
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 143: Assist

Translator: 549690339

Embarrassing, extremely embarrassing.

What could be more mortifying than getting your own daughter's age wrong, especially on such a significant day of reunion?

Luo Guodong really felt like he had nowhere to hide.

Xu Manzhi and Luo Guodong were quite familiar with each other, after all, as the richest man in the area, this was no longer just about being wealthy, and Luo Guodong had indeed made significant contributions.

Xu Manzhi had just indirectly assisted Gao Yuan, and now it was only right that he help his old acquaintance Luo Guodong out of a jam.

"Old Luo, you're just so happy that you got confused. You even got your own daughter's age wrong," he said with a chuckle.

After saying this with a laugh, Xu Manzhi turned to Luo Xingyu and said, "There are some things I need to tell you now. When disaster struck, your dad was frantic, wanting to personally go and fetch you and your mother. It was I who stopped him. What use would he have been on his own, other than to go and die? Isn't that right?"

Luo Xingyu nodded.

Xu Manzhi sighed and continued, "And then, we didn't hear from you and your mother; your dad here was worried sick. After a few days, when things had stabilized a bit, I sent out scouts to check the situation and make contact with Shimen Shelter No.2. They went out of their way to look for your mother's car, and they actually found it, but..."

Luo Xingyu's expression turned grim again, and Luo Guodong grabbed her arms and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Dad, don't be like that…"

Xu Manzhi let out a sigh, "At the time, when we couldn't find you, we all thought you couldn't have survived. Your dad refused to give up, insisting on going out to find you, which I prevented. Now that I think about it, I owe you both an apology. If you had gone out to look, maybe you could have reunited sooner."

Luo Guodong managed a difficult smile and said, "No, no, don't say that."

Xu Manzhi continued, "Seeing you and your daughter reunited now, I am truly happy for you. This is the time to be happy. Let's not talk about sad things anymore. And about Xiaoyu and Xiao Gao, I'd say there's no need to rush. Why are you in such a hurry to talk about this now? Old Luo, don't take this the wrong way, but when your daughter grows up, don't stand in the way of her pursuits. Besides, Xiao Gao is a good kid. Xiaoyu, don't rush your dad into making a statement. What's the hurry? There's plenty of time ahead, right? Your dad has only just seen you; he can't handle all this at once. Hey, when my own daughter got married... I shed tears too. Isn't it... Isn't it because your dad loves you?"

Mid-sentence, Xu Manzhi himself began to get sentimental, and then he waved his hand, saying, "Well, you two enjoy your reunion for now. To be honest, there aren't many who get the chance to reunite like you have, not many."

In a low voice, Luo Guodong said, "You... sigh."

Well, it looked like one could guess what had happened. At this point, Gao Yuan said in a low voice, "Xiaoyu and I talked on the radio, and many shelters know about her now. Didn't you hear it here?"

Xu Manzhi was taken aback and asked, "What? What broadcast?"

"The broadcast on New Year's Eve. We contacted many shelters with a shortwave radio. Doesn't this place have one?"

Xu Manzhi said, "Of course we have a radio, but there was no need to use it. We completely cut off wireless contact with the outside world for fear of the aliens discovering this underground shelter. This is our core, most confidential, and most important location, so we must isolate ourselves from all unnecessary contacts."

Gao Yuan deftly changed the topic, his face feigning surprise, "No wonder, If you had been in regular contact with the outside world using shortwave radio, Uncle Luo would have been able to contact Xiaoyu much sooner."

Xu Manzhi nodded, then stood up and said, "I have a lot of work to do and can't stay to chat with you. You take your time. I'll take my leave. Xiao Gao, when you can go to Base 10, let me know, and I'll arrange for transportation, or I'll accompany you."

Gao Yuan also stood up and said, "Where can I find you?"

"Oh, I'll leave a guard with you. If there's anything you need, just tell him to handle it. Be sure to stay safe, and you understand the confidentiality rules, right?"

"Understood, understood."

"Alright then, I'll be off first. You two have a good chat."

Xu Manzhi left, and after he left, Gao Yuan felt even more uncomfortable.

At this moment, Luo Guodong's entire focus was on Luo Xingyu. Once Xu Manzhi had left, he asked Luo Xingyu, "Xiaoyu, are you hungry or thirsty?"

"I'm not hungry. We just had dinner not long ago, and we attended a state banquet no less."

"State banquets aren't that great, too bland and tasteless, but... well, we don't have a chef at home anymore, so we can only eat in the canteen."

That's a tycoon for you, speaking in a different league.

Luo Guodong once again reached out to straighten Luo Xingyu's hair, asking with care, "Then... are you cold? What would you like to do? Do you miss your dad?"

Luo Xingyu hesitated several times before finally saying, "Dad, you're making me feel so awkward..."

Luo Guodong was momentarily taken aback, and Luo Xingyu continued with a look of helplessness, "You still treat me like I'm three years old. Come on, stop it. Uncle Xiang is watching, it's so embarrassing."

Luo Guodong looked at Xiang Weiguo, then laughed helplessly and said, "Originally, you see, I was so busy with work that I actually spent very little time taking care of my child."

Xiang Weiguo nodded and responded, "I understand, I get it, yeah, it's like that for everyone."

Luo Guodong turned to Gao Yuan, nodded his head, and smiled, "Anyway, I truly can't thank you enough, with all my heart. I don't even know what to say, thank you."

Gao Yuan quickly replied, "It's all part of the job, part of the job."

Luo Guodong zoned out for a moment, then said to Luo Xingyu, "Oh, your Uncle Zhang is also here. He would definitely be really happy to know you've come."

"Which Uncle Zhang?"

"Uncle Zhang Chen, the head of our machinery processing subsidiary."

"Oh, him. He's here too, that's good, then you have a familiar face to keep you company."

What may have been just a friendship or even merely a subordinate relationship had become different now; in this post-apocalyptic world, any relationship seemed precious.

So Luo Guodong really wanted to share this good news with his friend.

"Let's go, Mr. Xiang, Xiao Gao, let's head to where I live. The environment here isn't the best. My place is much nicer. Let's go home and rest."

Luo Xingyu asked curiously, "Don't you live here?"

"This is the industrial area. I like to spend time here when I'm free because I know more people around. But now that you're back, it's different. Let's go home and check out your bedroom. I've prepared your room for you."

Gao Yuan looked at Xiang Weiguo, and the two exchanged glances.

Truth be told, Gao Yuan didn't want to go, but Luo Xingyu turned to him and said, "Let's go, let's go home and have a look."

Gao Yuan, feeling helpless, said nothing more. If they were going, then so be it.

Then Gao Yuan grabbed Xiang Weiguo's arm, preempting him before he could speak, effectively silencing him. At this point, there was no way for Xiang Weiguo to run away.