
The Ultimate Symbiosis System

Alex transmigrates into a fantasy world after dying of overwork. Coincidently, he gets a system called The Ultimate Symbiosis System. The system allows Alex to 'Link' with lifeforms and gain their abilities. Can Alex navigate the magical fantasy world filled with ancient tribes and mysterious threats with the help of the system? Can he correct mistakes from his past in this lifetime? Can he live a life without regrets? [Tags: Action, Kingdom building, Adventure, Farming, Taming, Business, Romance] Romance would/could happen once the novel reaches the later part. A/N Discord server - https://discord.gg/vEFmbaWwRz If you want to talk to me directly, contact me through Discord.

Sailfish · Fantasy
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221 Chs

New dish

Kora couldn't hide his amazement after tasting the newly created dish.

Yes, it is a newly created dish.

He didn't dare call it anything else. The kappa he made was nowhere near as tasty as this. There was no need for comparison.

Even before he could teach, his disciple seemed to have defeated him in his own game.

"What do you want to call it?"

"Ah!" Aru exclaimed not knowing what Kora meant.

"This is a new dish that is entirely different from Kappa I made. According to my master, those who created the dish should name it. We follow traditions. So, give it a name."

"How can I?"

"Don't worry. Give it a suitable name that we can remember. The recipe for cooking Kappa was something that was passed down from our ancestors. So, it didn't have any name. But now that you have improved the recipe, it is only right that you name it."

"Then. How about calling it Spicey Garlic Kappa."

"Okay. Great name." Kora gave a thumbs up. "I was thinking of calling it the Ultimate Bombastic Mouthwatering Kappa if you couldn't come up with one. But I think your name works." He said that seriously without batting an eyelid.

Aru soon realised that Kora was not joking. He might have really named it 'that'.

'He has a worse naming sense than me.' Aru sighed in defeat as he thought with pity.

He had almost become the creator of the ultimate bombastic mouthwatering kappa. Just thinking about it drove a chill down his spine.

"Now, let's make it for all. Today's dinner would be spicey garlic kappa and soup." Suddenly Kora declared.

He didn't give Aru any time to respond before beginning to take out more garlic and chilli peppers. He intended to do the same thing Aru did and make the entire vat of kappa into spicey kappa.

"But, wasn't the spices costly?" Aru asked.

He was having difficulty understanding the antics of the man called Kora. First, he said the spices are costly and now, he is using them without a care.

"Yes, they are. But it would be worth it."


While peeling the garlic, Kora looked towards Aru and said, "Because good food can save lives."


'Good food can save lives?'

"Ha ha ha…" Kora laughed when he saw the doubtful look Aru was giving him.

"You don't have to understand it. Just remember that good food can…"

"...Save lives."

"Exactly. Besides that, we are not wasting the spices, are we? Spices, costly or not, are meant to be eaten, right?"

"Yes." Aru agreed with the last sentence.

The spices were brought to be consumed. After all, they brought it along during the hunt to consume it, right?

It was reasonable that it was used in the best possible way. Maybe Kora knew it, that might be why he was using it lavishly, right now.

"Then, quickly come and help me peel the garlic."

"There is a lot."

"You are my disciple. You have to do it."

"But it's a lot," Aru said pointing at the heap of garlic made up of dozens of giant garlic bulbs.

"Do you hate garlic?"


"Are you looking down on those who peel garlic?"


"Then do it."

Kora didn't give Aru a chance to weasel out. He could see that Aru struggled with handling garlic. He wanted his disciple to gain some experience by helping him.



Both shouted and began to peel the garlic.

Later, in the evening.

The spicey fragrance of fired garlic and chilli pepper wafted around the area. One by one, warriors came to the cooking station to check what it was. Soon, a small crowd gathered nearby.

But they were ignored by Kora. He was busy lifting a hot wok containing boiling oil and spices.


The oil churned around.

In it, there were finely chopped garlic and chilli peppers, gently sautéed to a light golden brown.

Lifting the giant wok, Kora gently poured the oil and spices over the vat of kappa which was already cooked.


The hot oil reacted with the humidity in the kappa forming a thin layer of mist above it. The cold climate along with the rising heat made the mist even more thick.

Without missing a beat, Kora began to mix the oil and spices with the kappa.

It was hard work. However, using the immense strength he had as an adult rank 1 warrior, Kora mixed the kappa effortlessly.

Aru, observing from the sidelines, understood that this task was beyond his capabilities, even if he was a rank 1 warrior.

"Ooof! Done." Finally, Kora completed the dish.

That's when he noticed the crowd which had formed around him.


Kora exclaimed seeing a familiar person among the crowd. He quickly covered the vat and ran forward.

"Cheif! Why are you here?" He asked respectfully.

Chief was the leader of the Boulder tribe and the current leader of the hunting party. He was one of the strongest warriors in the tribe and an elder.

However, he should have been occupied with other matters.

But, currently, the chief of the Boulder tribe was standing near the cooking station looking at the huge vat containing kappa. He was slowly gulping down the saliva that accumulated inside his mouth.

"What is that?"

"That! It's a new dish my apprentice came up with, Spicy Kappa. I thought we could try it for dinner and share it with everyone."

"You have an apprentice?" The chief inquired.

He doesn't remember Kora having an apprentice. So, the new information made him focus.

"Yes." Kora smile. "Aru come here." He quickly called out Aru and said, "His name is Aru and he awakened his spirit this year."

That's when the chief finally noticed Aru's presence. The child looked smaller and weaker than others of his age. But the bright eyes of the child immediately captured his attention.

Now, he remembered.

'It was the child who awakened this year with a grade one water element spirit.'

While all the other children who awakened grade one spirit walked away in disappointment. He was the only child who happily smiled.

How could he forget such a child?

"Do you mean this child came up with the recipe?"

"Indeed. How about trying some?" Kora suggested.

He wanted to show off the newly created dish.

"Aru, go and get a bowl for the chief."

"Okay." He agreed reluctantly.

Aru never anticipated that the enticing aroma of delicious food could draw such a crowd. People around him resembled bees near sugar syrup, their mouths watering at the sight of the vat of kappa being prepared nearby.

In his wildest dreams, Aru never expected the chief of the tribe to join the gathering.

Now, he found himself encircled by the eager crowd. Yearning for a quiet corner without anyone, he tried to walk away. However, before he could slip away, Kora seized him and presented him to the chief. To his surprise, he was even tasked with delivering a bowl of kappa to the chief.

'Too many people…Aw…' He mentally sighed as he grabbed a bowl of kappa.

He quickly brought it to the chief and handed it over.

"Delicious." The chief commented after eating just a scoop of it.

"It's very delicious."

He couldn't hide his amazement. It was not the first time he was eating kappa. And yet, the completely different flavour it displayed enchanted him.

The crowd behind gulp together seeing the chief gobble down the kappa.

"This is for dinner, right?"

"Yes, chief."

"Then. let's begin serving them. It's already late in the evening and we only have an hour or so of daylight left. Look at these eager guys waiting for a chance to try it. Let's have a nice meal today."

"Yes, chief. The soup will be cooked soon. We can begin serving the meal once everyone is gathered." Kora said in delight.

He was happy to see everyone enjoying the meal he cooked. After all, it was his job and passion to cook for everyone.

"Gather everyone for the meal." The chief commanded as he swallowed the last scoop of kappa.

"Your apprentice is good." He said while handing over the bowl to Kora. Then he turned to Aru and said, "I will reward you for your contribution once we reach our village."

He ruffled the hair of Aru before walking away.

The crowd soon dispersed as they prepared for dinner.