

The fall of the three lightning strikes nearly killed Zero and now he was on the blink of death.

With no time to lose Zero starts to sucking up all the spirit QI in the world he was like a hungry beast that can devour the world.

All his injuries started to heal at a visible pace and it seemed that somehow the lightning strike activated all the pills potential that Zero had taken.

The Spirit QI vortex grow stronger and stronger and now it was covering over 25 kilometers and growing stronger.

Zero made his first breakthrough and advanced to Spirit gathering level 4, Zero breakthrough improved his body's natural healing.

His injuries were healing faster and faster but it was not healing fast enough for Zero.

The lightning tribulation was gathering all its might for what Zero guessed would be its final strike and from the look of the sky Zero chances of surviving it was very low.

Zero made another breakthrough but Zero still felt that it was not good enough, his senses told him that he would die when that lightning fall down on him.

The world got darker and darker until it was like it was as dark as a moonless night.

In the big black sky, Zero could see countess lightning bolt dancing around the sky. The site was like looking at a sea of monsters and the number of the dancing lightning kept increasing by the minute.

Looking at the sky full of monsters Zero felt a bone chilling danger coming from it now his sense told him that the was no way for him to survive the next lightning strike with his current strength.

Zero made another breakthrough to Spirit gathering level 6 with the spirit vortex at its peak Zero as starting to panic.

He was now receiving more Spirit QI than what he could handle and that was dangerous.

Any other normal person would have long died if they were on the same level as Zero and the only reason he has been able to survive this long was thanks to his spiritual ocean that is ten thousand times bigger than normal.

With such a massive Spiritual ocean Zero was lucky that in his life he would never face a bottleneck like other people.

The reason why other people die when they are faced with such a situation is that they would be forced to face a bottleneck that they a not ready for.

They would keep absolving Spirit QI without advancing leading to their Spiritual ocean expanding to its limit and exploding killing the cultivator.

Even knowing that with his massive Spiritual ocean there should not be a problem for him it did not stop Zero from fearing for his life.

Zero made another breakthrough as if it was nothing if the was anyone watching him now they would cry at the sight of him making one breakthrough after another like it was nothing.

The Spirit vortex that Zero creator was starting to go crazy there was no longer enough Spirit QI to support it.

Zero wanted more but the loud boom in the sky told him that his time was up and he looked up to see a truly freighting sit.

The last lightning was about to fall and Zero still felt the death that the next strike posed to him.

Greeting his teeth with no other choice Zero used the Dragon subduing art this was the only and most power Martial art that Zero had at his disposal.

With the power of Spirit gathering behind the Dragon subduing art its power had reached another level.

A bright green aura that looked more like a green flame started to come out of Zero body covering every part of his body.

The green aura got bigger and bigger like a flame until it covered a 2 meter radius around Zero and this was the best that Zero could do to defend himself.

Zero waited covered in green flames looking at the black sky above him, the number of lightning that as dancing up there mow was unbelievable.

With every second that Zero was standing there waiting for the lightning to fall felt like a year and all of Zero nerves were shacking.

There was no hope of his surviving this only if he could have advanced to Spiri gathering level 9 then his chance of surviving would have been better bout that did not happen.

Zero was not the only one looking at the gathering lightning in the sky with fear, the sabertooth spirit beast that setting not too far away was also looking at the sky with fear.

Spirit beast had it worse than human cultivators, while human cultivators did have to face a lightning tribulation it was only when they were about to advance to the upper realm and only then.

As for spirit beast, they have to face lightning tribulation if they wanted to get stronger for them, the lightning tribulation was like a sharping stone.

Spirit beast cultivator their body through their bloodline and to make their bodies stronger they had to temper them with lightning and the strongest and most efficient lightning was from the lightning tribulation.

The sabertooth spirit beast looked at the lighting tribulation with both fear and acceptance because he knew that he would have to face it one day.

The sabertooth spirit beast looked at Zero and in its eyes the was now a hint of respect in them, it also knew that the was no way that Zero could survive the next strike but it respect that he survived this long.

Its heart was filled with complicated feelings at the moment, Zero was going to die and that would mean that it would also die from the black ink poison.

The sabertooth spirit beast hated Zero for forcing it to make a contract with it and wanted him to die but it also did not want to die. Looking Zero a while the sabertooth spirit beast finally made its choice and it was at the moment that the final lightning strike fall.

The final three strikes were beyond Zero expectation, the three lightning strikes fall at the same time and on the way down they joined together to form one big lightning.

Looking at the falling lightning Zero felt something changed in him at that moment, gathering all his power jumped to meet the lightning strike head on like a man.

Zero was like a man possessed, no it was not like a man it was like a beast that was pushed into a corner.

After been strike by lightning a couple of times Zero now had a profound understanding of lightning.

Zero was now pushed by instinct and a dream he remembers the one a time that Kakashi Hatake used his lightning blade to cut lightning from strike the ground.

If Zero was thinking clearly he would know that what he wanted to do was impossible but currently Zero was not thinking at all and only acting on instinct.

Zero drove all the Spirit QI in his and turned it all into a lightning current that flower through his whole body, Zero tried to control it all but failed and the only thing he could do was to direct it to his hand.

Zero let out a deep bestial roar and punched the lightning strike with a hiss might.

"I will not go quietly" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

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