



Just ignore them Yuni, we will deal with them at school not here" Bomi whispered to Yuni 

"Why are you staring at me like that?" The head of the flirts asked as she approached where Yuni and Bomi stood

"Let's not waste our time at the underdogs Maya" One of the girls said as she approached Maya 

"Yes. The under dogs, will always be nothing compared to us" Maya grinned at Yuni who was obviously fuming as she and girls walked away

Yuni inhaled deeply. She can't stand these flirts any longer

She moved her feet about to go after them but Bomi held her

"Leave them Yuni, you will just end up embarrassing yourself before them" Bomi warned but Yuni just gave her a sly smile

"Just watch and see" Yuni let go of her hands, off Bomi's own

"Hey wait!" She called up the flirts

"Hm, is the under dog" Maya and the other flirts turned to look at Yuni who was heavily approaching them

"What?" Maya asked with her hands wrapped around her chest

"You" Yuni cursed as she stood before Maya making all the flirts to scoff at how bold she is

"So we are the under dogs?" Yuni asked

"Yes"Maya replied boldly not trying to get intimidated at the rate and energy Yuni has approached her with

"I didn't know you can be this dump you know" Yuni grinned

"What?" Maya widened her eyes

"Did you just called our leader dump" one of the flirts tried to interfer but Maya stopped her

"I got this Ella" Maya said

"What do you mean by your statement dog?" Maya asked

"Don't you know,? you're the under dog here?" Yuni asked

"What?" Maya widened her eyes

"Yes,,, you are a foreigner here in our land and you should know your place" Yuni said

"What...what are you insulating Yuni?" Maya asked

"Arn't you an Indian?" Yuni asked

"Half India and half Korea, my mom is Korean why my Dad is India" Maya defended herself,,, she is feeling so much intimidated by Yuni

If she had known, she would have just mind her business and passed her,,, she has always bullied and defeated her. But this her boldness today is kicking her off the hook

Maybe is because they are not in the school

"That's for sure made you an Indian, you should mind your place Amaya" Yuni grinned as she called her full name

"Look at that face, your nose, your cheeks, chest..." Yuni trailed off

Maya widened her eyes as she touched her face and chest,,,she was scared that Yuni is about to spill out something,,,that nobody else knows about her

But how?

How was Yuni able to figure out such a thing about her. Maybe it isnt where Yuni is heading to...

Maya giving herself such an assurance,,, removed every fear in herself that was about to surface,,,she wanted to show Yuni that she can't be intimidated by her, that Yuni is the underdog here not her...

But to her dismay Yuni beat her to her own foolishness,,,which she thought is smartness

"Playing Smart Right?" Yuni chuckled and walked closer to her, making Maya to step back a little

"Which hospital did you get them done?" Yuni asked

"What are you talking about?" Maya asked blinking her eyes nervously

"Which surgeon did the plastic surgery for you? he is really a professional you know" Yuni grinned at her shock expression

"I never...did...did cosmetic surgery" Maya stuttered

"I never...did...did cosmetic surgery" Maya stuttered

"I never said so, I just asked...well you said it with your mouth,,, hehehehe" Yuni laughed mischievously as she turned to look at Bomi who was shocked and rooted where she stood

"Bomi" Yuni called

"Y... yeah" Bomi answered

"Let's go inside,,, Aigooo I can't wait to see my boys" Yuni and Bomi walked away from the flirts

"Maya is it really true,that you did plastic surgery?" The flirts asked their leader who shut them a deadly glare

"Fûck y'll" Maya fumed and turned around to leave

"Are you leaving? Arn't we gonna watch KJK perform today again?" One of the flirts asked

"Fûck KJK. Fûck everyone!!" Maya cursed

The flirts stood rooted on their spots 

"She actually did plastic surgery" They gossiped among themselves




"You were so awesome back there,,,I never knew it was you. What actually happened? Are you really Yuni?" Bomi threwed Yuni question upon question

They have now settled down at the stadium and are now waiting for KJK,,,the seats hasn't been filled up yet. But luckily for Yuni and her friend , they found a nice spot for themselves at the front set of seats

This was the very first time, Yuni is seating at the front seat at KJK concert,,,today seems to turn out very fine for her...

