
Chapter 8 Lady Huangfu

Translator: 549690339

"You little brat, you're back but not coming home? Where the hell do you think you're going? Do you have any idea that everyone at home is waiting for you? No matter how important your business is, get back home immediately, and I mean right now," Huangfu's wife bellowed through the phone, making anyone's ears tingle.

Huangfu Zheng had anticipated this, and as soon as he finished speaking, he held the phone far from his ear.

Once the deafening voice paused, he returned the phone to his ear, his voice indifferent, "Madame Huangfu, mind your elegance."

The words from her own son nearly made Madame Huangfu flip backward in fury. What kind of son had she raised! "Hmph, you're practically abandoning your family—I don't need any damn elegance."

If he didn't provoke her, would she ever be so irate? Without this unfilial son, she'd always be an elegant lady.

"Madame Huangfu, you cursed, take care with your words!" Huangfu Zheng's voice rang out again, cool as ever.

"I'll say whatever the fuck I want. I'm asking you, are you coming back or not? You're twenty-eight and haven't even touched a woman—are you trying to end the Huangfu family's lineage? Or are you just incapable? If you're impotent, just say it; I can find some specialists for that problem…"

Listening to the increasingly excited voice on the other end of the phone, veins throbbed on Huangfu Zheng's forehead and his temples pulsed rapidly, the atmosphere in the car dropping to freezing.

Xiaoliu, who was driving in front, could feel the chill in the car, causing a coolness on the back of his neck. He minimized his presence to nothing, silently driving without uttering another word, convinced that the madame has said something to infuriate the young master.

"My health is fine…" Huangfu Zheng gritted his teeth as he spoke into the phone.

"Please, you're twenty-eight and avoiding women—who knows if you're actually ill? My son, sickness should be addressed early. Ignoring your health isn't wise. Now be good, come back home, and let Mom take you to get checked out…" The voice of Madame Huangfu took on a tone of schadenfreude, far from the concerned tone of a mother worried about her sick son.

Huangfu Zheng was close to being defeated by his mother on the other end of the line, his voice rising slightly in irritation, "I'll tell you one more time, I'm not sick. Right now, I'm on my way to find your daughter-in-law. Are you sure you want to keep nattering at your son and possibly let your future daughter-in-law get away?" By the end of his sentence, his tone had returned to normal, and he leaned back in his seat, his voice taking on a carefree quality.

Still, after saying his final word, he moved the phone a bit farther from his ear.

Nevertheless, Madame Huangfu's sudden high-pitched scream still came through. Huangfu Zheng's handsome face softened, and the sexy thin lips curved upward slightly, a sign of his good mood at the moment.

"Ah…" After letting out a scream, Madame Huangfu quickly, yet gingerly, asked, "Daughter-in-law? You didn't misspeak just now, did you?" She held her breath as she asked, worried she might have misheard.

She couldn't believe her son had actually found a woman on his own.

Considering she started setting him up on blind dates when he was just eighteen, given his dangerous profession, it was uncertain when he'd be gone, and she desperately wanted to leave a successor for the Huangfu family.

To think that after ten years, he hasn't shown the slightest interest in women, she'd been so anxious.

She'd even resorted to drugging him, sending naked women to him, but to no avail. She gave birth to a son like Liuxia Hui who remained utterly indifferent.

She really thought her son must definitely be impotent.

"When have you ever heard me lie? I'm on my way to see her now. Are you sure you want to waste time here talking to me?" Huangfu's expression was utterly relaxed.

"Then go on, son! I won't keep you any longer! Bring her home tomorrow," Madame Huangfu, convinced by the response, quickly hung up, already beaming with joy.


Ah, truly the ancestors of the Huangfu family must have been watching over us—my son has finally seen the light and learned to find a woman on his own.

But after the laughter, her heart felt as uncomfortable as if scratched by a cat. Who is this girl?

How old is she? What does she look like?

She soon broke into laughter again, thinking that the girl who managed to make the barren tree bloom must certainly be quite a looker.

Not only is her son outstanding, but his tastes are also sky-high. He would never settle for someone average or ordinary.

Actually, even if the girl wasn't particularly attractive, it wouldn't matter to her at all.

As far as she was concerned, her requirements for a daughter-in-law couldn't be lower. As long as she was female, fertile, and her son was willing—that was enough.

She returned to the living room, full of joy.

"Why so happy?" Huangfu Mingcheng, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, saw his wife beaming from ear to ear and couldn't help but put down the paper to ask.

Time seemed to have treated him especially well—leaving no trace on him—as if he were still thirty years old at the age of fifty-eight.

With facial features strikingly similar to Huangfu Zheng, he looked even more mature and charming.

If he stood next to Huangfu Zheng, probably no one would believe he was Huangfu Zheng's father; they might think they were brothers!

Mrs. Huangfu, also known as Ruan Shiyun, began cheerfully, "Husband, I have wonderful news—our son has found a woman! He won't be coming home tonight."

She was already calculating in her heart; with her son being so capable, perhaps in ten months' time, she could be holding a soft and chubby little baby!

Whether the first child was a boy or a girl didn't bother her too much. After all, once there's a first child, could a second one be far behind?

Huangfu Mingcheng showed a moment of surprise upon hearing his wife's words, but soon regained his composure.

In fact, in his eyes, his son finding a bride was just a matter of time. He couldn't understand why his wife was so anxious about it, having started worrying when their son was only eighteen.

Men of the Huangfu family weren't preoccupied with romance—late marriages were quite normal; after all, he himself got married almost in his thirties.

However, Ruan Shiyun was very upset to see that her husband had no reaction to such happy news. "Huangfu Mingcheng, what's the meaning of this? Your son has found a woman, and you're this indifferent? Are you begrudging him his happiness? If you don't give me a clear explanation, this isn't over between us!"

Huangfu Mingcheng looked at his infuriated wife and couldn't help but feel a headache coming on. Her demeanor certainly didn't match her name.

"Madam, mind your image?"
