
The Uchiha Who Woke Up In... Where?

He was once a very talented Uchiha, so much so that it made even the members of his clan afraid of him! It was said that he would be the next Madara, but then, when he left to buy some groceries, a mirror appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and people say that when he touched the mirror he disappeared forever, no one knows what really happened. Hello, Mina-san, this fic isn't to be taken seriously. It's one where a random talented Uchiha will travel to another world as Sawada Tsunayoshi. Also, I haven't decided if there will be Harem or not. OBS: The story follows events from the manga specifically, so if there are any divergences regarding how it happened in the anime, it's not my fault. Also, I don't like canon that much, but I'll stick to it until the story gets to a point of more freedom, until then, the story will diverge based on the protagonist's abilities and actions. So if he chooses right, the story will go from that even if it isn't part of the canon. Don't blame me if it gets weird... Cough... there may be some crossovers with other animes, I'll let you guys decide from a list of options I shall provide at the end of the Mafia part of the story. :) Edit: Feel free to use the contents of this fanfic to make your own version of it you feel like doing it

Daoist_C_Dreams · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Russian roulette accident


"Actually, the reason I came is that Reborn called me." I scratched the back of my head as I spoke. It took me some time but I finally managed to calm down from seeing Tsuna half-naked.

I looked at him and gulped slightly. Tsuna is much more strong than I thought, I had never noticed his abs or the muscles in his arms, he always looked simple when wearing common clothes, maybe it's because he is so skinny, but... I have a feeling he is slightly taller than that time with Mochida-senpai.

And it isn't just that.

While Reborn was talking to Tsuna, for the first time I observed him deeply, Tsuna's frame is changing, it's like he is becoming bigger and stronger with time. His face too felt different, more refreshing somehow, his cool and collected side gives him a different and very handsome vibe like a cold god that watches over the mortals.

Tsuna gives me this feeling of being reliable as well, maybe if I asked something, he would surely find a way to do it.

"So, why did you called her here, Reborn?" Tsuna asked with his usually calm face that sends shivers down my spine every time I'm looking at him, for some reason my heart started beating faster and my cheeks felt hot.

"I asked her to come here so that I could return her money."



A few days ago when I was shopping I accidentally met this cute little boy in a cafe stall on the street.

"I forgot my wallet, so give me an espresso on credit." Seeing this smiling little boy I couldn't help but admire how well he spoke, not only was he wearing a suit he was also so intelligent despite being just a baby.

"What?" The girl behind the counter seemed surprised by what he asked. "Honey... where are your daddy and mommy? Do you want me to take you to the police station if you're lost?"

Reborn pulled a toy gun out of somewhere and aimed it at her, is he playing some game where he is a hitman?

"Try and the police station will be covered in blood."

"Honey, if you keep joking I'll have to call the store owner!" The girl behind the counter shouted. She is so rude! Why is she shouting with a small baby? He doesn't deserve to be treated like that because of a harmless joke.

"That will make things easier." Was Reborn's answer, but I had already stepped forward to intervene.

"Here, I'll be paying for him."

I put the money on the counter and looked at the baby with a smile.


"Oh. So that's what happened." Tsuna nodded after hearing Reborn's recounting the event.

Reborn walked over to me and handed me a couple of coins. "Thanks, Kyoko."

"You didn't have to worry about it." I took the money and stored it in my purse.

I was about to stand and leave but Reborn pulled the sleeve of my shirt. "You've come all @the way here, at least eat lunch with us and make yourself at home."

Eh? Can I? My heart skipped a beat and I looked towards Tsuna, he was giving Reborn a quizzical glare but just nodded at me with a smile.

"He is right Kyoko, my mother is preparing some snacks for us, if you go now it would be a waste of food."

I nodded as their arguments did make sense, it would be rude of me If I were to leave now, besides, it's not like I have much to do anyway.

"Thank you," I replied and sat back down while the two just smiled at me. "I'm really surprised! I didn't know that the cute boy I met some time ago is Tsuna-kun's little brother."

"I'm not his little brother, I'm Tsuna's home tutor." Said Reborn as he turned to me.

Tsuna shook his head with a smile on his face, it seems that he was also playing along with whatever Reborn said.

"Reborn is a very reliable little guy." Tsuna nodded to himself.

"You know, you have been surprising me a lot lately."


Hm? What does she mean?

*Knock! Knock!*

Tsuna looked to the right and saw his mother coming inside while carrying a plate full of snacks, I stood up and went to get the food.

"Hello, welcome!" Nana spoke as she looked towards Kyoko. She didn't get to take a look at her before as Reborn was the one who got to answer the door. Seeing her now she couldn't help but smile. What a cute girl! And to think that she came to visit Tsu-kun! "I'm Tsuna's mother."

"Hello! I'm Sasagawa Kyoko, thanks for having me." Kyoko smiled and nodded at her.

