
The Ultimate Source Code

Max Aka Qin Yu Is Suddenly Kidnapped By An Unknown Entity Know As System To Save The World. Read The Story Full Of Different Kinds Of Crazy Adventure. Author Note: Lost Is A Noob. ;)

LostKid · Fantasy
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A Nurse and A Doctor Came Running...

Nurse: What Happened Sir You Are Alright?

MC(Unknown Name): Where Am I !!??

Doctor: Having Memory Loss And Panick Attack Is Normal For The People Who Have Suffered From Such A Beast Tide..

MC: Please Answer Me. Please!!

Doctor: This Is The Special Task Force Medical Assistance Center At Mable Fort Located In Swan City.

Before MC Could Answer There Was A Terrible HeadAche And Starting Having A Vision Of Different Types Of Giant Monster And Animals Which Seems To Be Directly Out Of A Fairly Tail.

The Doctor Hurried And Put MC To Sleep Using Sleeping Pills.

???: Hello Host.

MC: Who??

???: It's Me The System.

MC: Huh? Who Are You? What Are You?

And Where Am I??

System: Calm Down Host.. You Are Safe From Any Kind Of Danger. As For Where Are You.. Currently You Are In BlueStar Planet Which Is Located In A Parallel Universe. This Planet Is Same As Earth But The Difference Is That The Humans And Animals Are All Strong And Intelligent Thanks To A Power Called "Innate Qi" . They Don't Follow The Laws Of The Previous Planet You Know. Even A Rat From This Universe Can Overpower Most Of People In Earth All Together.. It Might Need Multiple Nukes To Kill A Single Rat From Here. That How Powerfull Innate Qi Is. As For Who Or What Am I.. Then Just Know I Am Here To Help You Stop Otherworldly Powers That Are Harmful Towards The Creation.

Here Let Me Open The Profile For You Ao You Can Understand What Am I Talking About.


Host: Qin Yu

Talent: Undetermined(LimitLess Potential)

Physique: Advance Mortal Body

Strength: 16

Agility: 11


Innate Qi: 0/0 (Energy Source Damaged)


Basic Cultivation Manual

Rank: Green

- Fully Mastered(Can't Be Developed Futher)

Qin Family Manual(Engraved)

Rank: Higher Orange

-Locked By An Unknown Power(Can Be Opened When Meeting Certain Conditions)


Qin Yu: So System What About Those Visions?

System: Those Were The Memory That Is From The Previous Owner Of The Body. He Died Alongside With His Family During An Accident.

Qin Yu: What Caused It?

System: It's Called A Beast Tide. In This World Animal And All Other Living And Non-Living Beings Have Evolved Due To Innate Qi. Innate Qi Is A Blessing But It Also Came With A Curse... When The First Innate Qi Awakening Took Place Nearly 80% Of The Population Of Blue Star Got Wiped Out. The Remaining Had To Adapt And Quick Learn New Ways Of Survival. No Weapons Could Harm The Monsters.. Until The Discovery Of Manasteel A Material Which Was The First Evolved Material Found By Humans... And Now After 150 Years Humanity Finally Stood On It's Foot And Made Safe Bases For Nourishing Young Talents... People Who Are Born After The Great War All Have Superior Genes And Power Holding Capacity Than The Other Fellow Humans..

Qin Yu: So What Is The Purpose For Taking Me Here?

System: The Peace Is Not For Long .... You Must Save This People From The Inevitable Danger That Lurks In The Dark... It Is Also To Make You Stronger After All You Are The Chosen One..

Qin Yu: What If I Refuse?

System: This...Then You Would Return And Life A Peacefull Life Until You Die... But If You Leave Everything Will Be Destroyed. So Please Host Please I Beg You Please Save Everyone.

Qin Yu: You Are So Strong And Can Go To Multiverses And There Are Many Beings Who Are Both Stronger And More Intelligent Than Me So Why You Chose Me?

System: Sigh Host.. If Only I Could Save Everyone... And I Can't Explain Why You Are The Chosen One. Please Forgive Me.. System Has It's Limits Set By The Master..

Qin Yu: Who Is Master??

System: Sorry Host I Also Can't Answer That.

Qin Yu: Alright Don't Tell Me Ok. I Have Already Arrived Here And My Destiny Seems To Be Fixed So Why Not Try. Alex And Becky Thank You For Everything You Have Done For Me... I Will Miss You.. But I Promise That One Day I Will Come Back!!Back!!

To Be Continued....

Hey Guys In Next Chapter I Will Discuss About The Tier System Of This World So Please Read That For Better Understanding Of Things. Also Put This Story In Library For Future Updates.

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