
The Tyrant Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Jon Hardy had no intention to hold back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1945 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Jon Hardy is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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465 Chs

Chapter 57 Second Boss!

  Bill was about to be discharged from the hospital.

  After staying in the hospital for three months, he finally recovered. Hardy came with Sean and Reid to pick him up. When Bill saw Hardy's car, his eyes lit up, and he circled around the car several times.

  "Pacard, Hardy, you're driving such a nice car," Bill exclaimed.

  Hardy smiled and patted Bill on the shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll be driving this kind of car too in the future. Get in, I'll take you somewhere."

  They arrived at an office building.

  There were still armed security guards in the lobby.

  "What place is this, Hardy?" Bill asked cautiously.

  "Hardy Security Company," Hardy replied.

  Bill was slightly surprised. "Hardy Security? You started a security company?"

  "Yes, it's all veterans here, many of them Marines. We've recruited over twenty people now."