
The Ultimate Breeding System

Game of administrators

Aliexa_West · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Prologue: System

/// [Ultimate Breeding System] ///

[Quests] - tasks generated by the system for accelerated growth.

>[Daly Quests] - Refreshing repeatable Quests that rewards bonus EXP, Gold, Skill Pts, and Attribute Orbs.

>[Quest Board] - shows available quest through the system, generally single time completed quests. Rewards depend on the quest.

>[Challenge Dungeons] - a special dungeon requiring a [Challenge Ticket],Rewords bonus, EXP, Gold, Skill Pts, and Attribute Orbs. Along with Dungeon Chests.

>[Achievements] - Hidden quests that are shown after completing it, rewards anything from EXP all the way up to titles and skills.

[Stats] - The status page of user. The current abilities in a list for easy reference.

>[Attributes] - the physical ability of user's body in a numerical format.

>[Skills] - a list of all the abilities and specialities of the character.

>[Classes] - a special part of the system to used to refine the user's soul and abilities.

>[Evolution] - a special part of the system to used to refine the user's Body and abilities.

>[Profession] - a special part of the system used to help the user's branch outward and grow.

>[Jobs] - a special part of the system is to help solidify the user's Soul, Body, and Existence

>[Titles] - a special part of the system granted to the user for completing special challenges, and being ingrained into the user's Soul.

[Inventory] - a pocket dimension inside the system to store for user's stuff.

>[Equipment] - a page listing of currently worn and being used weapons, armor, and accessories.

>[Armory] - a section of the pocket dimension designed to store weapons, armor, and accessories.

>[Warehouse] - a section of the pocket dimension designed to store all the items and goods the user may need or want.

[Shop] - a part of the system, where you can exchange Gold and Skill Points, with the system for a special skills and items

>[Daly Discounts] - a special deal with the system to assist the user.

>[Skills Shop] - where do you extreme skill points for skills.

>[Item Shop] - where are you exchange gold for items.

[Gotcha] - where are you can exchange tickets bought from the store do you have a chance at getting very good items for a cheap price or very bad items for an expensive price depending on luck.

>[Daly Reward] - a random bonus given every 24 hours.

>[Item Gotcha] - a item lottery.

>[Summon Gotcha] - where you can summon Tamable, Contractable, or Subordinate creatures.

[Territory] - a part of the system used to assist in the management and expansion of the user's territory.

>[Idle Management] - where are you can manage general production, trade routes, and growth of your territory.

>[Construction Menu] - where are you can constrict structures through the system to get benefits I just saw your territory but you as well.

>[Territory Expansion] - a part of the system to show you the nearby claimed territories, and unclaimed territories to help you decide which way you want to expand.

[Subordinates] - a menu, allowing you to manage all of your subject/subordinates through the system.

>[Summons] - where you manage all your summoned creatures.

>[Tamed] - are you manage all your tamed pets.

>[Servants] - where are you can you see the status of all your sworn servants.

[Settings] - a basic settings menu to allow changes to the system.

>[A.I. Guide] - customize your personal AI assistant.

>[Notifications] - select your notification method.

>[Misc] - as you can customize your own system interface.