
The Tyrant’s Cherished Flower

At the ripe age of 119, the legendary war veteran, Kalliste Vespera, finally entered her eternal slumber. However, it seemed that even death was not meant for someone like her. Opening her eyes, she found herself in a strange land. A world where magic, knights, demons and monsters existed. Soon enough, she realised that she somehow entered the world of a war fantasy-romance novel that she used to read as a child. The strange part was that, she was someone who never existed in the book. Given a new life, she now had the chance to correct her past mistakes, and live the life that she had always wanted. However, destiny had other plans. *** “You only belonged to me! I can lose everything, but you would never escape me. I would make sure that even your soul would be binded with mine!” *** “I almost lost you twice. This time, until the last star in the vast sky dies, I would never let you go!” *** “If I am given another chance, I would choose you. Even in a thousand lifetimes. A thousand worlds, and in every versions of reality. I would always find, and choose only you.” *** “What in the world is wrong with them? I just wanted to enjoy my second life so leave me alone!”

Daoistxn98by · Fantasy
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25 Chs

15: Queen Luana

Kalliste frowned. It was nothing like she imagined. In front of them were three doors, which were identical to each other and probably led somewhere.

"What in the world is this?" She immediately enquired, pointing at the doors. "How do we know which door to choose? It would take us forever if we entered one by one!" At that moment, she felt like her head would explode at any moment.

She stomped her feet as she glared at Porteur.

"Those are teleportation doors, miss. We must choose the right one. If we are fortunate, the main mansion would be our direct destination. If not, we might find ourselves somewhere in the Macaram Mountain. Worse, in a gargoyle's territory."

Kalliste's eyes widened at what she heard.

"Tell me something like that firsthand!" Her head comically grew bigger as she shouted at Porteur.

"Relax, my lady. Just trust me on this one. I have been here a couple of times before. I could at least define which door is which."

Kalliste once again glared at him. "Then I shall trust you this time, as long as we rescue the boy."

Porteur simply nodded. Just looking at the murderous glint in her eyes sent shivers down his spine. Not wanting to feel uncomfortable, he quickly took the lead, heading for the third door on the right.

"Are you ready?"

Kalliste lets out a deep breath, with only one thing in mind. 'Wait for me, darling. I'm coming to get you.'

As soon as Porteur opened the door, a strong gust of wind suddenly enveloped them. From where they stood, Kalliste saw a dark vortex that swirled around nonstop.

"Wow!" Kalliste could not believe her eyes. It was the first time that she had seen something like this. She sensed a powerful force emanating from the portal.

"Let us enter, My Lady."

Kalliste gulped. This was particularly evident when she observed Porteur fully engulfed by the vortex.

Stepping forward, she shut her eyes tightly.

"Ugh!" It felt like millions of needles prickled her skin. Her expressions soured when she felt a powerful force punch her in the gut.

"My Lady! Are you alright?"

She was only brought back to reality by Porteur's loud voice. When she opened her eyes, she found herself standing on a cold ground. However, she had to empty her stomach first. With a loud groan, thick liquids finally rushed out of her mouth.

"Ah! That was really nasty."

Wiping the sweat on her face, she ignored Porteur and quickly straightened herself up. Kalliste tried to look around, but all she could see was the endless darkness.

"Porteur! Where are you?"

"I am here, My Lady."

She sighed a breath of relief when she heard his voice right next to her.

"I can't see anything. What should we do?"

"I would to love provide some light, My Lady. But I have an affinity for nature, not fire."

"Oh. Why did I not think about that?" Without any second thoughts, Kalliste immediately brought her hands upwards, and with a flick of her fingers, a small ball of flame enveloped her hands. It grew larger until it was enough to illuminate the surroundings.

"Where are we?" Kalliste muttered as she looked around.

They were in a spacious hallway, but what captured her attention were the carved statues of human skeletons, as well as some unfamiliar beasts on the wall. There was also a stone statue of a large Python.

"My Lady. We have to move."

The light tap on Kalliste's shoulder brought her back to reality.

"Yes…" She did not finish her sentence when her eyes widened as soon as she looked back.

"Move!" Out of instinct, she automatically pushed Porteur to the side. However, it was too late for her to dodge.

