
The Tyrant’s Cherished Flower

At the ripe age of 119, the legendary war veteran, Kalliste Vespera, finally entered her eternal slumber. However, it seemed that even death was not meant for someone like her. Opening her eyes, she found herself in a strange land. A world where magic, knights, demons and monsters existed. Soon enough, she realised that she somehow entered the world of a war fantasy-romance novel that she used to read as a child. The strange part was that, she was someone who never existed in the book. Given a new life, she now had the chance to correct her past mistakes, and live the life that she had always wanted. However, destiny had other plans. *** “You only belonged to me! I can lose everything, but you would never escape me. I would make sure that even your soul would be binded with mine!” *** “I almost lost you twice. This time, until the last star in the vast sky dies, I would never let you go!” *** “If I am given another chance, I would choose you. Even in a thousand lifetimes. A thousand worlds, and in every versions of reality. I would always find, and choose only you.” *** “What in the world is wrong with them? I just wanted to enjoy my second life so leave me alone!”

Daoistxn98by · Fantasy
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25 Chs

06: Acceptance

The Tyrant's Beloved. It was a novel that Kalliste owned for over a century. Though she read it countless times in the past, she gradually forgot about it when the war started. As a child, Kalliste almost memorised every detail of the book, but now, even the names of the characters faded out of her memory.

'How in the hell was this even possible?'

Kalliste stared at Rowan. His dark hair, reddish eyes, long lashes, and kissable lips suddenly reminded her of one of the most important characters. A child who grew up to be devilishly handsome yet became a cold-blooded and merciless Emperor in the future. His trade mark was the way he spoke when he grew up.

"You are the male protagonist of the story!" Kalliste suddenly blurted out as she gasped in realization. Her eyes were as wide as saucer plates when she slowly backed away from him.

'I knew it! I should have been dead, but how did I end up in the fictional world within a novel? Of all places!' Kalliste grabbed her hair, trying to figure out how and why. But all got was a splitting headache.

"Kally, what's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere? Tell me!" Rowan could not help but ask. The way she reacted got him off guard.

"Are you okay?" He was about to reach for her, but she suddenly backed away even more.

"Did I say something wrong?" Rowan asked once more. Seeing her like this somehow made his heart clench. If he knew she would react like this, he should have shut his mouth.

It took a while before Kalliste came back to her senses. She stared at the boy, who was currently in a state of confusion and likely had numerous questions for her. The boy had no faults, though. However, she needed some time to accept this reality. She quickly composed herself.

"I'm alright. Just stay here and rest for now, darling. I shall be outside for some fresh air." Without looking back, Kalliste began to crawl towards the small hole, but Rowan suddenly grabbed her arms.

"Then I shall accompany you, Kally."


Her sudden shout caught Rowan off guard. His eyes widened, and his grip loosened. He simple could not believe what he heard. Just awhile ago, she was gentle towards him. This would be the first time that she reacted this way. The murderous glint in her eyes said everything that her mouth can't, and it sent shivers down his spine.

Rowan slowly backed away. Her gaze went through him like a blast of ice.

Though it disappeared with a blink of his eye, he noticed it nonetheless.

"I apologise , child. But I would like to be alone for the moment. Don't worry about me; go to rest."

There it was again. Rowan noticed that her tone sounded like she was speaking to a child that was much younger than her. Though he wanted to say something, no words came out of his mouth. Rowan could only watch as she finally got out of the hole.


It was already dark when Kalliste got out. However, the darkness did not stop her. She ran as fast as she could. She had no idea where she was going. She only knew that she had to let out her frustrations. Due to her small body, she fell to the ground a couple of times.

It took awhile before she reached a small cliff. She was huffing so hard and was almost out of breath, but she managed to calm herself down. She immediately sat on a small trunk and pondered what Rowan had said. She needed to analyse her situation first before planning her next move.

If this was indeed the world inside a novel, the boy that had been with him for nearly two days was none other than the 3rd prince of the Credia Empire. The future tyrant Emperor who ended the thousand-year-old war and united the six kingdoms. Later on, he discovered the second continent.

"But he was only a child at the time, and the story began when he was barely seventeen years old. Does this mean that I entered the story years before the actual beginning?" Kalliste frowned at her own thoughts. But she felt like a bucket of cold water washed down on her when she realised something.

"Beginning of the story? Am I forgetting something important?" Kalliste's eyes snapped open in shock. Her jaws almost dropped to the ground, and her breath picked up rapidly when a new light finally illuminated the confusion and darkness within her. She could only shake her head in disbelief.

"No! What have I done?" She whispered; however, it sounded like thunder in her ears. That was when an important line from the first chapter of the book flooded her mind.

