
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 148 Notification

Translator: 549690339

After finishing the meal, Xinghe had devoured six donkey meat buns.

As for Gao Yuan, it was no longer about how much he could eat, but how much he wanted to eat.

The donkey meat buns were really delicious, and Gao Yuan really wanted to eat them. In the end, he ate half a donkey, which was dozens of pounds of meat.

The only reason Gao Yuan left some behind wasn't that he couldn't eat any more, but that he felt he shouldn't eat too much at once, always leave some for others, besides, he wasn't hungry now.

You see, he wasn't hungry at all. He simply wanted to taste it, and ended up eating half a donkey in one meal.

After the meal, Gao Yuan left with Xinghe, but then Xinghe went to see some scientists, and Gao Yuan went to find Xiang Weiguo.

Gao Yuan was still very sleepy. He thought that since there was nothing to do, he might as well find a place to catch up on some sleep. Going back to where Xinghe had just stayed was out of the question for him, so the most natural choice was to look for Xiang Weiguo and Yu Shunzhou.

Living conditions were tight. Xiang Weiguo enjoyed the privilege of a private dormitory, while Yu Shunzhou and Nie Erlong had to share a room. However, they were both temporarily enjoying officer treatment.

"Come on, donkey meat buns, still hot from the oven, twenty of them, that should be enough for the five of you, right?"

After placing the donkey meat buns on the table in Xiang Weiguo's room, Gao Yuan sat down contently and said, "Got lucky riding Xinghe's coattails. Now he gets whatever he wants to eat. Later, whatever I want to eat, I'll just get him to want it too. Hehe, I'm in for a treat."

"There's only three of us, why are you saying five people? And who else is coming over? Li Jingang and Panxin can't make it."

Yu Shunzhou curiously asked, then picked up a bun and took a big bite, exclaiming loudly, "Man, this is delicious, so good."

Gao Yuan didn't answer Yu Shunzhou's question and called out, "Song Qian, Song Qian, come in."

Song Qian and a soldier named Ma Shan entered the room, and then he asked in a serious tone, "Squad leader, what's up?"

Gao Yuan pointed at the donkey meat buns on the table and said, "Freshly baked donkey meat buns, eat them quickly before they cool down and lose their taste."

Song Qian hesitated then promptly said, "We have already eaten, and we can't eat during a mission."

Gao Yuan laughed and replied, "Oh come on, just eat. How long has it been since you've had a donkey meat bun? Don't miss the chance, after this village, there won't be this shop."

Song Qian hesitated again and said, "We really can't eat."

Xiang Weiguo picked up two donkey meat buns and stuffed them into the hands of Song Qian and the other soldier, "Eat, that's an order."

"Yes, sir."

Song Qian wasn't overly rigid. He couldn't eat due to the rules, but with the superior's orders, there was no room for politeness.

Yu Shunzhou looked at the hesitant Nie Erlong and said, "What are you waiting for, eat. What's with the courtesy?"

Nie Erlong smiled and picked up a donkey meat bun, remarking wistfully, "Didn't think I'd get to eat this again."

Yu Shunzhou took a second bun and turned to Gao Yuan, "These two are...?"

Gao Yuan smiled and explained, "They're here to protect me. Still riding Xinghe's coattails. He's important, which, by association, makes me important too. Pretty crazy situation, isn't it?"

Yu Shunzhou said enviously, "Those long legs, tsk tsk, that's good luck for you. Look at you, all worried and frowning. If it were me, I'd be over the moon. But speaking of which, why did Xinghe take a fancy to you? Look at me, aren't I much handsomer than you?"

Before Gao Yuan could reply, Song Qian interjected quietly, "Let's talk less of that in the future, and keep such jokes to a minimum."

Song Qian put down his donkey meat bun and said, "Yeah, I know you guys are friends and you can say anything, but please, don't say such things in front of others. Like me..."

With a resigned smile, Song Qian said in a low voice, "I just know Gao Yuan is important and has a special status, but I don't know the specifics. As for him," he pointed to the nearby soldier, "he has no clue."

Continuing, Song Qian added, "But now, after what you just said, we all know..."

Yu Shunzhou replied nonchalantly, "So what if you know? What difference does it make?"