"Talk to me Yuni" Bomi begged

"Was I really great?" Yuni asked


"Well I don't really know, maybe is because am gonna see my boys faces after a very long time" Yuni smiled as her face heat up, she was really inlove with them

"Wow. But on a serious note, I loved the way you talked to her, that Maya of girl will now know her place and stop bullying you. But how were able to identify she did cosmetic surgery?" Bomi asked

"Have you forgotten my mother is a makeup artist,,, although she is not all that recognized but she is good at what she does. And I have learnt alot from her,,, that's the way I was able to identify that Maya did cosmetic surgery,,,I knew all along but decided to keep calm about it but her calling me an underdog really riffled me up" Yuni frowned

"Am so proud of you Yuni " Bomi smiled at her friend

"I really wanna be a recognized makeup artist in the future,,,even if I don't get to be with my KJK boys. Atleast I pray to do their makeups and touch their faces" Yuni smiled as she touched her face, imagining she was touching KJK faces

"Wake up from your dreams Yuni. But on a serious note who is your Bias among the boys?" Bomi asked

"The three of them are my Bias, I love them both and I don't mind been with the three of them" Yuni said making Bomi to shook her head in pity

How can her friend dream of been with three guys at a time. Not to speak of but the famous Kpop Idols

Gosh! Such a silly dream!

"You. Who is your Bias?" Yuni asked

"Is my Jimin,,,he is so handsome,,, playful, cute and had a baby face,,,Gosh Yuni he is so cute" Bomi said making Yuni to frown her face

"My three boys are all cute" Yuni pouted

"I know but my heart beats for Jimin alone, not you that desire for the three guys" Bomi rolled her eyes

"Is my desire not yours" Yuni also rolled her eyes at her 

"Whatever" Bomi stick out her tongue at Yuni, who also did the same as they both Laughed


"What's happening? What's keeping my boys from coming out,,, it's an hour to their performance and yet there isn't a sign of them. KJK everybody is waiting, please come out " Yuni said with a sad expression

"Yuni" Bomi gently called her


"I just heard from these people that KJK isn't performing again today,,,that something came up and they left. Look everyone is leaving" Bomi said with a sad expression

"What?" Yuni widened her eyes as she looked around and it was true, the crowd is slowly vacating 

"What's happened?" Yuni was confused on what actually happened that made KJK to ditch their fans like this





KimTan, Jimin and Kyung. AKA, KJK were in the dressing room getting ready for their performance

Their makeup artist were all waiting for them to get dressed

"Kyung" Jimin called but Kyung ignored him

"Kyung" Jimin called so gently as he approached his brother

"What do you want?" Kyung asked with a distance voice 

"Are you still angry with me? Remember we are performing very soon,,,if you frown your face then you won't get to smile at our fans" Jimin cupped his face with a cute expression

Kyung heaved a sigh

"What do you want Jimin?" Kyung asked again but this time with a gentle voice

"Can we exchange jeans?" Jimin blinks his eyes

"And why should I? What are you up to?" Kyung too blinks his eyes

"Am not upto anything?" Jimin pouted cutely

"Am not buying that jimin" Kyung poked his face

"Ouch! I want to exchange my blue jean with your black gean. You love blue and I love black, so what do you think? Let's trade" Jimin explained, he had the blue jean in his arm

Kyung watch him for some time ,,, actually he likes the blue gean but he doesn't trust Jimin at all

"Nah" Kyung shook his head and turned away from him

"Please..." Jimin was about to beg him further when he heard KimTan's voice

"Come take mine Jimin and give me yours, am actually interested in that blue jean" 

Jimin feeling so elected rushed towards KimTan

"I nearly forgot you have black jean and am here wasting my silver at that cockroach" Jimin glared daggers at kyung, who glared back

"Are you gonna exchange your jean with his...what if he put something in it" Kyung said as jimin glared at him

"Something like what?" Jimin asked

"Ant" Kyung grinned

"What?" Jimin scoffed

"You never can tell what you are up to" Kyung raised his brows at him

"Did you really did something mischief with this jean Jimin?" KimTan gently asked

"Really Tan? You believed that cockroach?" Jimin asked as he face palmed himself

"If I don't believe him, then should I believe you?" KimTan asked with a creased brows

"Are you two serious right now? And ..." Jimin couldn't finish his words because Mr park immediately rushed in

"Mr park you scared us...Are you been pursued by a Zombie?" Jimin asked the panting man

"Maybe he just finished watching Train to Busan ( zombie movie)" Kyung nodded his head in agreement with jimin

"Is very obvious" KimTan joined his brothers

"Boys" Mr park called with alertment in his eyes making the three guys to drop all their playfulness, as they stepped closer towards him

"What?" The three asked

"We have to leave here now" Mr park said

"Why? We have performance in an hour time" KimTan said 

"I just received an information, that an unknown assassin is been sent to eliminate you three on the stage today" Mr park break the news to them

The three brothers looked at each other as a gasps escaped their throats