"A bitter wind swept the battlefield that was now dust and dirt, all baked under the unforgiving rays of the bloody sun. The ground glistened with the blood of all the monsters that were massacred on their own playground. Their corpses piled up like a small mountain.

Though it was a narrow victory, the three men who contributed greatly were forever embedded in the mind of the third prince, Rowan Lacarus Clevario. That event earned him the right to inherit the Emperor's throne."

Kalliste slumped to the ground at her own memories. Her mind is still in disbelief.

"I really fucked up. Big time!" Kalliste pulled her hair in frustration. She unknowingly destroyed the most important event that marked the beginning of the story.

"How am I going to fix this mess?" Only the stars in the vast sky, along with the gentle emerald giants, witnessed how she rocked her brain to find a solution. However, nothing worked. Kalliste could only massage her throbbing temples as she slowly got up.

"Though I could no longer change what happened, I must not involve myself in all of the future events. I might need to make a small summary of the story." With new determination burning in her eyes, she quickly gathered her wits.

Rowan Lacarus Clevario. The book described Rowan as a perfect character, lacking any flow or weakness. She always frowned whenever he was mentioned or when his name popped out in the middle of the dialogue.

"Though he was the main male lead of the story, I actually preferred the second and third male leads over him."

The second male lead, Malik Arnovia Rusiant, as well as the third male lead, whose name she already forgot. The two have surreal flows that make them look like normal humans, not like Rowan. Another aspect she needed to consider was the female lead of the story. Like every cliché love story, the female lead was also described as an almost perfect character.

"Did the author of that novel have a perfectionist complex? They just had to make the main characters perfect in every way. I even liked the villains in the story more than the protagonists." Kalliste sighed. The only reason that she read the book was because of the other two male leads. She sympathise with them and fell in love with their characters. They had their own ups and downs. But the thing that really made them her favourites was how they slowly overcame their fears and used them to become even stronger.

If she remembered correctly, then the two cliché characters met at an equally cliché event. Then wallah. They fell in love and lived happily ever after. However, what got under Kalliste's skin was the loss ofthe third and second male leads, who sacrificed lives for her. The bitch did not even spare a glance at them as she threw herself at her lover, who did nothing as he came late.

At the end of the story, the two married and went about their lives without even thinking about all the sacrifices that were made for them to live happily. Indeed, they felt sorry for those that fell during the great war; however, Kalliste, an avid fan of the two male leads, loathed the protagonists. For her, she was only a bitch who did not know anything but looked pretty and used her charm to get what she wanted. A literal damsel in distress who was always in need of a knight in shining armor. The male protagonist, on the other hand, was a ruthless tyrant who consistently regarded himself as a superior entity.

However, there was only one thing that confused Kalliste to the core.

"What the hell was I even doing here? Shouldn't I have reincarnated as one of the book's characters? I am not even the villainess, or even an extra! What was I supposed to do in this world?"

Kalliste stayed silent for a few moments as she pondered about everything.

"Ah! I don't care anymore!" Kalliste grated her teeth. It never crossed her mind that she would experience something like this.

Kalliste inhaled deeply, letting the ferociously cold wind smash her face. The scintillating moon that hung on the horizon somehow blinded her. At that moment, it was like walking into a fresh page of her life as the fibres were being laid down, threatening to make her part of the beautiful scenery instead of a person in her own right.

With determination burning in her eyes, Kalliste now knew what to do. She decided to live her life the way she wanted to. She had a whole life ahead, and this time, she would stop at nothing to finally achieve her dreams.

"Kalliste? What's wrong? You suddenly ran away. Did I do something wrong? Please tell me."

Kalliste's heart almost jumped out of her chest when she suddenly heard a voice. She quickly turned around and saw Rowan. His brows were pulled closer together, while his lips were drawn tightly in a pout. A pitiful appearance.

Instead of answering, Kalliste gave out a tired sigh. But of course. The boy would not listen to her.

'I almost forgot about him!' she thought.

Kalliste could only caress her nape as she focused her attention on him. If she desired freedom and a life of her own, her first step would be to get rid… no… is to distance herself from all characters from now on. Although she made a mistake by hanging around with the boy, she was not at fault. She had no idea then. But now she must find a way to separate herself from him.

"Kally? Is everything alright?"

"Nothing. I just thought about something so I wanted to take a breather. But what are you doing here? I thought I told you to rest." Kalliste diverted the conversation. She must act normally for her plans to come to fruition.

"You were not there, so how could I sleep?" Rowan spoke as he approached Kalliste.

He was truly taken aback by her unexpected behaviour. Despite his desire to inquire, he restrained himself. He did not want to pry. Perhaps she was hiding something from him for a deeper reason. He would respect her decision. If she wanted to say something, then he would be all ears.

"Hey! What are you kids doing in a place like this?"