
Chapter 6

Translator: 549690339

"Heh, I don't even know you, why should I go with you?" Tang Anzhi's face bore a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, her words laced with full mockery.

The man who had asked the question, Song Qiangyuan, his face had already darkened, "No more nonsense, follow us!" Then, with a wave of his hand, he signaled others to step forward.

Tang Anzhi snorted and haughtily said, "Let go, I can walk by myself." Having said that, she straightened her back and walked towards the car parked to the side.

She wanted to see who these people were.

Seeing that she had gotten into the car on her own, Song Qiangyuan then spoke in a deep voice, "Let's go," and headed towards the car.

Even though his expression was serious, inside he was already crying his eyes out.

Boss, you've really done me in. You didn't tell me this woman has such an intimidating presence, so difficult to handle! Did you really fall for her? If she really becomes our sister-in-law in the future, will she remember today's event?

In fact, his guess was quite on the mark! Because as future bloody tears would tell him, not only was this woman not someone to mess with, but she also held grudges very strongly, though that's a story for later.

Tang Anzhi sat very calmly in the car, looking down and playing with her phone, as they hadn't taken it from her.

The corners of her mouth lifted in spite of herself, mocking lightly. She hadn't thought that returning to Beijing after so many years, she would be greeted on this returning day with such a "grand" reception. It was indeed unprecedented.

Song Qiangyuan turned to glance at Tang Anzhi, and after noticing she was playing the extremely childish game Snake, the corners of his mouth twitched, then he looked away, no longer paying her any attention.

The moment he looked away, Tang Anzhi casually adjusted her sitting position so the phone screen was no longer visible to others.

After this seemingly casual adjustment, the game on her phone had already been swapped out.

She quickly accessed a website, pulled up a certain software, and rapidly recalled the face of the man from her memory. Her hands moved swiftly, keeping pace with her brain's recollections, drawing the man out.

In just a short minute, the portrait was completed.

The portrait was undeniably of Huangfu Zheng, so lifelike it appeared to be a photograph. This showcased the depth of her drawing skills and of course, her extraordinary memory.

Just from the glimpse she had when she woke up that morning, she was able to draw a complete likeness of the person—an ability not everyone possessed.

After finishing the portrait, Tang Anzhi hacked into the internal system and used the face in the portrait to start a rapid match. After a minute passed, she slightly furrowed her brows.

A match for the face was found, but the accompanying information was completely blank. Not even the simplest name and age were shown. She tried to dig deeper into this person's data but was told that she lacked the proper authorization.

Tang Anzhi didn't believe it and tried again, this time being counter-tracked.

She quickly backed out, flinging a virus their way to keep them occupied for a while, and used this moment to erase all traces of her presence, ensuring that even if they had superior skills, they wouldn't be able to track her.

Then as if nothing had happened, she brought up the Snake game again, discreetly terminated the automated program she had set up, and played on…

"Boss, a hacker just broke into our internal system searching for your information, and by the time we noticed, they were already gone…" Yun Jinrong, having just finished dealing with the virus left by the hacker, hurriedly called Huangfu Zheng.

Huangfu Zheng, after hearing Yun Jinrong's report and holding his phone, only furrowed his brows, then he seemed to realize something, his sharp eyes flickering. He said calmly into the phone, "I know," and then he hung up the call and dialed another number...

Song Qiangyuan had just ended the call with the boss when he turned his head, his gaze complex as he looked at Tang Anzhi, and said gravely, "Tang Anzhi, give me your phone."

When Tang Anzhi heard this, she lifted her head and slightly curled her lip, "I say, uncle, what exactly have I done wrong that I have to hand over my personal belongings? I get scared easily, so please don't frighten me, okay?"

Hearing her words, Song Qiangyuan's mouth twitched significantly.

She frightened? He couldn't see it even a little bit; just look at her now, as relaxed as if she were sitting in her own private car.

And also, could she please not call him uncle?

He was only 27 years old for heaven's sake. Although he didn't have the boss's stunning looks, he was still young and handsome. The number of girls eager to marry him might not wrap around a nation, but it could certainly encircle Beijing.

He reached out his hand, his gaze fixed on her resolutely.

Tang Anzhi chuckled lightly and placed the phone in his hand, her eyebrows raised provocatively, "Uncle, I'm poor; this is my only phone. You'd better take good care of it! It's my beloved possession. If you break it or lose it, beware, I might sue you!"

Inwardly, she was already sneering. Not taking her phone would have been fine, but by taking it, she was now utterly certain that the person orchestrating this commotion to capture her was the man from last night.

Hmph, that damn man, actually sending such a squad to catch her, was indeed a bit excessive! The one who was at a disadvantage last night was her; what right did he have to stage such a spectacle?

Tang Anzhi wasn't the least bit worried that they would find anything from her phone.

If they could really discover something from her phone, she would have to admire them.

Song Qiangyuan took the phone, and immediately, the sound of 'game over' rang from it.

He looked at Tang Anzhi, utterly disbelieving what the boss had just said.

Because the rank of the Snake game showed that she was in first place, indicating that this woman had been playing the game all along and had not attempted anything else.

He skillfully checked the phone for any traces of usage, even the web browsing history, which contained nothing but unerased entertainment gossip. There was nothing out of the ordinary.

After reviewing everything carefully again, he pocketed the phone.

Then he raised the privacy screen and made a call, "Boss, the hacker you just mentioned isn't her. She's been playing the game the whole time and didn't have the opportunity to mess with anything... Yes, I'm absolutely certain..."