Fufu! Tsuna's with such a cute girl! Nana was beaming with happiness for her son, something that she thought was impossible actually happened and her son somehow caught the heart of a beautiful girl!

Nana was so happy that she kowtowed to Kyoko and with a face beaming with happiness and slightly flushed she said. "Isn't it hard to have this no-good-son as your boyfriend?"

Tsuna was shocked hearing this and shouted in reflex. "Mom!"

"No! Erm..." Kyoko tried to explain her relationship with Tsuna but before she could do so, Tsuna's mother had arrived at the door and cut her.

"Please, make yourself at home! I won't bother you, but remember to take Reborn out of the room and use protection!"

Seeing her like that Tsuna slapped his face, for the first time in his life he felt embarrassed! "I'm sorry Kyoko, my mother is always like that."

"N-no, it's okay." Kyoko shook her head slightly but her face was flushed red.

"Hey since you're here we could do something fun," Tsuna suggested, it was difficult for him to get to stay with a girl for so long, so he wanted to do something together with her.

"Like what?"

"How about this?" Reborn pulled a 38. Revolver out of nowhere and aimed it at Tsuna. "Russian roulette, it's the best game to test your luck with death."

"What!? You gotta be kidding, Reborn! Do you expect one of us to die!?"

"Don't worry, it's loaded with party bullets." He pulled the trigger and a clown got out of the chamber.

"Woah! That sounds fun!" Kyoko looked with bright eyes towards Reborn's gun.

Seeing her so excited, Tsuna sighed and agreed.

"Alright, I'll go first." She grabbed the gun and held it with both hands as she shot at her forehead, but...


Blood dripped from the hole in her head as she fell backward. The gun fell on the ground and Tsuna looked at this scene completely frozen, he couldn't believe it... how...

"REBORN! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" He was furious and grabbed Reborn by the collar of his suit black shirt. "EXPLAIN YOURSELF!"

Reborn grabbed his hand and a wave of pain coursed through his body, it was unbearable and he ended up dropping him, before he could even do anything, Reborn had appeared behind him and locked his arm in a painful position which required a single pull to break it!

Seeing Reborn serious for the first time, Tsuna was shocked! Chakra! It has to be! This feeling that he felt was too similar! But that's not all, even if he wasn't using Sharingan, why couldn't he see his movements!

During the third ninja war, he witnessed the movements of the Konoha's Yellow Flash as he fought the Raikage, even if he couldn't react to something at their level, he could at least see it, but Reborn... Reborn is stronger than Kage-level shinobi!

Thinking Reborn had been ordered to kill him, his Sharingan activated in plain sight as he turned his head to look towards him, what he saw at that moment made him tremble! Flames, flames so big and powerful that they covered the entire floor! Tsuna at his current level only had 10% of Reborn's Chakra... Meaning that Reborn had ten times more chakra than a Jonin!

It wasn't just that.

What's going on!? Why can't I see it!? Why can't I see his Chakra nature!?

Sharingan wasn't as good as seeing the minimal details regarding Chakra as Byakugan, but through it, any Shinobi observed would look like they were engulfed in flames if you're trying to peer into their Chakra, the size of the flames usually equaled the power of the Shinobi, small flames such as ones barely covering a few centimeters around the body was Genin, beyond 15 cm was the range of a Chunin, 30 cm a Jonin, and the Third Hokage's flames were about one meter long. Tsuna's flames were 30 centimeters long, while Reborn's flames were about 3 meters long...

Not only that, but through Sharingan, you could also see someone's Chakra nature, but the feeling he got from Reborn's flames wasn't like any of the five Chakra natures, it was filled with vigor and energy, it was a sturdy Chakra that seemed to have a yellow glow to it.

Tsuna bit his lips as he looked towards Reborn, had he trained more his Genjutsu, maybe he would have been able to use anything useful against him, but the few Genjutsus he could use were D rank as he was always weak on that side.

Reborn didn't say anything as he forced Tsuna into the ground, he just looked at Kyoko and said. "It's time. Do it with your last will."

A shout then brought Tsuna's attention forward and he gasped.

Kyoko's clothes were forced away from her body without becoming ashes like his as a bright orange flame burned in her forehead. Blood gushed out of his nostrils as he watched her standing only wearing her purple panties and bra, at that time he also noticed for the first time that Kyoko was much more developed in those areas than he had previously thought!

Beautiful! Too beautiful!

Her breasts were perfectly round and not too big while not too small, the perfect size for someone to grab and feel like he was in heaven... as he admired the scene, wisdom brought him back and he shouted.

"Fuck! Reborn, let go, I can't let her leave without wearing her clothes!"

Kyoko turned around and left his room without even reacting to Tsuna's words.

Reborn jumped away from Tsuna's back with a smile on his face, he threw her clothes to Tsuna who had stood up and said. "Let's follow her and see what's her dying will."