retrieve the nuclear materials would determine the possibility of achieving controlled nuclear fusion, and anyone could understand the importance of that just from the name.

The high-speed train rushed through the dark tunnel with no lights, and Gao Yuan did not know why this part of the tunnel was unlit, but after forty-five minutes, the train finally began to slow down.

Lights started to appear in the tunnel, and then a rather rudimentary platform came into view.

After disembarking from the train with Shi Lei, Gao Yuan realized that Li Wen was already waiting there.

There was no send-off ceremony, it was arranged right here.

Shi Lei saluted, and then loudly reported, "Reporting to the supreme commander, the special operations team is ready to proceed. Awaiting your instructions."

"Hard work, comrades. I hope you complete the mission successfully. Be careful, and I will wait here for your good news."

After finishing, Li Wen looked at Gao Yuan and again said, "If you think the mission is impossible to complete, do not force it, but ensure your safety above all."

"Yes, ensuring mission completion!"

After Shi Lei saluted once more, Li Wen nodded, then turned to Gao Yuan and said, "Xiao Gao, be sure to be careful. If we fail this time, we can try again with other methods, but we cannot afford accidents."

"Yes, thank you for your concern, Commander. We will surely complete the mission."

Li Wen nodded, then stepped aside. That's when General Luo stepped forward and said, "No need for more words, we wait for your good news. Depart."

Shi Lei saluted, then led the way under someone's guidance, waving his hand, "Board the train."

Taking the train from Base 10 to a base whose name he did not know, Gao Yuan and his team still had some distance to cover to reach the outside, so they had to switch to battery-powered cars.

Moving along the special passage in the new base, Gao Yuan could clearly feel something different here.

The biggest difference was that the corridors of this base seemed old; they were definitely not newly built.

Gao Yuan had gone through two days of specialized training, with the most crucial part being learning to read military maps.

To execute a mission, one must first know where they are and where they need to go. Knowing they would emerge in the mountains west of Ji City, Gao Yuan could infer that he was at the supreme headquarters, Base One.

Walking along a corridor for quite some time, Gao Yuan and his team finally arrived at what was obviously an exit, as many soldiers were on duty there.

All members got off the vehicle and formed two columns, marching toward the imposing iron doors.

The soldiers standing on either side of the door solemnly raised their right hands, saluting the team of Gao Yuan and his comrades who were about to go on a mission.

Shi Lei, at the forefront, silently returned each salute.

The iron door slowly opened. Gao Yuan and his team were now between the two iron doors; as the first door closed, the second door began to open.

There was a distance of about thirty meters between the iron door and the cave entrance, but with the outermost door open, the bright cave entrance was now visible.

Gao Yuan found the light at the entrance to be somewhat dazzling and squinted involuntarily.

Thirty-five people walked out of the cave in silence.

Gao Yuan couldn't remember the last time he had seen the sun.

He glanced briefly at the sun before quickly lowering his head, and that's when Gao Yuan noticed the green sprouts on the ground.

It was already spring outside.

Gao Yuan looked around. He was in the mountains, surrounded by dense forests. Although the leaves had not yet sprouted, the green buds on some trees were visible.

Gao Yuan took a deep breath.

After being in the underground base for so long, the world outside seemed incredibly beautiful.

But this was not a leisurely stroll to enjoy spring, this was a mission.

Shi Lei also looked around and then said in a low voice, "First squad, advance reconnaissance. Report any enemy contact promptly, and no matter what happens, do not fire. Move out."

Eight people split off from the group, maintaining a certain distance. Two of them walked on a small asphalt road while the remaining six moved through the forests flanking the road.

Gao Yuan followed the team as they advanced quickly and silently,

The first step was to get out of the mountains.