
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 98 Fourth Wall Breaker

Chapter 98 Fourth Wall Breaker

Soon, Leon received a call for a regroup.

Because he had shared his phone number and made it accessible in this world, Deadpool managed to track him down; otherwise, he might never have returned. As it turned out, he was still in the previous warehouse.

In addition to the bar's warehouse, it housed numerous weapons provided by the Weasel, who is not only bat owner but also a weapons dealer. Many of the mercenaries' weapons in the store were purchased from him, contributing to the Weasel's considerable income.

When Leon arrived, he noticed that the room was already crowded.

"Hey everyone, meet our Cyclops," Deadpool gestured towards Leon for introductions.

What a god Cyclops.

Leon sighed but decided not to argue. As he waited for Deadpool to properly introduce him to the others, he was surprised when Deadpool skipped the process altogether.

Leon spread his hands and asked, "Aren't you going to introduce me?"

Deadpool leaned in closer and whispered, "It's useless to remember; they don't live long anyway. After all, I'm a producer."

Leon was about to cover his head, acknowledging that Deadpool was indeed one of the producers. He thought, 'Come on, can't you be a bit more discreet about wanting?'

Yet, breaking through the fourth wall, Deadpool's lunatic brain circuits couldn't be easily deterred. Leon found a spot on the side and simply sat down.

Meanwhile, Deadpool prepared a map and began explaining the plan in an unusually serious manner.

"I have to let you guys know the plan before we do it," Deadpool said with a somewhat normal thought.

Nonsense! If they didn't even know the plan, what were they doing there? Going shopping?

Leon looked around boredly, noticing the surplus of weapons in the warehouse. However, everyone present relied on their so-called special abilities, rendering the weapons seemingly useless. Except for a non-powered individual, a overweight middle age man, everyone else possessed super abilities.

Deadpool, in particular, had recruited an invisible man as one of the teammates. Except for Leon, who could clearly see him, no one else might know if he was really present.

There was also a black girl with a unique ability. She was Lucky, but more importantly, she could alter the course of events according to her desires while conscious.

For example, if she foresaw a bullet about to hit her, she could manipulate the concept of impact. However, there was a weakness – if she couldn't react or see, she couldn't alter anything. In essence, it was an active skill, not a passive one, which would have been incredibly overpowered.

Apart from them, there was a guy who seemed like an alien, possessing the ability to control electromagnetic fields. Another individual could spray highly corrosive acid from their mouth – more potent than sulfuric acid. Powerful indeed.

"Speaking of which, is this fat guy really suitable for this?" Leon couldn't help but wonder. Everyone present had unique skills, but only one was an ordinary person. Did he truly understand the potential dangers of the mission?

"Shut up, Cyclops, How Dare You?" Deadpool snapped, irritated by the interruption. Perhaps he was still recovering from the producer circle jargon.

He cast a glance at the only ordinary person and soothingly said, "Oh, my Sugar Bear, ignore him. He doesn't even know your name at all."

Leon raised his eyebrows.

Deadpool added, "I tell you, his name is Peter."

Leon instantly grasped the situation; okay, Spider-Man is also named Peter. Then again, why did Deadpool call him Sugar Bear? Apparently, this Peter has both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Well, can't really complain.

As we all know, the relationship between Deadpool and Spider-Man is quite something, and they could even be a couple. After all, Deadpool doesn't discriminate between men and women. So, the only ordinary person present, just because his name was Peter, got selected. Okay.

"Quiet down, I'm still talking about plans," Deadpool yelled at the crowd. The others remained silent, while Leon, once again, found himself speaking alone. It seemed Deadpool truly didn't take others to heart. As he asserted, he's the producer, and he definitely calls the shots.

Then Deadpool began detailing the reason for assembling the team and the upcoming plan. They were going to hijack an escort car that supposedly had an innocent little boy inside, and their mission was to rescue him. But, aside from hijacking the escort vehicle, there were a few other things to consider.

For instance, they might encounter an enemy named Cable. "Be careful of that guy. Although he's quite short, only 1.8 meters, contrary to the comic setting (where he's over 2 meters), he has a steel arm similar to Winter Soldier. Be extra careful," Deadpool warned.

Except for Leon, no one else seemed to understand what he was saying. Damn, Deadpool was reading DC comics in the Marvel world and even mentioned Marvel comics? This is Deadpool for you – who would've thought he's just a character in the comics world?

Then again, Leon had just mentioned that there were no elements of the Marvel Movie Universe in this world. Even excluding Mutant and X-Men, other elements hadn't appeared. What did Deadpool mean by Winter Soldier? Well, even in the movie universe Leon experienced, there wasn't a Winter Soldier plot yet.

Leon held his head in his hands and sighed. Too much complaining, but he couldn't help it. Others automatically filtered out most of Deadpool's words, considering him a bit neurotic anyway.

In short, though Deadpool rambled, everyone grasped the plan. Intercept an escort car, rescue a child, and then head back home. Simple. Any additional comments?

Leon couldn't be bothered with small talk. He worried that Deadpool's chatter would lead to a lot of nonsense. Having seen Deadpool's penchant for rambling, Leon knew his comics were more like graphic novels than traditional comics.

"Why am I here reading a novel?" Leon pondered, realizing that Deadpool alone made it an unconventional reading experience. Thankfully, the Peter present wasn't the real Spider-Man; otherwise, Leon might have considered changing universes.

Can't be bothered or can't hide.

"I finally know why your mouth was sealed before the reboot," Leon subconsciously complained.

In the end, Deadpool retorted, "You heard rumors that my movie got a reboot. Sigh? How do you even know?"

Leon just shrugged.

You're not the only special around here.




Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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