Song Qian said quietly, "Now that we know, it can cause trouble. When we return, we might not be able to carry on with our missions normally. It's going to be problematic since we've come into contact with classified information. There'll be plenty of issues from here on out."

Gao Yuan was startled and said, "It can't be that serious, can it?"

"How could it not be serious? Luckily you didn't say too much, or we would have to seriously study the confidentiality regulations and then be reassigned, forbidden from any further contact with the outside world."

Gao Yuan took a deep breath and said, "Then I'll never mention it again, hmm, I'll never talk about it in front of you guys again."

The atmosphere seemed to become slightly awkward. Yu Shunzhou thought for a moment and then asked, "How did Xiaoyu manage to let you go?

"She's over at her dad's."

"Right, you met your father-in-law, how did it feel?"

"I didn't feel much, I was called away shortly after I got there."

Gao Yuan stood up and said to Xiang Weiguo, "Uncle Xiang, I'm going to borrow your place to sleep for a bit; I'm still drowsy. You can't really tell day from night here; you sleep whenever you feel tired."

"Hmm, go ahead and sleep, we'll keep it down."

Song Qian immediately said, "Squad leader Gao, do you want me to report to the local commanders so they can arrange a place for you to rest?"

"No need, no need. In a bit... never mind, just no need."

It's better not to say too much and put people at risk, but Gao Yuan definitely didn't need another rest room arranged for him, because before long, Xinghe would surely be looking for him again.

Just as Gao Yuan lay down, he hadn't even closed his eyes when he heard someone outside shouting, "Reporting in!"

Song Qian and his soldiers quickly placed the donkey meat buns onto the table.

Only after Xiang Weiguo and the others wiped their mouths did he say loudly, "Come in."

A soldier pushed open the door, first saluted, and then shouted, "Reporting to the Commander, I'm here to summon Comrade Gao Yuan to the meeting room."

Gao Yuan, who had just lain down, had to sit up again and asked, "Do you know what it's about? Never mind, you don't have to say. I'll go straight there."

He had thought it was Xinghe summoning him again, but once Gao Yuan arrived at the meeting room, he found out it wasn't Xinghe who was looking for him, but Li Wen.

The room was full of generals; upon entering the meeting room, Gao Yuan's first thought was whether he should salute or not.

After thinking it over, Gao Yuan still saluted; since he insisted he was a soldier of Da Hong Third Company, it was natural for him to salute.

"Hello, Commanders!"

To Gao Yuan's surprise, the dozen or so generals in the meeting room all saluted back, and not only did they salute, but they stood up to do so.

Li Wen waved Gao Yuan over and said, "Xiao Gao, I have something to tell you. Come, please have a seat and we'll talk."

Gao Yuan truly didn't dare to sit; in the presence of these people, where could there possibly be a seat for him?

Seeing Gao Yuan looking somewhat at a loss, Li Wen chuckled and said, "If I tell you to sit, you sit. The contribution you've made to humanity is more than enough to earn you a seat."

Gao Yuan finally sat down, now puzzled by one thing: what exactly had he done to contribute to humanity?

Was it just because he had an inexplicable relationship with Xinghe?

Once Gao Yuan was seated, Li Wen slowly said, "We've discussed and unanimously decided to hold a ceremony to commend the defensive forces of Shimen Shelter No.2 and No.1. You will represent Brigade 33258."

Gao Yuan was taken aback, then stood up and instinctively said, "Thank you, this is really wonderful, too wonderful."

After repeating himself, Gao Yuan came to his senses, saluted once more, then trembled as he said, "As the representative of Brigade 33258, does that mean... we won't be disbanded?"

Li Wen nodded and said, "Yes, you're correct. During the ceremony, we will announce the commendation of all the officers and soldiers represented by Comrade Wang Hu, but we will not announce the dissolution of Brigade 33258's organization. That means Brigade 33258 remains active."

Tears finally betrayed Gao Yuan as they streamed down his face, and then he said softly, "Thank you, I don't know what else to say, thank you."

"The commendation will be reported to the entire military; the ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow morning at nine. You will receive the medal on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of Shimen Shelter No.2, so be prepared," Li Wen instructed.

Gao Yuan nodded subconsciously, but immediately stood at attention, saluted, and said loudly, "Yes, sir! I will fulfill the mission!"