
The ultimate power of time control - The Beginning

The beginning of madness with power that fell into the wrong hands. The main character does not have infinite power right away, but the power itself develops at a really fast pace.

Kriuswerus_Pl · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 1

(---)- Hello soul ####. Choose power!!!

In a void that is difficult to describe, where the background merges between the white background and chaotic black lines that run in every direction, but are thin enough that the white color is not dominated by them.

In the said space you can see a male person. At the physical age of about 23, his body is naked, which perfectly shows his not very muscularly developed figure. The boy's face shows panic and his eyes are focused on the giant inscription in the sky. The font of the inscription is quite simple, as if generated in the simplest computer program.

(---)- Choose power!!!


The boy's face is not very pretty, you can see many effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, such as too yellow teeth, greasy hair, or huge bags under the eyes. However, at this moment, the boy in question is trying to concentrate, but the subtitles appear excessively and cannot be ignored. And they exert pressure as if they had immeasurable power, causing a meltdown in the boy's head.

(---)- Choose power!!!

(---)- Choose power!!!

(---)- Choose power!!!

(---)- Choose power!!!

(---)- Choose power!!!

(---)- Choose power!!!

Finally, the boy can't stand it anymore and one sentence escapes his mouth, which a second later is drowned out by another spam of disturbing subtitles.

(Krystian)-True time control...

(---)-Power chosen. Approved...Time limit imposed until the soul is fully synchronized with the power.

(---)-Choose a world!

(---)-Choose a world!

(---)-Choose a world!

(Krystian)-DC comics!!


Before Krystian could realize it, he had uttered the choice of the world, literally with the utterance of the last weakness. He felt a nanosecond of pain, and his vision was obscured by darkness. Only to wake up in a really sandy area. When he opened his eyes, he was forced to close them due to shock. He saw a truly picturesque landscape, the beach was currently empty, but he saw a group of students sunbathing and playing volleyball in compilation costumes. Some people waited in line for the food track serving hot dogs, hamburgers and other fast food. However, this was not the sight that really intrigued Krystian, although the sight of sexy women sunbathing on the beach or playing volleyball was nice.

His attention was caught by a tower at least a few kilometers away from the beach, and it was not a tower in the typical sense of the word. The very sight of the building's structure confirmed that what he experienced had really taken place, with a hard surface full of small stones and pain felt by placing bare feet on the said stones. He confirmed it in the fact that he actually moved to the DC world. A T-shaped tower is not normal. At least not in Europe.

(Krystian)-I really moved to DC... Fuck... How?... A man came back from work, ate dinner prepared by his mother, and instead of waking up in bed... It was... For me it was a bomb... .It's a pity though....Eeeee...fuck it...The future didn't look good for me anyway. If I were lucky, maybe I could have a woman and a family. Even with such an ugly face, it would be hard to find anything. Not that it might be different here. But since I actually moved to DC, the powers are real too.

Krystian then looked around and saw the perfect way to test his new powers. His brain was racing with adrenaline, but now after seeing the opportunity. He headed towards the really long queue for Foodtrack. While walking in the mentioned direction, he noticed that he was dressed only in boxers and short pants. And in his pocket he only has a phone and a wallet.

Walking towards Foodtrak, he took out his wallet and, ignoring the cash, he took out two pieces of identification that he found in it. The first was an ID card, which differed from his original one only in that the new one was an American ID card and the data, apart from his name and surname and date of birth, did not match what his original ID card had.

The second document was a driving license, it put a smile on Krystian's face. Because in his previous life he failed to pass the practical exam due to the current situation. While standing in the queue, he put the documents and his wallet into his pocket, and then took them in his hand, looking for any information about his address. However, he found literally nothing, even the contacts were empty. And the photos he found showed only a few cars parked next to buildings he didn't know.

However, the current situation did not cause him much distress, although the prospect of homelessness slightly terrified him. Thoughts of his powers clouded his mind too much. And if it weren't for his self-control, he would have shouted out the most likely phrases to activate his power just a few minutes ago.

(Krystian)-,,First the basics.... Small tests so as not to draw unwanted attention to yourself, especially if you are not sure of your surroundings. Freeze, freeze, stop,eeee....Time Stop."-think Krystian

When Krystian said the last phrase in his mind, the most banal, but obviously correct. The whole world literally froze. The birds stopped flying, the ball stopped just above the head of the red-haired girl, who jumped into the air to hit it. And her large breasts, tightly held by the bikini, stopped at a really pleasing moment.

In general, the world froze for a moment and Krystian was counting in his mind. He checked the limits and whether stopping time would burn his eyes, after all, the laws of physics should apply. However, as he noticed, the laws of physics did not work on him, so this power has a more mystical basis.

(Krystian)-,,14,15.....Fifteen seconds... not much, but better than nothing. Apparently I can fuck with logic, let's see how illogical this power is."

Then, activating the power again and starting the countdown again, he decided to check another aspect. Has the world really stopped and what are the limits on interfering with the world while time stops?

Krystian was really excited about the whole situation and forcefully refrained from doing something he might regret. First, he wanted to check how its power affects people, and the ideal test subject turned out to be a young woman reading a book at a single table located right in front of the foodtrack's hood. And the table in question is right next to him, because the queue ran along the Foodtrack and he was right next to the woman's table.

The woman reading the book was wearing a green bikini, and her face was really attractive. She had brown hair, green eyes now focused on reading, and a wide smile suggested that there was an interesting thread in the book. Her figure is really attractive and the suggested age is around 20-25 years old. She also had a chemistry book on the table, which itself suggests that the woman in question is a student.

So after activating the power, I wanted to check her consciousness while stopping time. Krystian simply covered her eyes for 10 seconds, then at 13 seconds he removed his hand and returned to his previous position. However, this time the power duration ended after 16 seconds.

(Krystian)-,,The time increases after use....good to know...that she?"

The brown-haired woman in question showed little reaction, continuing to read as if his time-stopping interference had never occurred. However, to be sure, Krystian stopped time again, but this time instead of touching, he covered his eyes. He decided to influence the world a little more and simply turned the book upside down and immediately placed the book back in her hands.

The woman's reaction was quite funny, she shook her head and whispered something under her breath. However, Krystian didn't understand a word from the current distance. After that, she corrected the book and then went back to reading.

(Krystian)-,,Haha... The chick had a corrupted mind... The ultimate test, interaction with living bodies... hehe..."

After activating the power once again, Krystian quickly approached the brown-haired woman and shamelessly grabbed her right breast and, without hiding anything, he began to intensively touch the woman's body. At the same time, counting the seconds so that his innocent fun does not end in arrest.

After you finish playing and return to your place in the queue. Krystian's heart accelerated many times and the number of potential scenarios of what he could do went crazy in his head.

(Krystian)-,,I need to smoke and cool down, because I swear I'm about to do something stupid."