

COMPLETED Luna Yang, a 35-year-old spinster, must deal with people's prejudice against her single status at her age in a society with certain marriage standards. Her life has been further complicated by the fact that all of her sisters have settled. Her neighbors and family members mock her with snide remarks and quips. There is, however, nothing in this world that lasts forever. Joys and sorrows always follow one another into people's lives, much like days and nights. Her destiny changes when she has a elder visitor with proposal of arranged marriage to her grandson. Luna is hesitant to accept the proposal, initially, suspicious of groom's look and personality. Later she agrees to the old lady considering her family. To wonder, the grandson of the old lady turns out to be Danish Li, the stunningly handsome and dashing CEO of a large corporation known for his cold demeanor. Luna felt blessed. Does her destiny gives her what she desires? Will Luna's life transform from that of an ugly spinster to that of Cinderella, or will she fall into the trap? I own the cover. Please check out my new exclusive book : Trapped in the Werewolf's World

Lusi_Solona_ · Urban
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200 Chs

Motorcycle Incident

This was the place Luna strongly wanted to avoid not because it kept a bad memory but because Danish worked here. And as CEO, he dominated this workplace.

In reluctance, Luna marched inside the building with a package of food in one of her hands. Greeting the receptionist, she told that stylist woman her purpose of visit.

The receptionist then dialed the number and contacted someone whose name on the address Huaran gave her.

In the next few minutes, a lean young woman with long brown hair in a peach blazer and dark skirt came to meet her in the lobby for the food she had ordered. That girl thanked her.

Luna had an urge to go out of the building as soon as that girl left. However, her desire to take a pee forced her to find the restroom inside that vast building.

With the receptionist' direction, Luna wandered around the hallways. Her eyes spotted the marking that directed her to the toilet but hurrying carelessly her body hit someone who just stepped out of the lift unexpectedly. She docked on the floor pathetically.

"Sorry…" Her shocking look diverted to the man that caused her body to land on the ground. "Danish…" She didn't believe what her eyes witnessed. That man she had tried to stay away from was now standing straight, looking down at her in an unreadable expression.

Luna spontaneously surged to her feet. Being in front of him in awkwardness embarrassed her that she aimed to quickly walk away.

"How do you get here?" His cold tone pierced her ears. As if her feet were rooted where they were, Luna stood silently for a second before her lips spouted her reason.

"One of the employees ordered food from the restaurant where I work." Luna said honestly. It wouldn't benefit her hiding that fact from him, after all. One of the corners of his lips turned up in cynicism.

"Stop making excuses!" listening to his annoying response ignited Luna's indignation. "You have to be mindful. I don't want my employees to spot us together."

"Do you think I enjoy being here?" Those words almost bursted out of Luna's mouth but she managed to withhold it. Facing this man, she needed more patience. She wouldn't let anger control her.

"Excuse me, sir. Miss Wang has been waiting."A lanky man, Luna assumed as his secretary, intervened in their conversation. "Or are you busy?" he ogled at Luna who was ready to go.

"No…" Danish went with that man after taking his final glance at Luna who didn't react. Breathing in relief, Luna ran toward the toilet.


She was unfortunate to meet that man in his office. As always, he would find a way to mock her. Grinning, she disparaged her own fate. She had to accept the fact that her life wouldn't be the same after entering Li family's world. And it was just the beginning; the obstacle she would face might be more dire.

Luna rushed to the parking lot where she had parked the motorcycle Huanran lent her. She rode the motorcycle away from the office building. It was only a hundred meters from the building where the incident occurred. A sharp object punctured the tyre of the motorcycle. With a flat tyre, it was impossible for her to resume her journey with the motorcycle.

As if being tricked by destiny, Luna had to push the motorcycle, strolling down the pavement under the sunlight that pinched her skin viciously.

Glimpsing at her mobile phone in her pocket, Luna intended to call the driver yet her dignity didn't allow that. She would not use her privilege to cope with this situation. Besides, Grandma Li had helped her a lot. She had to be able to dial with her situation now without grandma Li's help.

Finally, relief washed over Luna's heart when a car halted before her eyes. Smiling with the hope that the help might have come, she waved her hand to the driver who was unseen from the outside.

The window rolled down, but Luna only discovered something she regretted. The open window just exposed Ana's cynical face with Danish on her side watching her with his sour visage.

It was like she had a desire to kick her own stupidity for letting them two laugh at her sorrow. With embarrassment and annoyance she beared, Luna shoved the motorcycle away.

"Miss Yang, I am wondering if you may need help." Ana's voice heaved her. Luna looked back. Ana'a Insulting look colored her beautiful countenance. That girl had gotten out of the car while Danish was stuck in his seat.

"No… I am fine. Don't worry." After uttering her words, Luna continued her pace.

The car moved past her at high speed, carrying Danish and Ana with their arrogance.

The sweat had bathed all over Luna's temple and body, sticking her cloth on her torso. Staring around, she wished to find a workshop or at least good person who would offer her assistance. She got nothing but futility.

After a long walk, Luna peeked at her watch. The time on her wrist watch had ticked at 1 p.m. She decided to rest under the tree.

The company was located in the city center but during rush hour, everyone was busy with their own business. No one would pay attention to her. No one cared that she was in need of help.

Confused in her one mind, someone mentioned her name. Grandma Li's driver had been on her back; the car was being parked at the edge of the road, not far from them.

"Miss Yang, I can drive you back to the restaurant. I'll contact someone to send the motorcycle to the nearest workshop." Luna's eyes squinted in disbelief.

"How do you get to know that I am here? I didn't call grandma Li to tell her that I am here."

"Young master contacted me and asked me to pick you up, Miss." Luna's pupils got bigger twice, not believing in what she just heard.


Huanran had waited for Luna uneasily in the restaurant, walking back and forth on the terrace. When Luna came with the driver, she welcomed her excitedly like a child was given a new toy.

"Where is the motorcycle?" That was her first question instead of ensuring Luna's safety.

"It is in the workshop, the mechanic is changing the tire. I am sorry but I promise I will pay for the charge."

"You should because it is your fault." Then, she trotted back inside the restaurant after making sure that Luna didn't lose her vehicle. Luna followed her and did her job until the dusk fell.

Finishing her work, Luna left the restaurant. The driver didn't go anywhere waiting for her in loyalty.

"You should have just returned after driving me back to the restaurant, Sir." Luna muttered when they had been already on their way home.

"I have to do my job to send and pick you up to your workplace, Miss."

"She is so compassionate." Luna murmured to herself. Her words referred to grandma Li.

Luna felt flabbergasted with grandma Li's considerate act but every time her father flashed on her mind, the suffering reappeared on the surface. How could she forget what she had been through? She was too young to lose her father. And getting informed that it was grandma Li's husband that caused her father's loss, Luna felt devastated.

"Are you ok, Miss?"

"Yes...I am. By the way, can you tell Danish that I thank him for calling you to help me?"

"Why don't you do it by yourself, Miss? You two will get married after all."

Silence drowned them after the advice he gave Luna until the driver dropped her in front of the house.

Danish just arrived as well and climbed out of his car. With her forced steps, Luna got to him with her intention to convey her thankfulness for his initiative.

"Danish…." His feet stopped and he slowly spun around to face her. "Thank you."

"I didn't do anything for you. So you need not to thank me." His tone of voice didn't alter, still frigid.