
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 156: Pluto Project

Translator: 549690339

When Li Wen mentioned contacting Poseidon, Gao Yuan knew something significant must have happened.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't listen to what you shouldn't hear," Gao Yuan was well aware of this, so he had no intention of listening to what Li Wen would say next.

Of course, Li Wen wouldn't say much, because he just needed to issue the next order, the execution of which would naturally be taken care of by specialists.

But just because Gao Yuan didn't want to ask or listen didn't mean Xinghe didn't want to know.

"What is Poseidon?"

With this question from Xinghe, the atmosphere suddenly became somewhat delicate, but Li Wen didn't hesitate much and directly said, "Poseidon is one of our spies. He orchestrated everything about the Revelation and the Ark of the Covenant. The fact that we have the Revelation is also due to him seizing it from a secret organization."

Xinghe nodded and said, "I see, so why contact him?"

Li Wen said solemnly, "To continue the search for the Ark of the Covenant, which is the medical pod."

Understanding what Li Wen and the others were talking about was easy for Xinghe with his intelligence. After pondering for a moment, he curiously said, "You want this spy to steal the medical pod?"

Li Wen nodded.

"So, Poseidon is here then?"

"No, he is in Europa, but he should be in Africa now."

"Is remote communication needed?"

Without any hesitation, Li Wen said, "Yes, we must activate a secret weapon that has always been hidden for communication, or else we can't get in touch with Poseidon."

After thinking for a while, Xinghe said, "I want to know how you communicate."

Li Wen immediately stood up and said, "To the combat command center."

The combat command center housed the most comprehensive communication equipment in Shenzhou at present, and the purpose of Supreme Command was evident in the combat command center.

The combat command center was now used for the first time. It wasn't considered operational just because people were sitting inside for meetings; to be truly operational, the real functionality of the combat command center had to be utilized.

The large screens of the combat command room were activated, and many computers were switched on, though Gao Yuan had no idea what those computers and the soldiers sitting in front of them were responsible for.

When Li Wen talked about activating many plans, Gao Yuan knew something important had happened. He thanked Xinghe, for otherwise, he would never have witnessed such a sight in his lifetime.

Li Wen sat down without speaking or moving. The general who had been following him spoke in a low voice with a few people and then approached Li Wen, whispering, "Commander, we need to wait a moment."

"Wait for what?"

"Someone specifically handles communication with Poseidon; we must wait for him to arrive."

"Okay, let's wait for a while then. Do we need to start up the satellite first?"

"We can't. To avoid the Serpent People detecting and destroying our satellite, let's activate the satellite only when we're communicating."

Li Wen nodded and said, "Alright, we will wait some more."

Xinghe, looking curious, said, "What satellite?"

Li Wen turned his head and, smiling at Xinghe, said, "Quantum communication satellite, crafted based on the principles of quantum entanglement. For humans, this is the most advanced communication satellite. But I acknowledge that for you, it might not be so advanced."

Xinghe thought it over. Now, without the help of his mecha, he couldn't possibly be as familiar with professional terminology as before, but after a brief contemplation, he still nodded and said, "I understand. Quantum communication, yes. You've progressed to this step. This technology is outdated for us, and I'm not familiar with it."

Sitting aside, Gao Yuan listened and felt excited. Quantum communication satellites, eh? Weren't there only experimental ones? But now, it seemed, it wasn't just about an experimental satellite.

After ten minutes, a middle-aged man was led into the combat command center. He first saluted Li Wen, and then the general responsible for intelligence work immediately said, "We have detected the location of the Ark. We have decided to initiate the Pluto Operation!"

The middle-aged man was slightly startled, then visibly excited, he whispered, "Is the location precise?"

"Very precise!"

"Where is it?"

"In Africa State."

After glancing at Gao Yuan and Xinghe, the middle-aged man who had come in seemed a bit hesitant, but Li Wen gestured and said, "Let me introduce you. This is Xinghe, our alien friend, and this is Gao Yuan, a friend of Xinghe and a first-class contributor, a seed of the Fierce Tiger Brigade."

Li Wen's words meant there was no need for secrecy anymore, and one could speak openly.

After briefly introducing Xinghe and Gao Yuan, Li Wen then pointed to the middle-aged man in his fifties or sixties and said, "This is Sun Ping, the person in charge of the Pluto operation. He has been overseeing the search for the Ark of the Covenant, which is the medical pod. By the way, Revelation, which is the communicator, was also retrieved thanks to Comrade Sun Ping."

After the introductions, Li Wen said to Sun Ping, "Begin."

Someone passed a piece of paper to Sun Ping, who glanced at it, nodded, and said, "This coordinate is indeed in the region controlled by the Sanitation Workers. The Graycloaks and Sanitation Workers have joined forces."

"What do you suggest we do with your judgment?"

