
Risk or not

Ditiro nervously entered the consulting room , the room had two doors.The one she entered in and the other one at the back . The doctor examined her .

"Relax , it wont hurt a bit"

"How long will it take"

"Just 30min ,please go through that door .I will be there shortly " the doctor pointed at the back door.

When she entered, the nurse was wheeling someone out of the back room . The person was covered with white sheet.

"Did something go wrong, was she dead" Ditiro wondered

Seeing all the metallic instruments on the tray sent jitters through Ditiro as she sat on the bed. The doctor came through , he gave Ditiro a hospital gown to change into.

The gown , the metallic instruments, the person wheeled out who looked dead. It was all too very much ,Ditiro threw the gown on the bed and ran out. She stopped at the gate panting ,the nurse ran after her .

"Hey , its ok we've done this for years.You will be save .Come back now.Are you alone"

Was she alone ,the girl that looked dead Ditiro pondered. Who will look after Naledi if she died ,no way she can't risk it.

"I have changed my mind ,please leave me alone" Ditiro cried out

"Look ,you wont get your money back.Might as well do what you came here for " said the nurse in a calm sweet voice

Ditiro looked at her , She was so beautyful."Does she herself have any kids, would she have a risky abortion done on her" Ditiro wondered ,without answering her back .

"It's ok to be nervous, it will be over before you know it then you can go on with your life .Now let's go back" the nurse did not give up

Ditiro ran again , faster this time the nurse could not keep up.What will she do now , she can hide the pregnancy for another month or two.Would she miss her final exam again , tears streamed through her eyes as she wondered what now.