
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 1 Crossing DC, became Doomsday

Chapter 1 Crossing DC, became Doomsday

The cosmic space was silent as ever, because cosmic space is a vacuum space, and it is well known that space cannot transmit sound.

But as long as there is air, there is no problem.

For example, the sun.

The sun definitely has an atmosphere, with the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona from the inside out.

In addition, the temperature of the sun's atmosphere is terrible, after all, this is the sun.

According to scientists' speculation, the surface temperature of the sun is about 5,500 degrees Celsius, while the core temperature is close to about 20 million degrees Celsius.

It's scary.

But in such a terrifying core of the sun, there is a 'person' lying there, with his eyes closed, and snoring with his mouth.

Is someone sleeping here?

If this is known to the others, I am afraid it will shock them and can even make their jaw drop.

This is too incredible.

And the reason for adding quotation marks to people is that the figure has a five-meter-tall body, and his body is covered with huge amounts of strong muscles, especially important joints such as shoulders and elbows. Frightening armor, bone spurs shone with cold glow and spikes.

Especially his appearance, huge amounts of bloody mouth full of sharp fangs, not like human teeth, but more like the fangs of some kind of beast. It seems that it can easily bite a person and even can break bones.

Not to mention looks.

But who can know, in fact, he was also a human before, an ordinary person who could no longer be ordinary?

His name is Leon Creed, and his parents chose this name in the hope that he will be able to live a proud life in the future, Leon Creed.

But who would have thought that Leon Creed actually passed through? From one world to another.

And his experience after transmigration was not simple. The reason he changed from an ordinary person to this respectful face is actually that Leon Creed became a Kryptonian after transmigration.

That's right, it's the Kryptonian from the DC Universe.

Kryptonians can be said to be known to everyone, because Superman, known as the world's first superhero, is the Kryptonian.

Superman is the first superhero born in almost all comics, animations, and other works.

And he is a Kryptonian. When he lived on Earth, he became Superman because of the power of the yellow sun, and he has the power of Superman.

And Leon Creed actually became a Kryptonian after crossing over.

It's just that Leon Creed crossed too early. When he crossed over, it was not in the era of Superman, let alone the era of the Justice League, but 100,000 years ago before when the Justice League and Superman were born.

He came to the ancient Kryptonian age.

But even the Kryptonian technology 100,000 years ago has already surpassed the current Earth. Even as early as 100,000 years ago, the Kryptonians began a crazy expansion plan to colonize the entire universe.

Leon Creed was not only one of the main people who proposed this plan, but was also the main leader, and Leon Creed is even a famous general of Krypton.

Among them, Leon Creed was in charge of the troop that went to the solar system at the other end of the Milky Way (Krypton was also in the Milky Way, just opposite the Earth in two straight lines).

He definitely knew the help and strength provided by the sun to the Kryptonians, so he came to the solar system, and after illuminating by the sun's brilliance, he obtained the power of Superman.

However, when Planet Krypton was expanding to the entire universe in full swing, it offended a force or a person.

The universe is very mysterious, there are great gods from all sides, and even the legendary gods in various regions of the earth are also real, also known as the gods.

But this God has undergone some changes recently. A group of guys called the New God drove the old god down, and they became the new god.

In particular, Darkseid became the god-king of Apocalypse, one of the new gods, when the real god-king of the new gods, Yuga Khan, disappeared, also known as the dark monarch.

This guy also has huge ambitions to bring the entire universe into his sphere and under his command.

This time the two groups inevitably collided.

Originally, there was a group of Oa corps known as the first legion of the universe in the universe. There was a group of little blue people called Guardians of the universe. At first, they wanted to trouble Krypton.

As a result, there was a war between Apocalypse and Krypton, especially when Leon Creed led his own soldiers, a terrible army of 100,000 Superman to come back.

OA group was silent.

This was the battle of gods. The power of the two sides was about to break the universe, and the entire galaxy was shaking.

There used to be countless civilizations in the Milky Way, but in that war, many civilizations, and planets died and died out.

In the end, even Darkseid came forward in person, and even the main body came.

For the first time, he learned about the strength of Kryptonians, and also knew the existence of Superman for the first time, because at that time Leon Creed already used the name Superman as his title.

The first time Darkseid and Leon Creed met, they understood each other that the other party was their biggest threat, and they were their own strongest enemies.

An ultimate battle began. Leon Creed's fighting skills trained on Krypton surprised Darkseid, but the power of Darkseid's Omega rays almost shattered Leon Creed.

After all, Darkseid has the buff bonus of the new Gods. After many days of fierce fighting, Leon Creed, still lost and died at the hands of Darkseid.

I thought Krypton would die just like that.

However, the technological level of Krypton was so terrifying that Leon Creed's body was taken for research, and eventually, the most terrifying biochemical weapon in the universe was developed.

'The Ultimate' Doomsday.

Leon Creed was reborn again and got even more powerful and terrifying power. Even the radiance of the red sun could not make him lose his power, but would increase his power.

Leon Creed, who became Doomsday, only had kryptonite as his last weakness.

And because Leon Creed has already died once, he will not die again as a doomsday but has become an immortal, terrifying existence with infinite physical strength.

The power to destroy the world, the infinite physical energy that will never feel tired, the superfast healing and regeneration Ability. And the ability to constantly evolve and restrain the opponent according to the opponent's Ability characteristics in battle. To adapt to all environments and against all enemies' Abilities, It even resurrects after being killed and has evolved a way to deal with it, so it's impossible to kill Doomsday twice in the same way.

Leon Creed was already invincible.

Including kryptonite, he killed himself for the first time with kryptonite as soon as he figured out the situation after being resurrected.

From then on, he was immune to the weaknesses and damage of kryptonite.

He has almost become an invincible existence.

But it is precisely because he has become an invincible and perfect existence that the Kryptonians think they have seen the dawn and the future. And as a result, they wantonly take the corpses of the Kryptonians who died in the war and have become superior Superman and create a new one. Doomsday Army.

But only Leon Creed unexpectedly retained his sanity, while the other Doomsdays all lost their sanity.

For the first time, the army of 100,000 Doomsday destroyed the army of Apocalypse, and even Darkseid was defeated by Leon Creed alone.

Darkseid's omega rays can no longer hurt Leon Creed, but Leon Creed's fist can hurt him or even kill him.

At the last moment, Darkseid could only retreat, looking at Leon Creed, the two knew that they would become each other's fetters.

In fact, the word fetters is not a compliment at all.

Fetters represent restraints, obstacles, and shackles, and they all understand that this beam has been completely forged.

But what about the runaway Doomsday army as Apocalypse retreats?

They began to focus their crazy eyes on their hometown and compatriots behind them.

"Do not.".


Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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