After thinking for a moment, Sun Ping replied, "If the Graycloaks and Sanitation Workers have joined forces, then the Water Organization will not be able to secure the Ark on their own. We must be prepared for that, but we still have to notify Poseidon. He has been searching for the Ark for years and has the most experience and means. As long as he knows where it is, he will find a way to get it. Compared to us, I believe Poseidon has a greater advantage."

Li Wen nodded and said, "That's also our assessment. So should we contact Poseidon now, or wait until we are more prepared? You can make that decision. But there is one issue. Do you think... is Poseidon still alive?"

Without any hesitation, Sun Ping answered, "Poseidon was vaccinated, and in our last communication before the catastrophe, he clearly stated he was heading to Africa State. He had predicted the alliance of the Graycloaks and Sanitation Workers long ago; therefore, I believe he is not only alive but also still searching for the Ark."

Li Wen let out a sigh of relief and said, "Then you believe it's worth exposing a satellite."

"Worth it! Commander, I have a suggestion. Since the Graycloaks and Sanitation Workers have merged, relying solely on the strength of the Water Organization is somewhat weak. We should deploy all of our force in Africa State. Since everything now centers on defeating the Aliens, it's time to go all out. We should initiate the Uranus plan and hand over all the forces to Pluto for unified command, to form a joined force!"

Li Wen was pondering, while a general nearby frowned and said, "I have no objections to initiating the Uranus plan, but handing over Uranus to Pluto's command might be... a bit too risky. After all, it's not Pluto we sent out, but Uranus. If there should be a unified command, it ought to be Uranus in command!"

Sun Ping spoke in a grave voice, "I believe that Pluto's actions have already proven his loyalty to our nation. Moreover, Pluto understands the situation regarding the Graycloaks and Sanitation Workers better. In the current circumstances, it's more appropriate for Pluto to take command. If we are to clench our scattered fingers into a fist, then we must let the most suitable brain command the fist."

The general said nothing, but Li Wen sighed and said softly, "All our preparations in Africa have been for retaining a glimmer of hope. Now that we've found a slim chance of victory, let's not hesitate. When the time comes, we should gamble all our forces! Sun Ping is right, since Poseidon can be trusted, we should not hold anything back. I declare the initiation of the Uranus plan! The Uranus operation group will be under unified command by Pluto!"

Sun Ping then nodded, and in a solemn voice, he said, "Well then, we will now commence the combined initiation of Pluto and Uranus plans. I will start contacting Poseidon."

Li Wen waved his hand and said, "Make the contact."

Sun Ping was visibly excited. After glancing at Xinghe again, he took a deep breath and then shouted aloud, "Activate Quantum Communication Satellite Three, open all channels."

A military personnel sitting in front of a computer immediately responded loudly, "Preparing to activate Quantum Communication Satellite Three, countdown begins, five, four, three, two, one, activation command issued!"

"Activation command issued."

"Boot countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Clutching a microphone, Sun Ping appeared very tense, while the operational command room's big screen showed an icon of a satellite and its trajectory.

"Satellite Three's full channels are open, operation is normal, ready for communication."

Once it was confirmed that Satellite Three could still operate normally, Li Wen clenched his fist and swung it down hard, then he let out a long breath.

However, everyone's faces were still tense because activating the satellite was just the first step.

Clutching the microphone, Sun Ping spoke in a rapid but clear voice, "This is Li Fan. I announce the initiation of the Pluto plan, the initiation of the Uranus plan. All recipients of the signal must reply immediately."

Sun Ping released the mic as the operator shouted, "Signal transmission is good. A reply is expected in as few as four seconds. Uranus Channel One is authorized to open. Channel Two is authorized for communication. Pluto channel is authorized!"

Every time an authorization was announced by the operator, a bright spot appeared on the electronic map on screen.

As "authorized by Pluto" was reported, Sun Ping immediately said into the microphone in an urgent tone, "The location of the Ark of the Covenant is confirmed, coordinates as follows... Command: retrieve the Ark of the Covenant at all costs, the Uranus team is to follow Poseidon's command, without error. What's going on?"

Sun Ping's last sentence was trembling; he looked towards the person responsible for activating the satellite.

The person in charge of the satellite turned around, disbelief written all over his face, as he exclaimed, "Communication has been cut off!"

"What happened?"

"Our satellite has been destroyed..."

Upon hearing the satellite was destroyed, Sun Ping seemed to lose all his strength, while Li Wen closed his eyes, emitting a soft, lengthy sigh filled with helplessness.

Swearing under his breath, Sun Ping urgently asked, "When was the satellite destroyed, before or after I reported the coordinates?"

The operator carefully inspected the computer, then he replied loudly, "It was during the time you were reporting the coordinates, just after stating the longitude without stating the latitude."

Li Wen, crestfallen, said, "Only the longitude, only the longitude... but the longitude extends from Europa to Africa, this will mislead Poseidon, what about the latitude, what about the latitude! Time, time..."