
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 150: The Overall Situation Has Been Decided

Translator: 549690339

Life started to become boring and dull.

The boredom stemmed from the certainty that life in the shelter would be dull—limited space and limited activities, and most importantly, Gao Yuan had no skills that could be useful in this base hidden deep under the mountain.

The entire Supreme Command was a large base, but not a shelter. Do you know the difference?

That is, although the Supreme Command had thirteen sub-bases, the purpose of all these bases was not simply to provide survivors with a haven.

These thirteen bases took on roles in scientific research, production, and command, and of course, they had a military function as well. In other words, essentially all of Shenzhou's elite were within this mountainous base.

In this base, soldiers prepared for war. Without a war, they had nothing to do. The workers also had nothing to do for now, although once needed, the thirteen bases of the Supreme Command would kick into full gear and produce all the necessary supplies, as well as everything they were capable of producing. But currently, the stockpiles of supplies were sufficient, and there was no need to start up the machines.

Therefore, the busiest people were the scientists and the decision-makers of Shenzhou.

Gao Yuan was neither a scientist nor a worker. He wanted to consider himself a soldier, but as soon as Li Jingang and Panxin reached the Supreme Command, they rejoined their units and now he couldn't even see them. But what about Gao Yuan? He had neither position nor task.

Gao Yuan could only stay with Xinghe and then, when he had nothing to do, go see Luo Xingyu.

Idle, truly idle, bored to death.

An idle man, without any contribution, yet he still had several guards following him around and lived in the best-conditioned house in the entire Supreme Command.

Actually, Gao Yuan did not have such a high level of consciousness that he would feel ashamed for enjoying privileges he shouldn't have. Not at all. He was quite content with his life now and didn't feel any shame whatsoever.

As Earth's representative, bearing the important task of communicating with the alien representative Xinghe, what was wrong with Gao Yuan enjoying some special treatment?

But it was just so boring.

Xinghe went to communicate with the scientists again, and according to Gao Yuan's experience, these sessions wouldn't be over in a few hours, so he would have at least half a day to himself.

What to do?

Gao Yuan picked up the landline handset and dialed a number. The call was quickly connected, and Luo Xingyu's voice came through.

"Darling, when are you coming to see me?"

Since when had she started calling him "darling"?

Gao Yuan thought about it and realized that it began after a meal with Luo Guodong and Luo Xingyu, when Luo Guodong casually mentioned that Luo Xingyu was still young, after which she started calling him "darling."

The girl was cunning.

Gao Yuan smiled and then spoke softly, "What, missing me?"

"Mmhmm, missing you a lot. Honey, cough cough!"

Luo Xingyu had called him "honey" and then there were loud coughs over the phone, but those were Luo Guodong's coughs.

Luo Xingyu sighed helplessly, "Darling, when are you coming to see me, or can I come to you? I miss you so much, I can't sleep without you holding me, cough cough, cough cough..."

This time the coughs weren't to remind Luo Xingyu, but because Luo Guodong had genuinely choked on water.

Gao Yuan quickly said, "Don't be like this. It makes me so uncomfortable listening to you like this. If you keep stimulating your dad, how can I come to see you?"

"Are you coming over?"

"Yes, if there's nothing on your side, I'll come over. You can't come here; the security level is too high. Not to mention you, even Uncle Xiang is not allowed in. Sigh, I wanted to chat with them, and it's so hard. Never mind that, I should hurry and set off to see you. Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up, Gao Yuan hurriedly walked out.

Now that the state managed his food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, Gao Yuan truly had no worries.

Upon leaving the house, Gao Yuan said to the two guards at the door, "I'm going to Base No. 12."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The guards immediately called for a car, and an electric cart arrived shortly after, then quickly took Gao Yuan outside the independent residential area. Outside the residential area, Song Qian and the others could follow on the cart, and then, a special train took Gao Yuan to Base No. 12.

People were on hand to serve Gao Yuan, striving to fulfill all his requests around the clock, and then, he could use the high-speed trains in the highest-level military base as he pleased. How cool was that life?

Cool, but also not cool, because Gao Yuan felt like he was living in a prison. Only, it was the highest-class prison, and also the most privileged one.

But even the best prison was still a prison.

After getting off the train, Gao Yuan himself carried two large bags, filled with all kinds of ingredients.

Gao Yuan could also openly abuse his position for personal gain. Any request he made, as long as he said Xinghe wanted it, the base had to go out of its way to procure it, and then he would deliver it to Luo Xingyu.

But no one had ever objected to Gao Yuan's actions, so he did it with a clear conscience.

As for Song Qian and the other soldier, they were guards, not attendants. Their duty was to protect Gao Yuan, not to serve him, so Gao Yuan had to carry everything himself, and Song Qian who followed at his side would not offer to help carry anything.

At most, they would help Gao Yuan open a door or knock on one.

"Uncle Luo, Xiaoyu, I'm here."

Luo Xingyu opened the door from inside and then gave Gao Yuan a big hug, kissing him twice on the face with a smack.

This isn't right. Although Luo Xingyu was always happy to see Gao Yuan, she wouldn't normally make such an intimate gesture in front of her dad.

There must be a demon when things go awry. When Gao Yuan looked inside, sure enough, there were two other people besides Luo Guodong.

One middle-aged man and a young man who appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties.

The young man was looking at Gao Yuan with eyes filled with hatred.

A love rival?

Gao Yuan found it amusing, but he quickly realized that something was off.

What was Luo Guodong implying, saying his daughter was still young, but then giving other young men opportunities?

