
Aru = 16yrs (ten years later)

Months swiftly passed as Aru remained trapped in the Valley of Death. Nearly a year later, he appeared taller.

Like any young child, Aru was growing rapidly. His baby teeth had nearly all fallen out and were being replaced by new ones. His once skinny, feeble body was growing stronger due to the constant training, and his ghastly white skin now held a slight tan.

All in all, Aru's appearance had changed beyond recognition in the past few months. 

But the changes ended there. He was still trapped within the confines of the island and couldn't find a way to leave. 

Although he captured and tamed about a hundred pirarucus in a year, it only made him realize how bad his situation really was.

Within the lake, pirarucu was not the apex predator. As the saying goes, there are always bigger fishes in the ocean—in his case, it was the lake.