
Chapter 9 Encounter

Translator: 549690339

Ruan Shiyun listened to these words and remembered her son saying the same thing to her just now. She couldn't help but twitch her mouth. Father and son really lived up to the idiom 'like father, like son'. Their words and even their tones were nearly identical.

How aggrieved she must feel! It was bad enough that her husband monitored her every word and action, but now even her son was trying to control her?

But that's not the point!

The point was that, at last, she didn't have to worry about her son not having an heir.

"Huangfu Mingcheng, what are you implying? Looking for a quarrel, are you?"

Faced with such a wife, Huangfu Mingcheng slowly began, "I'm just as happy as you. Tomorrow, let your son bring his wife over, then you'll get to see her!"

"As if you needed to remind me. I told my son about it long ago. Forget it, I won't chat with you anymore. I have to share this great news with our parents, let them have a good laugh too." Saying this, she hurriedly picked up her feet to leave.

Huangfu Mingcheng timely called out to her, "Madam, have you forgotten something?"

Ruan Shiyun stopped in her tracks upon hearing this and turned her head in confusion to look at her high-ranking husband, asking, "What did I forget?"

Seeing her expression, Huangfu Mingcheng knew she was really overjoyed and luckily he remembered. He spoke in a serious tone, "Didn't you arrange a matchmaking banquet tonight, inviting many young ladies to our home? You've forgotten about this. Now that our son has taken a fancy to a lady, he definitely won't be coming. What are you going to do about the follow-up?"

Ruan Shiyun rolled her eyes at Huangfu Mingcheng, "What to do? Just carry on as usual. If those girls want to come, let them come. It's not the first time our son has been absent from a matchmaking banquet." In the past, even when her son hadn't had a woman, he still never showed up at the matchmaking banquets she arranged for him. So whether the man of the hour was present or not didn't matter to her, nor did it matter to those young ladies. At most, they would be a little disappointed, otherwise, why would they come every time over these years, clamoring and fighting to come?

Hehe! What could she do, when her son was too handsome and charismatic, causing so many Beijing ladies to desire marriage!

It was all because of her excellent genes that she could give birth to such an outstanding son.

Ruan Shiyun thought narcissistically.

Huangfu Mingcheng glanced at her and then fell silent, because his wife was right. The wife loved to stir up trouble, but their son, with his strong personality, had never followed his mother's whims.

Meanwhile, Huangfu Zheng, after hanging up the phone, felt much more relaxed.

Yesterday, he was still worrying about returning to Beijing and facing some troublesome matters his mischief-making mother might cook up for him.

But now everything had been solved in an instant.

This was truly great!

Feeling excellent, Huangfu Zheng was even more eager to reach Jingting Garden quickly to see that woman.

For some reason, every time he thought of that woman, a fire blazed in his heart, especially her enchanting figure, which lingered in his mind.

"Xiaoliu, drive faster."

The driver, Xiaoliu, caught off guard by this command, promptly responded, "Yes, Young Master." He stepped down hard on the accelerator, and the speed of the car increased considerably.

When Huangfu Zheng arrived in front of his villa, he, who never knew what nerves were, suddenly felt nervous. When they met, what should he say?

"Young Master, are you not going in?" Xiaoliu, having parked the car, followed over and saw that his young master was standing at the doorway without entering, so he couldn't help but ask.

Huangfu Zheng immediately turned around and glared at Xiaoliu, his voice grave as he said, "Why haven't you left yet?" His whole demeanor was commanding without anger.

Xiaoliu, the Huangfu Family's private chauffeur, had been with them for many years and had seen his young master's expressions countless times; thus, fear was significantly less for him.

He replied honestly, "The madam told me to stay here and be at the young master's beck and call!"

"Have you already told me the address here?" Huangfu Zheng asked with an unhappy expression.

Xiaoliu nodded: "Under the madam's pressure, I had no choice but to speak."

"Hurry up and get out to the training camp for a month before you come out!" Huangfu Zheng said with a dark face.

"Yes, Young Master," Xiaoliu complied, hastily agreeing as he turned around and left. He had been prepared for punishment when the madam pressed him for answers, and sure enough, the young master had not let it slide.

After seeing the man leave, Huangfu Zheng's face was still quite unpleasant. He could imagine, now that his domineering mother knew of this place, she would likely come storming over soon.

The woman inside hadn't been handled yet, and now his troublesome mother was on her way; truly, it gave him an immense headache.

He quickly readjusted his mindset and decided to meet with the woman first.

Standing at the door, he entered the password, then confirmed his identity with retina and fingerprint scanning, and the door opened.

He walked in, his sharp eyes first scanning the room before quickly locking onto the person playing with a phone on the couch, his gaze involuntarily softening.

Tang Anzhi, hearing the door open and sensing someone's gaze on her, lifted her eyes. Her pupils contracted involuntarily—she had guessed right, it was this man who had used his authority to have her brought here. What was he planning to do?

There was no denying it, this man was the handsomest she had ever seen, many times better than that scumbag Shi Mingchen.

But so what? She had no favorable feelings whatsoever for the man who took advantage of her while she was drunk and took her virginity.

Their eyes clashed in the air for quite some time.

Huangfu Zheng became even more pleased with the woman before him; not many people could hold his gaze for so long. She seemed tailor-made for him.

Moving with steady steps, he approached the couch and then stopped in front of it, looking down at the petite woman with a stern expression, he began, "Woman, I am very displeased with your behavior."

Waking up early in the morning to an empty room had put him in a terrible mood. He had thought about how to compensate the woman, who would have thought that the woman who climbed into his bed would actually run away?

Tang Anzhi laughed sarcastically, "Man, I am also extremely displeased with your behavior!" Dammit, you reap the benefits and still dare to be unhappy? One can imagine how bad her mood was. And he still showed an aloof attitude towards her; should she prostrate in worship? As if...

For someone like Huangfu Zheng, who was esteemed as a chosen one among men, such words were undoubtedly seen as a challenge. Unbelievably, this woman not only refused to admit her wrong but even dared to utter such words.

He said with a displeased face, "Do you know where the last person who challenged me ended up?"

Tang Anzhi, speaking with her head tilted back and her neck growing tired from the man's towering height above her and his condescending stance, made her mood even darker, and her tone inadvertently became more aggressive: "What, are you planning to kill me?"