
Tournament Begins Chp 142


"Do we have everything?" Vomi asks as she ties her into a bun for the Tournament

Whis and Vados will arrive soon

"Yes, we can't bring weapons or anything that could be classified as armor, which is why we are wearing these," I say pointing toward our clothes

I am wearing a simple blue gi while Vomi has a red and blue gi

Turning around, I spot 18 standing near motionless

She is wearing a blue combat skintight suit while a small machine does some check-ups due to her newer upgrades floating around her

I then look over to Goku in his usual outfit doing some warm-ups while Piccolo meditates while floating near him also in his usual outfit except his skin now has a golden hue as he has God Ki circulating around him

I let out a sigh as a message from Connor on my Scouter/Motherbox comes in

[The Celestialsapien body is ready and waiting] I read and my shoulders drop as everything is now ready

With a single thought, I can teleport the Celestialsapien body over to my location through a Hush Tube as Connor calls them

That helps me with the massive weight on my shoulders as I still haven't been able to locate the Omnificence Crystal

"Vegito," Goku calls out as he finishes his warm-ups

"The guys we are going to fight are tough right?" He asks with an excited smile on his face which I understand

We are going to be fighting the strongest of other universes

I am a little excited too

Given that I was more or less forced to go through numerous intense battles in the Demon realm

It has honestly been a while since I have been able to enjoy fighting without anything on the line and to be honest, I don't really see myself getting into a fight that I can enjoy anytime soon

"Yeah, they are the strongest 'mortals' in their universe," I tell him as Piccolo stops meditating and comes over to me

"You said we needed 6, where is the last one?" Piccolo asks

"Oh its Gohan, he is nearly done getting with his training, in fact just about now actually," I say as the door appears and Gohan comes out 

He is currently transformed into Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker(God Ki Infused) as he has gotten used to being in that state

However, one key difference between his and Goku's, is that Gohan's eyes are a blood-red color

Behind him, the magical clone to train him that I created disperses and I close my eyes as I enjoy the feeling of my mind no longer being divided in 2 separate dimensions anymore

We spent 2 years in my own version of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

It was annoying as Gohan had to be motivated each step of the way as he would be demoralized by the gap between him and I

I can't exactly blame him for that

At the level that I am at right now, I am sure I can even fight and defeat angels if we were to throw hands

Still, I managed to get him to his current level and it was nothing to sneeze at either

This Gohan could trash around Canon Beerus and quite possibly Whis, provided that version of him wasn't at the same level as mine is, and therefore the angels were at the same level of strength across different worlds

"That's 6 of us now. How long until those angels get here?" Piccolo asks and I can see a glint of excitement in his eye at the prospect of testing out his power

I resist the urge to let out a sad sigh as I think about Kami

Those finally fused and it was a wake-up call about Namekians

They don't lose out against Saiyans

Saiyans have transformations, Namekians have fusions

Depending on how powerful the Namekians are about to perform fusion, the greater effect it will have

Piccolo at the moment is nearing Vomi's level of power, and she herself is the one who is the closest to my own base power 

Merely by fusing with Kami and Nail, he can manage to reach his current power

"Vegito," Vomi calls out and I turn to look at her and I sort of relax as I look at her


"Do you truly think we can win?" She asks and while the others think that she means the tournament, I know that in reality, she is asking about what will come after

Dealing with Zeno

I just smile and nod at her

Even if with all of my preparations, I am unable to defeat him, I will run away

Cowardly or not, I have people to go back to

Towa is with Chronoa and they will be watching the tournament, waiting for the signal to go to our new home and escape this reality if we have to

The rest of the boys will be waiting to help me and Vomi escape if we need to

A beam of light appears next to us and Vados and Whis come out as I see Beerus next to them

They blink while they look around before they focus on me

All three of them narrow their eyes as they inspect me and through my own magical prowess and senses, I detect them trying to peer into me

I deflect their attempt with a serious look on my face

Beerus seems impressed, while Whis looks at me with a bit of apprehension as his stance shifts to be more guarded

Vados looks at me with a curious and apprehensive look on her face but otherwise takes no stance like Whis just did

"I see 6 of you, so these are the ones that you chose, huh, I must say I am quite surprised that you managed to get fighters of this quality," Beerus remarks while looking at the others and keeping his gaze a bit longer on Gohan and Piccolo

"Yes, I managed to train them as close to my level as possible,"

"Hmm, oh I very much doubt that, you are far more impressive than these 5 here. I will admit, that having beings like this puts me a bit more at ease now. We actually stand a chance in the tournament," He says with a smile while chuckling creepily

Whis bonks him on the head and Beerus grabs at the spot on his head that Whis hit


"Lord Beerus, such a laugh is unbecoming of a Destroyer, at least wait until you are in private my lord," Says Whis while covering his mouth

Even then I can tell that Whis is smiling

"STOP THAT," Beerus screams at Whis as he notices that he also smiling

Glancing at Vados, I catch her staring at Vomi in confusion

"So..." I begin to get their attention

"When do we leave?" I ask them to try and get a move on towards the tournament

"Right now," Says Whis as he raises his staff and a box appears

I look at it for a moment before entering it

Soon the team is inside and Whis and Vados are on top of the box taking us to the empty void where the tournament is going to take place

Suddenly, I remembered something that I forgot to ask Goku

"Hey Goku," I say to him to get his attention

"Whatever happened to Krillin..."