Porteur's eyes widened as soon as he saw the reanimated skeleton. If she had not pushed him, the sword would have pierced his chest. A really pathetic way to go for a seasoned mercenary like himself. However, he had no time to celebrate as soon as he saw the sword pierce the girl's shoulder.

"My Lady! How dare you!" Porteur panicked at what he saw. He quickly took his sword and lunged out, with a sharp thrust at the skeleton.

With all his might, he swung his sword down in an outward arc, knocking the skeleton. It immediately crumbled even before it could hit the ground.

"My Lady!" Seeing the crimson colour that stained her clothes, Porteur gritted his teeth.

"Watch out!"

Her sudden cry brought him out of his trance. Feeling a presence on his back, he quickly pivoted his body to avoid the incoming slash while bringing his right foot forwards to maintain balance.

With a loud cry, Porteur parried the sword before kicking the skeleton's body away.

"Go back to where you came from!" Porteur was infuriated. He could tell from the strikes that he was a skilled swordsman when he was still alive.

He narrowed his eyes when the skeleton was reanimated yet again.

He readied himself. In a blink of an eye, Porteur struck.

Kalliste had to take a few steps back when she sensed the gravity of his attack. It felt as if it had the power to destroy the surrounding space, as fast as lightning.

It was followed by a crumbling noise that resounded in the area. The skeleton fell to the ground, with a green aura that binded it in place.

"Wow! Did you really have to do that? That was overkill!" With a hint of sarcasm, Kalliste gazed at the motionless skeleton.

Porteur, on the other hand, suddenly kneeled to the ground.

His sudden action surprised her. She quickly stepped backwards. "What are you doing?"

"You got hurt, My Lady! I deserved punishment for not doing my job right!" Porteur bowed his head. At that moment, all of his pride flew out of the window.

"My Lady. Please do not forget that I am now your personal guard. You getting hurt would be a huge blow to my skills and abilities as a swordsman. Just promise me that you would not do something dangerous like that again," Porteur stated as he focused his gaze upon the wound on her shoulders.

"Yeah, right. So? Should we go now?" Kalliste just rolled her eyes and was about to speak when the hallway suddenly brightened.

They had to shield their eyes from the sudden bright lights that flooded the entire area.

"Oh no! She's here!" Porteur's eyes immediately widened as realisation hit him like a ton of bricks.

"What is…" Kalliste did not get to finish what she wanted to say when she was suddenly swifted away.

"Shh! Do not move, My Lady."

She suddenly found herself hanging from high ceilings, with thick branches to hold her up. On her side was Porteur, who at the moment had a serious look on his face.

She was about to say something when heavy footsteps beat her into it. This got her attention.

"Who is it?" she whispered, careful enough to not make any sounds.

"The Queen is here!"

Kalliste could only stare at the corridor. She then saw two lines of knights marching forward. They all have a serious look on their faces.

However, the woman sitting leisurely on a levitating golden couch being manipulated by Mana caught her attention.

Kalliste narrowed her eyes, quietly observing the woman on the couch. She could not help but be amazed. Instead of an ageing woman like she imagined, this queen looked very young. She appeared to be in her early twenties; however, she doubted it. Based on the stories of the Porteur, she should be at least in her late fourties.

She had a charming smile, and her noble presence became more apparent in her crimson robe. Her elegant brows, shaped like swords, accentuated her elegant charm, giving her an almost domineering presence. Her gray eyes shone brilliantly, like the stars in a vast sky.

The woman had an imperial air around her as she sat on her golden couch with supercilious behaviour, like a golden daughter of the heavens.

'That's the new queen?' she thought. Her jaws almost dropped.

"Stop!" The Queen suddenly shouted. Her voice echoed in the area. She narrowed her eyes, taking in the entire place.

"What's wrong, My Queen?"

She remained silent.

'What is this feeling?' Her gut warned her of an impending danger, but she was unable to pinpoint it.

After awhile, she shouted at her knights.

"Keep going, but keep your eyes open. Do not ever let your guards down." Her brows almost knitted in seriousness.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

At her command, an elderly mage with a lengthy beard abruptly stepped forward. A loud bang resounded when his stuff hit the ground.

"Renoortia Demoergio." As soon as the words escaped his lips, a plain, jade beam suddenly appeared. When it grew large enough, they finally marched forward.

They were already out of sight when the two finally went down.

