
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 158: No Comment

Translator: 549690339


"You'll stay with me, right?"

While interacting with Earthlings, Xinghe had become more precise at controlling her expressions, but Gao Yuan noticed for the first time that an anticipative look appeared on Xinghe's face.

Without hesitation, Gao Yuan simply said, "Of course, no matter where you want to go, I will definitely stay by your side and protect you."

Xinghe smiled, and at this moment, it is necessary to use 'she' instead of 'he,' because when she smiled, Xinghe finally revealed her true gender.

Gao Yuan felt a bit panicked, his heart skipped a few beats.

It must be an illusion, Xinghe couldn't possibly be this beautiful.

However, Xinghe did seem a bit shorter, and her figure wasn't as slim, slightly more voluptuous.

"You got shorter?"

"Yes, I am now 189.3 centimeters tall."

Gao Yuan took a deep breath, relieved that even though it wasn't much different from six feet two inches, she was finally below that height.

Xinghe looked at Gao Yuan again, then with an eager expression she said, "So, you mean you will join me in the search for the med-pod and for that lost spaceship, right?"

Gao Yuan wanted to say that even if he didn't want to accompany her he would have to, but how could he say such a thing so easily.

"Haven't I said it already? No matter where you go, I will be there with you."

Xinghe shook her head, saying, "I want a clear answer."

"I will join you in search of the med-pod, wherever you go I will follow."

Xinghe's eyes met Gao Yuan's, causing him to feel slightly uneasy. After a moment of eye contact, Xinghe suddenly said, "And then?"

"And then? What do you mean by then? There's nothing more."

"There is, you just said it a moment ago, have you forgotten already?"

After thinking for a while, Gao Yuan had a sudden realization, saying, "Oh, I will protect you!"

Xinghe finally smiled contentedly and then she smiled and said, "Well, let's go eat then. I want to eat donkey meat, I like donkeys so much, I love donkeys."

Gao Yuan seriously corrected her, "You meant to say donkey meat fire bread."

"Okay, I love donkey meat fire bread."

Gao Yuan exhaled and said, "You can eat whatever you like, but you'll have to eat this meal on your own. I need to make some things."

"What things?"



"Yeah, some weapons suitable for me to use. There's something I need to take care of, and I have to make these weapons as soon as possible."

Xinghe seemed a bit disappointed, her eyes silently fixating on Gao Yuan with a somewhat pitiful look.

Gao Yuan subconsciously glanced around, mainly to avoid Xinghe's gaze.

Xinghe took two steps forward, standing right in front of Gao Yuan again, and continued to look at him with those pitiful eyes. Gao Yuan lowered his head and said, "It won't take long. Just have a meal on your own, okay?"

"Alright, then come back soon, I'll be waiting for you."


Gao Yuan nodded, then he left Xinghe's residence as if fleeing.

When Gao Yuan came out, Shi Lei, who could only wait outside, asked with a face full of anticipation, "Is it done?"

"It's done. Let's go take care of the matter I mentioned and get the blade and everything made."

Shi Lei nodded, then he said with a grave voice, "I've reported this matter up the chain. Base 10 is a purely military base without industrial production capabilities. To make cold weapons, we have to rely on Base No. 12, where there are complete raw material reserves and processing equipment."

Gao Yuan was taken aback and said, "It isn't Luo Corporation's precision machinery processing, is it?"

Shi Lei smiled, appearing to have done his background check on Gao Yuan as well.

"That's right, it's your future father-in-law's factory."

Gao Yuan chuckled, "Then that's great, let's head to Base No. 12. It's also time for me to take a trip there."

Curiosity tinged Shi Lei's voice as he asked, "You're going to design the blade for your own use, have you come up with the design yet?"

"Of course, I've had the design in mind for a long time. Basically, there's no need for trial production, I'm confident about it."

With his rich experience and extreme confidence in blade making, there were few who could know as clearly as Gao Yuan what they needed.

The quality of a blade cannot be judged by one or two standards. For example, sharpness—many believe that an extremely sharp blade signifies a good one, which isn't wrong. But the premise is to consider the purpose of the blade.

Being able to slice through hair with ease is a sign of sharpness, yet few blades can be honed to such a degree. The most common razors and shaving blades are examples of sharp blades, but no one would sharpen a bayonet to the point where it could shave, because extreme sharpness means that the cutting edge has to be very thin, and it must be thin to be sharp.

As a matter of fact, military bayonets are quite blunt, not associated with being sharp at all. Why? Because bayonets must first ensure strength, and when it comes to chopping or stabbing with great force, the sharpness of the blade becomes less important.

The famed tri-edged military spike is like a screwdriver, but who doesn't know that being pierced by a tri-edged spike usually results in death?

If it's about cold weapons from ancient warfare, they won't be very sharp either.

Is it possible to make a blade that slices through iron as if it were mud?

It's possible, but only on the premise that the cutting angle of the blade is quite large.

So, is a blade that cuts iron as if it were mud a good blade?

It depends on the situation. If you use a blade that can slice through iron like mud to cut meat, you'll be frustrated to death.

Because in reality, the blades that truly can slice through iron like mud are lathe tools.

As for those precious blades in novels or movies that are unimaginably sharp and can slice through iron like mud while shaving beards and cutting through an opponent's weapon without a scratch, I regret to say, they don't exist in the real world.

Gao Yuan wasn't skillful with a blade, but he was definitely skilled at making them. With his technology and level, he could have been a legendary craftsman in ancient times; in the present day, he was just an ordinary bladesmith, but still able to earn his keep through his craftsmanship.

So of course, Gao Yuan could make a good blade for himself, and this good blade was defined as being suitable for his use, more so than any high-tech manufactured blade, and in this, Gao Yuan had absolute confidence.

They arrived at Base No. 12. Even though it involved using Luo Xingyu's father's assets, it was still Shi Lei who took the lead, rather than letting Gao Yuan discuss it with Luo Guodong.

Because helping Gao Yuan forge a handy weapon was Shi Lei's current mission, and since it was his mission, he definitely had to be the one to handle it.

"Hello, my name is Shi Lei, here's my ID. I need to forge a weapon, here's my ID, these are the documents authorizing the manufacture of weapons."

To manufacture any weapon within the base required approval, and of course, Shi Lei had brought the necessary authorization.

Luo Guodong accepted the documents from Shi Lei with a bit of embarrassment, but he did not take Shi Lei's military ID.

After receiving the documents, Luo Guodong looked at Gao Yuan with some embarrassment and said, "I was notified someone would be coming to make a weapon, and it sounded urgent. So I've been waiting here, just that I didn't expect it to be you… Had I known, I would've called Xiaoyu over. What are you making a blade for?"

Before Gao Yuan could reply, Shi Lei, with a stern face, interjected, "Military secret, I cannot divulge."