
Eve of The Sports Festival Part 2

(Author- Hey guys I hope you enjoy I work really hard to make this for you all. If you enjoy then please don't forget to support me on my paypal. PayPal.Me/YugiohGod)

"Hey mom, I'm up." Madara asks while his head rests on Rumi's lap and is holding his phone up to his ear.

Without a moment's delay, the warm voice of his mother responds, "Oh thank god. Do you realize how f#cking worried I was about you? How are you doing, is Rumi there?"

Madara instantly glances up at Rumi suprised. He had mentioned her to his mom but he hadn't actually introduced her yet. Rumi just shrugged before nodding her head back to the phone.

"I'm doing well, but... Mom, have you met Rumi?"

"Huh? Well of course I have! She's been the one taking care of you these past 6 months since you weren't allowed off school grounds. I met her during visitation hours."

Madara's eyes widen once he hears that. Six months! He had been asleep for six months! Instantly his thought shot to... "What about the sports festival? I haven't missed it have I?"

Suddenly his mother can't help but chuckle. 'He never changes does he?' She can't help but think to herself.

"No Madara you haven't missed it. The announcement for it is tomorrow. The festival will start in two days."

"Great that means..."

However before Madara could finish his sentence he was cut off, "Oh no. I already know what your thinking so shut up and listen to me first."

Madara's mouth shut close as he couldn't help but wrinkle his brow in annoyance. His mother has always been so kind and gentle. However he can understand it. He just woke up from a coma after all.

"First, I already know your going to want to compete. However if you want me to sign that permission slip you have to do two things for me."

"What things?" Madara asks curiously.

"That's more like it." She states happily. "Firstly, I don't care what the school says about you being in perfect health, I need to see that for myself. I want you to come of here tomorrow so I can look you over. besides it's been nearly eight months since I've seen you so this is non negotiable."

"Fine fine, what's the second thing?" Madara nods in agreement.

"I want you to bring Rumi over to the restaurant when you meet me."

Madara nods his head. In the end he's expected this. Besides it's not like he had any objections to it. His mom's restaurant is amazing and has some of the best comfort foods in town.

To not take Rumi there eventually would be a crime.

Madara can't help but chuckle, "Alright, I'll be there with Rumi at 7:00PM tomorrow, is that good?"

"Sure honey, just take care and rest up today okay?"

"Alright I will I swear."

"Alright, take care baby, I'll see you later, I love you!"

"Love you too mom. Bye."

Madara then hangs up the call before then looking up at Rumi who was smiling happily.

"So I'm finally going to be introduced to your mom right?" She asks while looking down at him. Her snowy white hair dangling over her face which is directly above Madara's.

Seeing her adorable expression Madara simply nods before sitting up and flipping rumi over so she's the one with her back to the mattress, "Indeed, but let's set that aside for now."

"Huh?" Rumi asks surprised, her cheeks turn dark red.

Madara then lans over and gently pulls her lips up onto his as they both gently kiss each other in complete bliss.

Rumi can't help but to begin to squirm as she wraps her legs around Madara's shirtless torso, and her arms around his neck and pulls him deeper into the kiss.

Despite what one might think, to this point the couple rarely had shared any truly romantic moments, only so far as to train and cuddle together, as they almost seemed to lack a drive for anything other than training and the thrill of combat.

However that notion has now completely vanished. Now that they had discovered those incredible world of pure unbridled love and passion, it became clear that they would never be able to go back.

The two then press their bodies together as tightly a possible as they continued to passionately kiss deeper and deeper, completely enamored by each other. Their bodies melding together perfectly.

Rumi's body despite being incredibly toned and powerful, still has an incredible softness and warmth to it that only seemed that completely draws Madara further in. Madara's strong and muscular form seems to completely relax as the two intertwined with each other.

They seemed to be both fighting for dominance, as well as, truly getting closer and closer to becoming one. Their hands explore each other leaving nothing hidden. as the two reach a rhythm where they feel as if the could continue forever....

Madara then momentarily breaks apart from the moment of passion as he then bites gently on her neck causing her to let out a innocent yet lewd moan. "You have no idea how much I missed you." She pants gently.

Madara nods, "Rumi... I really, truly love you with everything I have. I will give you all of me in return please give me all of you. Tell me, do you want it?"

"Yesss. Please! I will be yours my love." Rumi responds lovingly. He golden skin now glowing from the sweat and her ears laying flat on the sides of her head.

With no barriers left in the way, the two delve into each other with no restraint. For the next two hours there would be nothing but pure love between them.

It was at this time that the two realized, that no other person in the world could ever fill the others place in their heart. They were meant for each other, and from this point on, they realized that this relationship, would perhaps be the only thing that they would cherish above all else.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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DaoistShinobicreators' thoughts