"A six-star mage!" Porteur's eyes widened in surprise as realisation hit him like tons of rocks. There was only one mage who worked for the royal family. "Guilleve Albellot! The younger brother of the Blue Tower Master! What is that old man doing here?"

"This is bad! My Lady. We have to rescue the prince as soon as possible! Come on!" Taking the lead, he quickly ran forward, with Kalliste in tow.


"Be careful not to get too close on that barrier, my lady," Porteur whispered, careful enough not to get heard. They were now standing a few meters away from a large door.

"Why? What is that?" Kalliste inquired; her face was almost twisted in confusion.

"That type of barrier acted like an alarm." Porteur paused for a moment. His face immediately turned serious. "The caster would sense any living creatures that passed it."

"What should we do? That door was heavily guarded."

"Come. I know another way."

With another glance, Kalliste turned to follow Porteur.

Soon enough, they arrived in a small living room. Right in front of them, Kalliste saw an old chimney.

"Are you kidding me? I am not going in there!" Kalliste's eyes widened when she realised what Porteur wanted to do.

"What? Of course not! What are you thinking?" With a loud laugh, Porteur made his way to the chimney's side.

"Deflectindo Miseruro," he whispered.

Slowly, the chimney suddenly turned into a violent, indigo rush of spikes, which swirled nonstop in front of them.

Kalliste immediately snapped her head towards Porteur.

"I know that look. Yes. This portal existed even prior to the abandonment of this mansion. And yes. I do know some basic magic."

This shut Kalliste off. She could only nod her head as she stared at the portal.

"Come. Let's go in."

Upon stepping in the portal, the scenery immediately shifted. They were now in a large space that resembled an underground tunnel.

"Where the heck are we now?" The place was dark, but Kalliste saw many insects, cobwebs, and rats crawling around.

"We need to hurry. The prince's life is in peril!"

"What are…" Kalliste trailed off when Porteur suddenly ran as fast as he could. She could only run after him with a lot of unanswered questions in her mind.


"This little twerp. You are more cunning than your bitch of a mother."

A woman's loud voice was the first thing that they heard upon arriving in a narrow space.


Suddenly, Porteur covered her mouth, cutting her off.

He quickly grabbed the girl and hid behind the wall.

"Shh. Please control yourself, my lady."

"But my darling…"

"I know. But we have to wait for the right opportunity to rescue him." Porteur's face now had a serious expression. He would never admit to someone that he was no match for the Royal Magician.

"Alright. But do not stop me when I sense that he was in any danger."

Seeing the determination in her eyes, Porteur could only sigh.

'Should I take the risk? Maybe we had a chance with her here?'


"To tell you the truth, I do not have anything against you. You're only sin was simply being born into this world and stealing everything that should have belonged to my son."

When they heard this, the two turned around at the same time. Unconsciously, Kalliste grabbed the edge of the wall as she listened to the conversation between the two.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I do not care about the throne! You could have it however you want!"

Rowan roared in frustration. His voice was already hoarse due to the absence of water in his throat.

"You only said that because you're still young. Let us assume that my son really does inherit the throne. But the Emperor would never acknowledge him as long as you are alive!"

The queen retaliated, grabbing the boy by the neck. Gone was her usual smile. She now exuded a dark aura that almost enveloped the whole room.

"Strong!" Porteur had to step backwards when he felt a powerful aura from the Queen. His eyes widened as reality hit him like a ton of bricks.

"What's wrong with you?" Kalliste could not help but ask.

"Do you not feel this dark aura, My Lady?" Porteur asked, his eyes fixating on the Queen.

"Yes? What of it?"

Her casual remark caught Porteur off guard. He stared wide-eyed at the little girl in front of him. He wanted to say something; however, he chose to shut his mouth.

'I needed to remind myself that this girl was also a monstrous being!' Porteur shuddered at his own thoughts. The devilish grin on her face as she effortlessly butchered an adult Gargoyle replayed in his mind.

"Take him to the Abysmal Caverns!"

A booming voice interrupted Porteur's train of thought.

'Abysmal Caverns? It sounded familiar.' His brows instantly knitted at the centre as he tried to remember some information about the place.

Suddenly, Porteur gasped, but he quickly covered his mouth to avoid making any noise.

"What is it?" Kalliste enquired, having noticed his short outbreak.

"Abysmal Caverns! I know that place!"