
The Ultimate Host

One fateful encounter with an extraterrestrial being leaves a man named Cross with inhuman powers and abilities. What will Cross do when he finds out international criminal organizations and government agencies want to dissect him and use the powers of the being for their own evil use? Join the adventure!!!!!!!!!!

NOAHPOWELL233 · Fantasy
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1726 Chs

The Chosen Mountain

The aftermath of the atomic bomb explosion left a gigantic hole in the center of the Death Sea. Inside the giant hole was a black bottomless pit. Fishes and sea monsters we're dying. Hanzo descended to the ground and dispersed the black and blur aura from around his body. He closed his eyes and opened them wide. He didn't sense any signs of Colt. Suddenly Hanzo turned around and there was Colt. Colt was drenched in blood and seaweed. He could feel pain erupting throughout his body. Somehow he could still talk. Colt spat blood on the ground and began laughing. "Where did you get that immense amount of power from?" Hanzo ignored Colt and began generating blue and black energy around his body. He grabbed Colt by the head and bashed him repeatedly on the ground. Colt kicked Hanzo in the face and his face was sliced by his foot. Colt landed perfectly on his feet and jumped back ten feet away from Hanzo. He generated white aura around the body which began to make the area rumble. The white aura rose into the air like a rocket. Divine White Blossom Beam! The Divine White Blossom Beam engulfed Hanzo"s body. A giant explosion occurred. Colt started laughing. "It looks like all of that immense power was just for show was"t it?" When the smoke of The Divine White Blossom Beam dispersed, Hanzo stood in the same spot. He didn't have a scratch or bruise on his body. Hanzo rose his hand into the air and a sword was formed. The sword landed in his hand and Hanzo clasped it tightly. He waved the sword across the air and the ground was split in two, making Colt fall into the bottomless pit. Colt dropped inside and latched himself onto the walls.

Colt looked at Hanzo as if he was a monster. He began firing beams at Colt. Colt dodged the beams and jumped out the bottomless bit. He landed on his feet and clenched his teeth tightly. Before he could look up, Hanzo stood in front of Colt. He shoved his soul fused sword inside of Colt's chest. Blood came out of his mouth like a waterfall of drool. Colt collapsed on the ground and vomited up more blood. That was it. Colt was on his last limb.

He kicked Colt in the face and three of his teeth flew out of his mouth. All demons must be slain. Colt began crawling away slowly. Suddenly Colt's head was removed from his body. His head rolled into the bottomless pit. Even though Colt's head was removed from his body, his body still moved. His body got off the ground and white aura began gathering around his body. His feet sunk into the ground and the rocks circled around his body. Shades of black aura could be seen. Before Colt could finish powering up, Hanzo sliced Colt in half. Blood and organs splattered all over the place. Hanzo dispersed the blue and black around his hand. He would no longer call himself Hanzo. His real named was Blaze, A.K.A. The Eater Of Worlds.

The Northern Corridor.

The clone of Solomon was defeated. However, the clone of Solomon began multiplying. The clones of Solomon combined and turned into a towering, hulking version of Solomon that had the strength of 2,000 men. Cross jumped on the towering, hulking version of Solomon and began firing multiple beams. The giant clone of Solomon began screaming loudly. The giant clone of Solomon dropped on the ground and at least ten buildings were destroyed killing over 500 Councilmen Of Fate soldiers.

Inside Repair Chamber...

Shade's chambers opened up, and he walked out. Shade's body was fully automated and repaired. He looked at his hands and saw that his hand cannon were upgraded. He began smiling. He placed his hand at the wall and a red beam emitted from his hands. The wall exploded as if it cardboard that got wet. He began smiling. Shade's power increased by 10.231 percent. His hand cannons and chest cannon no longer overheated. He could use his chest cannon anytime he wanted. Also, a new power was created in his body. It was called Last Resort. Last Resort would kill him and everything around it. The blast of the Last Resort power was like a nuclear and an atomic bomb powerful enough to destroy a world. If the bomb didn't work a gas would come out from the aftermath of the explosion. It would create a virus and eventually kill every inhabitant of the specific planet. However, he wouldn't have to result in using The Last Resort. He walked out of the Repair Chamber and there was Python. Python spat on the ground and said: "I take pity on you Shade." "If I went after The Fisherman I would of kill him the second I saw him," said Python. "The Fisherman no longer exists so that's none of your fucking business as far as I am concerned," said Shade. Shade walked away from Python and reported to Hades. Hades was no superior. Cornelius no longer had any authority over Shade.

Hade's Gigantic Mothership... Space...

" How do you like your new upgrades?" Shade didn't answer. I guess that is a yes." "I did this because I want you to execute a mission." "Eliminate Python's chief of the advisor of war, Wolf. Shade nodded his head and smiled. He then went back to The Realm Of Valadin.

Somewhere Near Chosen Mountain...

Chosen Mountain was in the Northern Parts Of The Realm Of Valadin. It was in the Northern Parts Of The Aisle Of Zero Degrees Celsius. Inside the Chosen, Mountain laid a portal to the Zen Continent. Orion learned off the Chosen Mountain and would travel to the Chosen Mountain. At the moment Solomon and Maddox took over the Chosen Mountain. The monks agreed to help Solomon and Maddox against The Realm Of Valadin. In front of the Chosen Mountain laid a giant door that had cravings of ancient writing and incantations all over the place.