
The Ultimate Alfa; Book One; Princess Night

Being a Great Alfa is one thing, but being the Ultimate Alfa is another. Night’s journey is very long and a quite a ride! She was born to be a Half-Great Alfa, and even being the outcast, Night turned her life around and made the ones who doubted her most, bow before her feet... (And yes, it's spelled Alfa, calm down)

Rudolph_Santa · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Ch. 1 Decisions Decisions

Having two Betas is fun, but it can cause a lot of problems. Each one thinks their better than the other. I decided to discuss this with the pack, now I have to decide who's getting bit. Which is great! If you can make up your mind... So that's how I got here... "Night, come on. Their waiting." Shift whispered in a small voice. Shift was a crisp white. As bright as the moon! Her eyes were a bright pigment of blue, almost white themselves. Her body had so many twists and curves, she was truly a sight to behold. Not to mention I had to decide between her and Colby. I've grown up with Colby, he's my best friend. But so is Shift, which makes this even WORSE! Colby sat up straight, blank expression. Not transforming meant no linked minds, which also meant I had no idea what he was thinking. If I hurt him... No! I don't even wanna consider the possibility. "W-WEll" My voice cracked. A few coughs and giggles swept across the crowd. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Well, lets all look that the pros, and the cons." I said loudly. Most of the older wolves nodded their heads. My brother was here, I don't know where, but I had caught his scent a few hours earlier. I coughed again and transformed. Everyone else followed. Colby kept his mind blank and Shift soon followed. I took a deep breath and listened to some of the thoughts. "I think Shift should get it, she's the fastest and smartest." "Colby's the strongest." "This is so stupid, why not just let both have it?" "I think Daniel should be promoted, have two Deltas." "I hope she makes the right decision..." The trail soon ended as Colby howled, a piercing, long howl. Most would think something about the Alfa would make them stand out more... Colby should be the Alfa, everybody likes him, and he shows great leadership. Normal wolves would be about fifteen feet tall, but Colby was seventeen. The biggest wolf in our pack. He just screamed Alfa. I kept these thoughts to myself while looking out across my pack. A light tan she-wolf took a couple steps forward and Colby bared his teeth. He hunched into a low crouch, letting a few growls slip between his teeth. I stretched out a wing and slapped him with it. Colby instantly shot up and stood in his same, blank, poker face. I folded my wing back down and glanced at Shift. She let out a small whimper. The tan she-wolf stepped before me. "Yes?" I asked her. "I believe we should leave the pack the way it is. Colby shows great strength, but without Shift's speed, we may have not gotten as much food as we have today." She turned to stand and watch the crowd. I let out a small puff of breath I'd been holding. "Colby and Shift work together in the best ways. Choosing one could outbalance the pack and ruin the wonderful life's we have. I have three pups, who are nothing more that happy just the way they are. We shouldn't vote for change, a war might break out in the pack. We need to stick together!" The tan wolf had a point. One side wants Colby, while the other wants Shift. A inside war could break out. The she-wolf turned back around and bowed to me. "Thank you for letting me get my message across." She stopped bowing and walked back to her spot. I looked from Beta to Beta, each one nodding their heads. I dipped my head and threw it up, squeezing my eyes shut. As a rumble rose in my throat, I lifted my front paws and howled. My howl was loud, it was long and deep. The Alfa's howl. The other wolves one by one, started howling along with me. A decision had been made.