
I, Sinbad, Give Money

The gloomy night enveloped the town, with only the distant clock tower emitting a low chime. In this quiet night, the prison's atmosphere felt exceptionally tense and oppressive.

Magnus Valorion, dressed in a dark robe, walked into the prison with a stern face. At this moment, the "spy" of the Altai or Sami Tribe, Henry Vander, was imprisoned in a cold cell, his fat bulging out where the ropes tightened around him.

Henry Vander was tied to a chair, his eyes revealing a hint of unease, but more so defiance and anger.

Magnus stood at the cell door, giving Henry a cold glance, not in a hurry to enter. He gestured for the jailer to open a small window, speaking to Vander through the iron bars, "Henry Vander, think carefully. You'd better confess who the big figure behind you is!"

After speaking, Magnus turned and left, leaving Henry alone in the dark cell.

"Magnus, you bastard scum, you want me to confess? Then take off the sock from my mouth first!" Henry cursed inwardly, the foul smell continuously assaulting his nostrils.

In the cold cell without a clock, Henry lost track of time, feeling only deeper loneliness and unease as hunger and fatigue slowly eroded his will.

Hours later, Magnus appeared at the cell door again. This time he didn't speak, just stood there coldly watching Henry.

Magnus slowly walked to Henry, bent down, and said in a contemptuous tone, "So, are you regretting your decision now? Here, no one cares about your feelings."

After saying this, he turned and left again, leaving Henry alone in the cold cell.

Regret? Of course, regret! Henry was beyond regretful now. If given another chance, he would definitely not have come to confess to such a ruthless man as Magnus.

Now, not only had he lost ten thousand taels of silver, but even his life was at stake. Lucius Blackthorn was dead too; even if Magnus killed him, no one would seek justice for him!

"Damn it! This Green River Town is really cursed!" Henry couldn't understand why everyone in Green River Town obeyed Magnus. Whatever Magnus said, everyone did. Why was his appointment document as useless as waste paper?

And why had Green River Town transformed from a poor, backward town into its current state in just half a year? He should have turned around and left when he first saw the high city walls. When things are abnormal, there's definitely something wrong!

Right, why did Magnus tell him about killing Lucius Blackthorn and knowing the document wasn't forged?

Henry didn't dare think further because it meant Magnus might be planning to silence him. After all, telling a dead man secrets would never result in a leak.

As Henry kept mumbling to himself, Magnus appeared again.

This time Magnus brought a bowl of white porridge and a plate of pickled vegetables, placing them in front of Henry but didn't untie him. Magnus quietly sat opposite, looking at Henry, and said faintly, "Have you thought about how to save your life?"

Henry's mouth made continuous muffled sounds, nodding vigorously.

Magnus pulled out the stinky sock from Henry's mouth. Henry, feeling reborn, greedily inhaled the rotting air of the prison.

Magnus smiled slightly, picked up chopsticks, took a piece of pickled vegetable, and brought it to Henry's mouth, coldly saying, "As long as you answer a few questions, this food is yours."

Henry nodded quickly, opening his mouth wide, almost wanting to swallow the chopsticks in Magnus's hand.

Magnus snorted contemptuously and slowly asked, "Why spend ten thousand taels of silver to buy this official position?"

Hearing this question, Henry cursed inwardly again. The purpose of buying an official position could only be to exploit and extort more money, not to serve the people wholeheartedly!

Of course, on the surface, Henry behaved like a little kitten, answering obediently, "To make more money."

Magnus put a piece of pickled vegetable into Henry's mouth and continued, "What a pity, spending so much money, only to buy a worthless position and lose your life."

Henry cursed again in his heart. He was both hungry and thirsty, and more than pickled vegetables, he wanted a sip of white porridge.

But he dared not show any dissatisfaction, pleading, "Sir, Magnus, you are like a father to me. I was wrong; I shouldn't have provoked you! I'm willing to do anything as long as you spare my life!"

Tears and snot streamed down Henry's face. He finally understood that Magnus was a madman, someone he should never have provoked.

Even killing the Imperial Governor Lucius Blackthorn and openly admitting it, this man was truly insane.

Magnus raised an eyebrow, saying indifferently, "You're a businessman, right? You're now negotiating a deal with me. The most important thing in business is sincerity, isn't it?"

Henry immediately understood the hidden meaning in Magnus's words, quickly replying, "I have a large house in the west of the city with some valuable antiques and treasures, and two shops. The total value should be about two hundred thousand taels of silver."

"I can give you all these properties as long as you spare my life."

"Hahaha…" Magnus laughed wildly.

"I still prefer your defiant look when you first entered the hall!" Magnus said mockingly.

"I was ignorant and blind, offending you. I was wrong…" Henry kept begging for mercy.

"I don't need all your properties. I'm not a greedy person!"

"Here's the deal, you give me fifteen gold bars, and I'll give you the position of Green River Town's mayor!"

Hearing this, a hint of doubt flashed in Henry's eyes. Magnus could have taken everything, why leave the position to him?

Moreover, the mayor's position should be Magnus's foundation. Why give it away so easily?

Magnus saw through Henry's thoughts and continued, "My real name is Sinbad. The real Magnus died before taking office as the mayor of Green River Town." What Magnus said was true since he was a modern person who had traveled back in time.

But then, Magnus started spinning lies, "I was framed by Lucius Blackthorn, imprisoned, and suffered fourteen years of wrongful injustice."

"Fortunately, I met an old man in prison who gave me a new lease on life. After being released, I went to the far northern snowfields and, following the old man's instructions, found a huge treasure and built my own forces."

"Later, I returned to the Great Latium Imperium, killed the members of The Crimson Vultures who were in collusion with Lucius Blackthorn, and poisoned Lucius Blackthorn himself."

"Now that my revenge is complete, it's time for me to leave the Great Latium Imperium. Just in time, you came along, so why not extort you for a bit?"

Listening to Magnus's story, Henry felt cold sweat seeping from his back. Sinbad killed over three hundred people from The Crimson Vultures and poisoned Governor Lucius Blackthorn.

Indeed, such means could not belong to a mere mayor. Magnus was a genuine bandit!

However, what puzzled Henry was that Magnus looked only about twenty years old, hardly like someone who had spent fourteen years in prison.