
The ugly empress

Stranger_love227 · History
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5 Chs


Although Xue Junliang didn't spoil the Crown Prince, the little prince was still Xue Emperor's only heir so he was always pampered and held in high esteem by subordinates around him. Naturally he grew up feeling his station was above most people. An arrogant child being told that he was uneducated by an ugly woman, it was no surprise he got angry.

Before the little Crown Prince could throw a fit, they heard a low chuckle. A man dressed in black robes approached slowly from a short distance away. He was followed by many attendants.

Teng Yun watched the man walk over, and he suddenly felt a burst of anger in his heart. Since he was born, his father had always taught Teng Yun to guard himself against Xue country's ambitious nature. Later when he grew up, he had fought with Xue Country for many years, and he came to wear the advice on his skin like an armor.

Teng Yun's feelings towards Xue Junliang was conflicted as he felt admiration towards him as well. This man was a powerful opponent. He also led his country towards peace and prosperity. Teng Yun's own country was inferior to Xue Country in many aspects. But at the end of the day, Xue Junliang was the villain who had inflicted the scourge of war and calamity on Teng Country's innocent people, year after year…

Xue Junliang was still wearing the same clothing he had worn when he killed Teng Yun, as well as the five-jade-stringed tassel crown. He walked over with a slight smile on his face, seemingly unperturbed by the Ugly Empress' face.

Seeing Xue Emperor coming this way, the servants present were both shocked and scared because they all had heard the Empress's sarcastic words to the little Crown Prince. Anyone with eyes could see how Xue Emperor loved the Crown Prince above anyone. Everyone also knew this Ugly Empress was just an ornamental mistress of the Imperial Harem, without any real power. 

Xiu Yao quickly knelt down. From the corner of her eye she saw that the Empress was still standing and her eyes were glaring darkly…

Xiu Yao thought the Empress was frightened upon meeting His Majesty. After all, this woman had been living inside the Imperial Harem for three years and this was the first time she saw His Majesty. It was indeed a pitiful story, but Xiu Yao didn't want to be implicated as well because of her Empress.

It wasn't that Teng Yun was unaware that he had to kneel in front of this man, but this man was not his Emperor. Teng Country's King was Teng Yun's father. Moreover, Xue Junliang was his mortal enemy, and even when he was a prisoner, Teng Yun never knelt for him. A man should always have his moral dignity and should not kneel down easily. He could only tolerate kneeling in front of his own father and mother.

Xue Junliang, of course, had no clue that his empress wasn't the same person anymore, so he thought this empress refused to kneel down out of her high-standing station as Feng Country's Grand Princess.

Three years ago, Xue Junliang had accepted the marriage alliance with Feng Country. At that time, Xue Country was not as strong as it was now, but had been struggling with many wars coming in all directions and its destiny was unknown. Then the King of Feng Country offered his elder sister in marriage and therefore formed an alliance between the two countries.

In the war between Xue country and Teng country, King Feng had also sent a lot of troops to support Xue Junliang. So even though Xue Junliang disliked the Empress's ugly appearance, he had not shaken the Empress's position as the Mistress of the Imperial Harem in the past few years.

But now, as the Crown Prince Xue Pei had said, Teng Country was already at the brink of collapse. The marriage alliance between Xue Emperor and the eldest Lord of Feng was coming to an end.

Xue Junliang addressed the Ugly Empress, calmly smiling, "Aifei, you were saying?"

Teng Yun tried his best to look calm and peaceful. Even though he felt a sneer coming up, he fought to pull himself together. After all, he was now occupying the body of Feng Country's Royal Princess; provoking the Xue Emperor was not a wise move.

"Has Your Majesty ever heard that an army burning with righteous indignation would always win? It is indeed true that right now Teng Country is at the end of its tether. If Teng loses another city, it will be the destruction of the country. On the other hand, Your Majesty has conquered another city, it would be only one more subsidiary city. It goes without saying which situation would urge the soldiers to fight… Moreover, if Teng sends someone to plead with Feng Country, how sure are you that the Feng Country would not turn their back against us? After all, by sending troops they could be trying to reap benefits from the side." 

As Teng Yun finished speaking, Xiu Yao drew in a sharp breath. She couldn't understand a single thing that was said, but from the tone of it, it sounded like the Empress was criticizing His Majesty, just as she had criticized the Crown Prince. This kind of crime wouldn't just end up with the beheading of only the Empress, but also every one under her.

Xue Junliang just silently stared at Teng Yun, and after a while he finally laughed and said, "I didn't expect Aifei to be familiar with the art of war. You surpassed my first opinion of you."

Then he turned to look behind him and patted Xue Pei's head, "Stay here and spend some time with your Imperial Mother."

Xue Junliang had actually 'slipped' out of the palace banquet intended for celebrating the defeat of Teng Country. Xue Junliang, as the Emperor, naturally had to be present. After encouraging his military generals to drink wine, he had slipped out to take a walk. 

But a servant sent by Jiang Yu had come reporting that the Crown Prince had taken off on a whim, saying he wanted to go to the Empress' palace. So Xue Junliang had gone after the little Crown Prince to bring him back.

After telling the Crown Prince to stay with the Empress, Xue Junliang went back to the banquet. Hearing what the Empress had said, he not only didn't punish her, but he had started to see her in a new light and regard her with special respect.

Xue Pei was reluctant and didn't want to stay with the Empress. What she had said was reasonable, but almost everyone could talk about theories of war. She was just speaking ignorantly and taking wild guesses, it just so happened at the same time that what she said fit with his Father's idea as well.

But even though Xue Pei was unwilling, he still respected Xue Junliang, so he could only stay behind. 

In the Palace there were no secrets that were really hidden. Especially when the appalling 'secret' was that Xue Emperor had gone to visit the Ugly Empress.

The news that Xue Junliang stood at the same place with the Empress for one incense time traveled to the ear of every palace maids and eunuchs, and eventually to the ears of the Imperial Concubines. Each time it passed down, the story was altered bit by bit.

In the end, people thought that last night His Majesty had bedded the Ugly Empress. Also that the Crown Prince had become very close with the Empress, just like real mother and son, and even accompanied her for lunch.

Teng Yun couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He had seen himself in the mirrors and was self-aware; his looks really were very frightening. To consummate with this Empress, Xue Emperor had to be very brave and courageous. 

The little Crown Prince had indeed stayed with Teng Yun, but it was only for lunch. The Prince looked as if he hadn't wanted to see Teng Yun's face for too long, so Teng Yun sent him out.

Now Teng Yun felt he was quite fortunate that he had this face. Otherwise, he really would have to serve Xue Junliang at some point….

He touched his face. It looked ugly but it was also painful, especially when touched.

Xiu Yao came in bringing dinner and saw the Empress staring at a mirror with an expressionless face.  She thought that the Empress was feeling sorry for herself. "Your Majesty, please have your meal. Today, the kitchen has made your favorite fish soup."