Gao Yuan wasn't in a hurry, though, because he wanted to see what was really going on. Many things in this world are feared simply because of assumptions; often, what you see isn't necessarily the truth.

"Xiao Yuan is here, why did you bring so much stuff? Come, put it here, let me introduce you. This is Zhang Delin, my friend, and a long-time business partner. Just call him Uncle Zhang, and this is your Uncle Zhang's son, Zhang Zixing."

After the introduction, Luo Guodong smiled at the middle-aged man, "This is Gao Yuan. You finally get to meet him today. Oh, have a seat and let's talk."

Gao Yuan smiled at Zhang Delin, "Uncle Zhang, hello, good to see you."

Zhang Zixing gave Gao Yuan a forced smile, his hostility barely concealed.

Zhang Delin smiled at Gao Yuan and said, "Xiao Gao is indeed quite the talent. I've heard all about you and Xiaoyu from Luo. We owe you a lot, and as an uncle, I should thank you as well."

Meanwhile, Zhang Zixing said to Gao Yuan rather grudgingly, "Hello."

After greeting Gao Yuan, Zhang Zixing immediately turned to Luo Xingyu, "Xiaoyu, I have a gaming console; we can play together. Or I can bring it over to you."

Luo Guodong remained impassive, turning to Gao Yuan to say, "What have you brought, Xiao Yuan? I've told your Uncle Zhang you always bring the finest goods. You're bound to delight his palate today. He especially loves Pu'er tea. Did you manage to find any?"

"Oh, indeed, I did bring Pu'er tea. Have you boiled the water, Uncle Luo?"

A simple conversation, but Gao Yuan already understood what was happening.

Luo Guodong always had complicated feelings towards him, was always polite, but never treated Gao Yuan like family. Now, however, it was clear that Luo was treating Gao Yuan like his own child.

Zhang Zixing was still watching Luo Xingyu, as if trying to use the gaming console to restore the possibly close relationship they had before.

Luo Xingyu glanced at Zhang Zixing and then said nonchalantly, "A gaming console? Oh, I don't play with those, too childish."

After speaking, Luo Xingyu leaned on Gao Yuan's arm, looking upset, and pouted, "I've been unhappy these few days, and you didn't visit me. It made me lose sleep every night. I've told you, I can't sleep without you."

Luo Guodong choked as if drowning, coughed twice, and then helplessly said to Zhang Delin, "Kids these days, really, sigh, this is too much. Xiaoyu is still too young. I was thinking they could marry in a couple of years. They should at least wait until they are 26 or 27. But you can't keep a grown daughter at home."

Zhang Delin laughed and said, "Times have changed, Luo. If you ask me, with Xiao Gao as a talented man, who has been through thick and thin with Xiaoyu, you should be overjoyed with such a son-in-law. Why micromanage the young people's affairs?"

Alright, it seems everything has been settled.

Gao Yuan felt as if he could hear the sound of a heart breaking. Sure enough, looking at Zhang Zixing, his disappointment was as evident as if even a blind man could smell it.

Of course, it was just disappointment. A young man in his twenties admiring a well-bred beauty like Luo Xingyu was normal. Sadly, he'd lost all hope before he had even begun.

Gao Yuan took a seat and said, "I've brought half a side of lamb, sesame paste, tofu, bean sprouts, and some vermicelli, among other things. I think there's enough to make a hot pot. There's plenty of meat, and oh, here's the Pu'er tea and some coffee. Do you smoke? I also brought two packs of cigarettes, and, well, two bags of sugar."

After taking out the tea and coffee, Gao Yuan said to Luo Xingyu, "Put the stuff down. I had an induction cooker and a pot sent over; we'll have hot pot later."

Zhang Zixing asked, visibly surprised, "Where did you get all this stuff?"

Gao Yuan smiled without answering. Just then, a knock on the door sounded, and without waiting for someone to answer it, Song Qian pushed it open.

"The chief wants to see you. Knowing you came here, he inquired when you can return."

Gao Yuan replied absent-mindedly, "Tell him I'll come back after I've eaten... no, say I'll return once I've finished my business."

Song Qian whispered something in Gao Yuan's ear.

Gao Yuan was taken aback.

He had thought it was Xinghe looking for him, but it turned out to be Li Wen.

Gao Yuan sighed regretfully and said to Luo Xingyu, "Sorry, I have to leave again. You guys go ahead and eat. We can do it next time."

"Why do you always leave when it's time to eat…"

It was impossible for Luo Xingyu to be happy; she was so annoyed she was nearly in tears. But all she could do was say pathetically, "Then come earlier next time, don't keep me waiting."

Gao Yuan nodded, hugged Luo Xingyu tightly, and then for the first time, plucked up the courage to kiss Luo Xingyu on the cheek in front of Luo Guodong.

Then, he apologized to Luo Guodong, "I'm sorry, Uncle Luo, I need to leave first. Uncle Zhang, Zixing, please stay and eat; we'll talk next time."

After that, Gao Yuan quickly followed Song Qian out the door.

As Luo Guodong's party saw him off, and Gao Yuan waved goodbye to Luo Xingyu from afar after hopping on the electric bike at the door, Zhang Delin suddenly said, "Luo, I always thought you were lucky. Look at Xiaoyu's boyfriend; he's really no ordinary person. Now, you really don't have anything to worry about. I must congratulate you, Luo."

Luo Guodong sighed softly, "Sigh, I don't ask for my children to be very successful; I just want them to be safe. These days... well, let's go, Old Zhang. Although Gao Yuan isn't here, it is indeed his treat. When was the last time we had mutton? Let's enjoy it to our heart's content today."