
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 122 Thank You

Translator: 549690339

There was no sound, but zombies still came in droves, which meant that they weren't attracted by noise.

Gao Yuan felt powerless, he truly had done his best, but the battlefield always had a way of springing various unforeseen situations that couldn't be avoided even with the best preparation.

He glanced back, the large group of zombies was about to arrive, there was no time for sorrow, nor time to explore what had actually happened.

He needed to focus on completing the most crucial task at hand.

Gao Yuan urgently asked Zhang Deshuai, "Where's Xinghe?"

"He went ahead, we stayed behind to cover the rear, my men didn't make a sound, but a lot of zombies still suddenly started running this way, I don't know what happened, Gao Yuan, you need to chase after Xinghe right now, leave this place to us."

Gao Yuan pushed Zhang Deshuai and said, "You go, catch up with them, I'll cover the rear."

Just then, a special forces soldier made a hand signal to Zhang Deshuai, who immediately said, "We can talk now, is there anything you want to leave behind?"

The soldier who signaled whispered to Gao Yuan, "I really didn't make a sound, but the zombies still came, I don't know why."

After speaking, the special forces soldier, still bleeding from a wound on his calf, drew his military knife, and Gao Yuan urgently said, "What are you doing? Don't kill yourself!"

"I don't want to turn into a zombie, Captain, I'm sorry, I don't know why the zombies came, I really didn't make a sound."

After saying this, the special forces soldier, holding the knife with both hands, didn't give anyone the chance to stop him and plunged it straight into his own neck.

But Gao Yuan rushed over and grabbed the special forces soldier's hand.

The soldier's hand was forcibly pushed down, and then he asked Gao Yuan, "Do you want to help me?"

Gao Yuan was stunned for a moment.

Help, how to help?

Even if a vaccine could be developed from Gao Yuan's blood in the future, said blood couldn't be used directly as a vaccine or medicine, something anyone with a bit of medical knowledge would understand.

So you either watch that special forces soldier turn into a zombie or watch him commit suicide.

Gao Yuan let go of the hand and then said in a low voice, "I just want to tell you, it's not your fault, zombies have a way of communicating, it's probably ultrasonic waves, this is my guess but it's likely the truth, did any of you hear a buzzing noise?"

Several people shook their heads, but Gao Yuan said with conviction, "It's true, there really was a buzzing sound, so it's not your fault, blame me, blame me for not noticing the zombie hiding in the ditch."

The special forces soldier suddenly laughed, though it looked more like crying, but he nodded and said, "Thank you, I am at peace now."

Gao Yuan stepped back and said, "I can help you."

The unnamed special forces soldier smiled at Gao Yuan and then suddenly raised his knife and plunged it into his own neck.

Instantly fatal, these special forces soldiers knew how to quickly end the life of an enemy, so they also knew how to end their own lives most swiftly.

Gao Yuan could have stopped it, but he didn't.

In less than a minute, two people had ended their lives in front of Gao Yuan, by their own hands.

Zhang Deshuai looked at Gao Yuan, Gao Yuan looked back at Zhang Deshuai, and then Zhang Deshuai said softly, "Thank you."

Gao Yuan didn't speak, he didn't know what to say, so he raised his iron rod, but at that moment Zhang Deshuai urgently said, "Go protect Xinghe!"

Gao Yuan let out a breath, his mission was to protect Xinghe, who was more important than everyone else, including himself.

But Gao Yuan didn't want to see any more dead people, so he said in a heavy voice, "Are any zombies heading towards Xinghe?"


"You go ahead, I know how to deal with the zombies, they will only come here, and even if you want to draw them away, you won't be able to, so hurry!"

Zhang Deshuai hesitated but chose to listen to Gao Yuan.

"Take care!"

Zhang Deshuai waved his hand and said, "We're pulling out!"

Zhang Deshuai led his people away, and Gao Yuan picked up a long saber from the ground, left behind by a fallen warrior.

Unlike the simple long sabers Gao Yuan designed and made, the ones used by Zhang Deshuai and his group were clearly machine-made, with a blade length of one and a half meters and a hilt seventy centimeters long, a two-handed sword with a plastic steel handle and a blade of carbon steel with a black coating.

An excellently performing long saber.


Feeling the need to vent the pent-up emotions in his heart, Gao Yuan let out a loud roar, and instantly, the zombies that he had just lured away and that had run back buried him.

But it was just for an instant, after Gao Yuan swung the long saber around within the zombies, all the zombies around him were cut in two from the waist.

Gao Yuan leaped up, his right hand wielding a crude steel bar, and his left hand holding the well-crafted long saber.

Gao Yuan leaped five meters into the air, and zombies quickly crowded together beneath his feet.


Gao Yuan fell down, stepping directly onto the shoulder of a zombie, then his saber slashed diagonally again, and the steel bar in his right hand came crashing down.

Gao Yuan just wanted to vent the pain and anger in his heart.

Ever since the Serpent People had arrived, Gao Yuan had accumulated too much pain.

Weight was not a problem at all, in Gao Yuan's hands the heavy long saber and steel bar were like willow branches in the hands of frail children.

There was no need to consider techniques.

Under overwhelming power and speed, every strike was unavoidable, making techniques appear meaningless.

"Get lost!"

Gao Yuan kicked out with all his might, and a zombie's leg bent backwards at a right angle immediately.

With a sweep of the saber, several heads rolled.

Gao Yuan fought his way out of the zombie horde, leaving behind a path smeared with blood, which was instantly filled by zombies.

Without any intention to hold back, Gao Yuan fiercely swept out with the steel bar, snapping a zombie hard into two pieces.

He charged into the zombie horde again, staff raising and saber dropping, limbs and blood flying.

Gao Yuan had not lost his mind; he simply didn't want to be rational at that moment.

In this ghastly world, being sane truly felt painful.

Once again, the space before Gao Yuan cleared as he fought his way out of the zombie crowd.

"Come at me!"

With a thunderous shout, Gao Yuan once again plunged into the zombie horde. The iron rod in his right hand was already bent out of shape, and the steel saber in his left hand had lost its edge, or rather, it had no edge left to speak of.

Gao Yuan spun the bent iron rod in his hand, placed it on the ground, and then stepped on it with his foot, applying slight pressure with his right hand. The crowbar-like iron rod became an S-shaped rod.

But this didn't affect its use.

Again and again, Gao Yuan charged into the zombie horde, the mass of zombies shrinking each time until the last one fell, and Gao Yuan finally completely lost his target.

Looking around, all was empty.

The ground was densely covered with zombies.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of blood were here.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of blood were just this.

Gao Yuan threw away the twisted iron rod in his right hand, reversed the knife with his left hand, and drove it into the ground, then he looked up at the sky, raised his right hand, pointed at the large airship still hovering in the sky, and roared furiously, "Fuck your mother!"