
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 26: Explosion of Rewards! 

[Rewards have been activated, do you want to synthesize upgrades? ]


Naruto, who was sleeping on the bed, whispered.

Then, suddenly opened his eyes!

"What upgrade?! Why suddenly??"

Naruto sat up, confused.

"It's only eight o'clock...it's still early."

Naruto looked at the alarm clock.

Today was the first task of team 7, a survival exercise, but Kakashi would be late, so Naruto set his alarm clock for nine o'clock and then had breakfast before rushing there. He estimated that Kakashi would arrive at eleven o'clock.

It was just that he didn't expect that the system would remind him that the rewards that he collected before could be upgraded which surprised him.

"System, isn't the time tomorrow?"

[Attribute points, Academy Three Basic Technique, Fire Style·Great Fireball, Rasengan, Mind Eye of Kagura, Leaf Hurricane, and Nine Tails Chakra have accumulated 20,000 copies and can be upgraded.]

"Oh, I forgot this, they are the things I got before the academy started, so Sharingan, Byakugan, and other ninjutsu won't level up until tomorrow?"


"Then, let's get started! Start synthesized upgrade!"

Naruto rubbed his hands together, looking excited.

It was time to harvest his rewards!

[20,000 points of physique have been upgraded to Sage Body]

[20,000 points of power have been upgraded to unparalleled power]

[20,000 points of spirit have been upgraded to spirit crystal]

[20,000 points of agility have been upgraded to teleportation (pseudo)]

[20,000 points Chakra has been upgraded to 2 Chakra fruits (small). ]

[20,000 copies of the Academy Three Basic ninjutsu have been upgraded to one physical clone, one copy of Transfiguration, and elemental body technique (fire)]

(Tl/n: The Three Basic Techniques are Clone Techniques upgraded to One Physical Clone. Transformation Upgraded to Transfiguration. And the Body Replacement Technique that got upgraded to Elemental Body Technique (Fire))

[20,000 copies of Rasengan have been upgraded to Black Hole (gravity)]

[20,000 Mind Eye of Kagura upgraded to listen to the voice of all things]

[20,000 copies of Leaf Hurricane have been upgraded to Steel Shot]

[20,000 copies of Nine Tails' Chakra have been upgraded to one-tenth of Nine Tails (small)]

[20,000 copies of Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique has been upgraded to Flame Emperor (Ace)]


"Oh! Oh! Damn, I hit the jackpot!"

Lines of information kept scrolling through, and Naruto's heart was constantly shaking.

The Sage Body and unparalleled powers at the beginning were not bad, after all, he had known them for a long time, but what really caught him off guard was Rasengan and the Three Academy's ninjutsu upgraded version!

"This... breaks the dimensional wall!"

Not to mention pirates, but also martial arts? What the hell was an iron shot?!

"Elemental Body (fire), if I understand correctly, it should be the ability of Logia Mera-mera Fruit... Well, Rat treasure, how should I activate it?"

[Just imagine.]

"...I want to complain, you know? If I hadn't seen the original version, and you tell me to imagine it, do you think I could do it?"

Naruto muttered, while silently recalling Ace's elemental look.


A mass of crimson flames appeared out of nowhere on the bed.

As Naruto turned his mind, the flames flowed in the air and came to the floor then turned into a human shape.

"Phew~ I feel so free... Wait, why do I smell smoke? Ah!"

Naruto recovered his body and felt the feeling of elementalization. He took a deep breath and smelled the burning smell. His bed was already on fire!

"Water Style• Water Springles!"

"Fuah, that was close…"

However, although the fire was extinguished, the bed was destroyed. Fortunately, since the end of the graduation exam, the Anbu, who was sent by the Third Hokage to monitor him, also withdrew, so although there was a lot of noise about the fire just now, there was no need to worry too much.

This was why Naruto dared to try elementalization.

"This is simply a magical skill! Physical attacks will be useless to me in the future!"

"System, can that Black Hole only suck people?"

Black Holes seemed to be one of Blackbeard's abilities. It seemed that he could only suck those people with Devil Fruit's ability?

So Naruto wasn't so sure.

[Anything is fine]


Naruto opened his hand toward the milk on the table, and saw the milk flying quickly, Naruto grabbed it, and bang, the milk carton burst.

"What's going on? Blackhole have this effect?"

Naruto looked at his hands suspiciously.

[Host has acquired Sage Body and unparalleled Power, please adapt as soon as possible]


If it wasn't for asking this question, Naruto would have almost forgotten that his current attribute points were very high.

"Open my personal attributes."

[Opening Personal Attributes]

Host: Uzumaki Naruto

Age: 12 years old

Physique: Sage Body

Spirit: Spirit Crystal

Power: Unparalleled

Agility: Teleportation (pseudo)

Chakra: tons


"I want to complain... I can understand everything else, but the Chakra, you just put the word 'ton' there? How many tons is this?"

"What's going on here?"

[Temporarily unable to upgrade]

[It has been automatically deposited for ten years, and the rewards that can be obtained are unknown]

"Ten years... What about other ninjutsu? It can't be upgraded again, right?"

[Temporarily unable to upgrade, please wait to upgrade other rewards]

"Good guy, I reached the peak at the first upgrade, but it's enough, at least for now, I'm not afraid of physical attacks, I'm not afraid of illusion, and I'm basically invincible!"

"Haha! My new life has finally begun!"

Naruto jumped happily.


There was a hole in the floor.

"Sigh, it looks like I have to do some exercise, I can't go on like this..."

"Wait, we were going to have a survival exercise today..."

Naruto suddenly remembered that there is still a task today.

"I hope Kakashi can withstand it."