
The Tyrant's Wife

"The harder I try to hate you, the deeper I fall for you." His presence irked her to the core, but whenever he got out of her sight, she missed him?! …. A tyrant, known to be the city's infamous playboy. As an executive assistant, she was forced to work under him by the most cruel twist of fate. If losing her job overnight was a nightmare, then working under a boss like Desmond Fort was hell. He was an arrogant narcissist with an ego bigger than the whole of Imperium city, but that was not what angered her the most. The most infuriating fact was that despite his constant assholery, her heart seemed to stupidly skip a beat every time he gazed at her with those devilishly charming eyes. She knew she was making a mistake but that didn't stop her from sinking deeper and deeper into his charm. All she wanted now was to leave! But leaving hell was not nearly as easy as getting in.

Avalorian_ · Urban
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375 Chs

I want him dead

The thought ran through Zaria's mind wildly, but when she registered it, a frown settled on her face. "You tried to trick me. I did not get to see you and know who you are so it doesn't count as having met up."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Zeus laughed, as though stating that there was nothing she could do about it.

She slapped her forehead when he hung up. What did he mean, 'whatever helped her sleep at night?' She was having sleepless nights because of him when he was not even her family or boyfriend.

"Is she gone?" Desmond asked when he ran into Zaria who was returning to the building. She looked at him suspiciously and tilted her head to the side. "What's going on?" He questioned.

Her response was to hold out her palm. "May I have your phone for a moment?" She asked politely, but from the look in her eyes, it wasn't that he had much choice or any choice to begin with. He did not understand what was happening but he gave his phone to her.