
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 140 What is the Relationship?

Translator: 549690339

The communication with the scientists had been going on for quite a while, and Li Wen finally signaled to someone by his side. Then a staff member walked to the front desk and announced the end of the meeting.

Of course, interaction was important, but Xinghe had been here for a long time and had been talking for quite a while. Everyone was getting tired, and they couldn't just keep going on indefinitely.

After all the scientists had left, Li Wen walked up to Xinghe, shook hands with him, and then, with a look of gratitude, said, "Thank you for the help you've provided us. Let's stop here for today; we have a lot to learn. Once you've rested, you can continue the exchange with our scientists. What do you think?"

Xinghe nodded, then suddenly said, "Yes, I am indeed a bit tired today. Although my body has adapted to Earth's atmosphere and gravity, I still feel a bit uncomfortable after leaving my mecha. I need a good sleep."

Base 10 was a purely military base that lacked a living and production area, and Base One housed the high command where Li Wen really lived and worked.

The exchange had temporarily ended, but Gao Yuan had a question he wanted to ask: where would they be settled? Base 10, Base One, or some other place?

"Alright, you can rest here for now. This is the safest place and it makes it easy to keep secrets."

Xinghe naturally had no objections, and after Li Wen spoke, he said to the people beside him, "I will be going back to Base One now. You take over here. Report to me immediately if anything happens."

As the highest leader, Li Wen had already delayed enough time here.

Once Li Wen was gone, those who were left appeared to be much more relaxed.

Xu Manzhi, the commander of Base No. 12, waved at Gao Yuan and said with a smile, "You will definitely stay here for now. Once everything here is settled, you should come back to Base No. 12; there are more people from Stonegate."

Gao Yuan nodded and then finally had the chance to ask about the issue that he had always wanted to but had not had the chance to inquire about.

"Um, General Xu, I wanted to ask something... Do we have someone named Luo Guodong in Base No. 12? If not, could you please..."

"Luo Guodong? Yes, he's at Base No. 12. Do you know him?"

Gao Yuan was stunned. He hadn't even finished speaking, and Xu Manzhi had already given him an answer.

"Luo Guodong! The Stonegate tycoon, Luo Guodong?"

"Yes, when we were building these underground bases, relying solely on state-owned enterprises was not enough. Many private enterprises participated, including a precision machinery processing factory owned by Luo Guodong that moved into Base No. 12. His construction company was responsible for the work after tunneling... Wait, Luo Guodong, what's his relationship with Luo Xingyu?"

Luo was an uncommon surname. Gao Yuan wouldn't have thought much of it, but after he specifically brought it up, Xu Manzhi quickly made the connection between Luo Guodong and Luo Xingyu.

"That's Xiaoyu's dad..."

Xu Manzhi hesitated for a moment, then slapped his hand excitedly and said, "Hey! I was guessing that. Then, then, what are we waiting for? Take Xiaoyu to see her dad!"

Xu Manzhi and Gao Yuan were both excited.

Gao Yuan turned to find Luo Xingyu, and Xu Manzhi followed up anxiously, "I'll take the train back. Let Xiaoyu come with me."


Gao Yuan was about to leave when Xinghe suddenly asked, "Are you all leaving?"

Gao Yuan stopped and replied, "Uh, I suppose I will go to Base No. 12 with Xiaoyu."

Xinghe didn't hesitate and said, "Then we will go together."

At Xinghe's words, the atmosphere instantly froze.

Gao Yuan looked at Xu Manzhi, who looked at a general standing there. The general paused and said, "It might be better to stay here?"

Xinghe looked puzzled and asked, "Is my freedom being restricted?"

"No, no!"

"Absolutely not!"

Everyone quickly tried to explain, and then the general said in a low voice, "The main reason is that this place is safe, and preparations have been made here to receive you. Base No. 12's conditions aren't as good as here in all aspects. We don't mean anything else, nor do we intend to restrict your freedom."

Gao Yuan felt all the pressure was on him now because after the explanation, Xinghe turned to look at him, and the general looked at him too.

"Xinghe, how about..."

Gao Yuan didn't know what to do. Luo Xingyu's father was alive, and there was no doubt that Luo Xingyu would want to see him. As her boyfriend and relative, he felt obliged to accompany her.

Now what was Xinghe thinking ordering around?

Carefully, Gao Yuan said, "Xinghe, how about we come back tomorrow?"

Xu Manzhi also chimed in, "No problem, I'll bring Luo Guodong over!"

This was also a solution, but Gao Yuan thought it seemed a bit too much of a fuss, so he said to Xinghe, "Just wait here, you should be sleeping, rest here. Once you wake up, we will be back."

Xinghe still hesitated, and Gao Yuan said, "Behave, listen, don't make trouble."

Everyone's expressions changed, and Xu Manzhi's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

But to tell the truth, who really knew what the relationship between Gao Yuan and Xinghe was?

Even Gao Yuan couldn't say what his relationship with Xinghe was, even he was confused about it. Xinghe seemed inseparable from him, but when they were together, there was no more intimacy than with anyone else. They didn't seem like friends, nor any other relation.

So Gao Yuan didn't know how to treat Xinghe and, unintentionally, began to see Xinghe like a child who depends on adults and doesn't want to leave.

After another moment of hesitation, Xinghe nodded and calmly said, "Okay then, try to come back early."

Gao Yuan didn't think much of it, but their conversation seemed profoundly meaningful to others.

The alien was dependent on Gao Yuan and obedient. That, that was significant.

But Gao Yuan himself didn't really notice. Right now, he just wanted to rush to tell Luo Xingyu the terrific news, so feeling like he had dealt with Xinghe, he said to Xu Manzhi, "Let's hurry, shall we go now?"

Xu Manzhi hesitated for a moment but still followed Gao Yuan towards the exit of the command center. Just then, Xinghe called out from behind, "Gao Yuan."

Gao Yuan turned around, and Xinghe, still calm, seemed a bit aggrieved as he said, "Come back early. They promised us donkey-meat buns, and I want to eat them with you. Make it quick."

Gao Yuan was stunned for a moment, then said, "Oh, okay, it won't be long."