
The Ultimate Chance

A dark heart, tainted by pain and betrayal. He was the angel that brought color into her dull life—but also the devil who shattered heart after making it beat for him. Yet, just when she was starting to forget about him, he has the audacity to show up? ... "How dare you come back?" She regarded the man before her with eyes full of spite. "Were you waiting for me?" He smiled at her, and her glare almost made him want to run for his life. "I wait for no one. What do you want?" She asked. "To win you back." He swallowed. "You and our son." She scoffed at his response. "Giving someone a second chance is like giving them another bullet after they missed their shot the first time. Have you not heard of this saying?" _ He made a mistake, but he was willing to make up for it even if it took the rest of his life. However, time was proving that it was easier said than done

Avalorian_ · Urban
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176 Chs

Chapter 29

Avery jerked awake with a gasp. Her chest was heaving and her head felt like it had been run over by a truck. She placed a hand on her chest and took a deep breath.

What was that? Did she have a nightmare? She couldn't remember having any dream but it felt a lot like waking up from a nightmare. She looked around and slid out of bed. The house was eerily quiet and when she checked the time, it was already 10am. That was odd.

Angel rarely slept in beyond 9am and when he woke up, he would knock on her door incessantly to wake her so they would play. It was Sunday and she had promised to take him to the zoo—well, Damon had promised to take him to the zoo—but he should have been too excited to sleep beyond sunrise.

She poured herself a glass of water, downed it and washed her face, then she walked out of her room. He was not playing in his room either. An ominous feeling settled in her stomach as she opened the door to his room.


She let out a sigh of relief when she saw him sitting on the floor of his room, but her relief soon turned into worry when she saw his little shoulders jerk. He was crying.

She rushed over and picked him up, sitting on his bed with him on her lap. "Baby, what happened?"

He didn't say a word and didn't react to her presence. It was as if he didn't even notice she was there. Her brows furrowed when she felt his forehead. He was running a fever!

"Diana!" She yelled for his nanny and the latter rushed in in a few seconds.

"Madam," She bowed her head and was yet to say a word when Avery interrupted her.

"When did Angel wake up?"


"You are not certain?!" She snapped before Diana could answer. "Did he stay on his own since he woke up?"

Diana trembled as she looked down. "He was crying and he likes to be alone so I let him calm down but…"

Avery closed her eyes and hugged her son closer to her chest. He must have been crying for at least half an hour. He was having a meltdown. She took a few deep breaths and carefully placed the boy on his bed, and rushed to her room to grab her phone. She frantically dialled Dr. Chris' number. The call went to voicemail. Just her luck.

Damn it! She cursed and redialled, this time leaving a message.

"Get to my house right now! You better hurry!" She gasped for breath and shut her eyes. This was not happening.

She would much rather see Angel throw a tantrum and thrash his room when he broke down but this silence was killing her. She didn't know what he was thinking. He wouldn't communicate in the slightest and the last time it happened, he was unconscious for four days afterwards.

How did this happen?


She turned when she heard a knock and Diana's voice. That was the last person she wanted to see.

"Diana. I hired you to take care of my son. Is this how you take care of an autistic child? Ignoring his emotions when they get out of control? Why didn't you wake me?"

"I didn't know I should." She answered, infuriating Avery so much that she would have hit her if she had any strength left in her.

She brushed past her and rushed back to Angel's room. He was back on the floor, hugging his chibi plush toy and crying harder as he squeezed it. It didn't make any sounds.

She hurried over and gathered him into her arms. "It's the toy, isn't it? Is it broken?"

He didn't say a word so she pried it out of his arms and checked it. She didn't hear the recording either. She was slightly relieved.

"Baby, I'll get it fixed. I promise."

He looked up at her and instead of his tears slowing down, he burst into a fresh bout.

"No…" Her eyes stung. "Do you miss him? I'll call him over."

"Avery?" A familiar voice made her look up.

She stood up, cradling Angel. "Damon. Why the hell are you here?"

"You called me." He held his phone up. "Is everything alright?"

When did she call him? She wanted to ask but her mind was a haze. She looked down at her bawling son. "Angel, Papa is here."

"What's wrong?" Damon asked. He had felt that something had gone wrong from her tone but seeing her like this, he couldn't help worrying. He closed in on her and took a look at Angel.

"A silent emotional meltdown?" He asked.

"He was hugging the chibi toy. I thought he missed you." The tears she had been holding came gushing out.

"It's okay. Let me." He took the boy in his arms. "Angel, I'm here. I'm sorry I'm late."

He wrapped his little arms around Damon's neck.

Avery was about to let out a sigh of relief when the boy buried his face in his father's chest and broke down.

"I'll call Mabella." He shifted Angel onto one arm and reached for his phone.

"Your sister?" She asked.

He nodded subtly. "She is nearby."

Before he could dial her number, she grabbed his phone and smashed it onto the floor.

"Don't you fucking dare!"

His brows furrowed. "Avery, this is not about whatever grudges exist between you and my family. It's about Angel's health. Mabella is a pediatrician."

Her hands flew to her hips and she scoffed. "It's not about the grudges? Whose fault is it then? Who should I thank for my baby's autism?"

"Avery!" He barked.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" She angrily wiped her tears. "It's all because of you and your vile family! Why does my son have to pay for your sins?"