
Chapter 5

Translator: 549690339

Qin Tingjie failed to extract surveillance footage from the Dark Night Bar.

He hastily made a phone call to the traffic police brigade, asking them to retrieve the surveillance footage from the street between Dark Night Bar and Kaige Hotel, including the surveillance of several roads near the Dark Night Bar.

However, the feedback only made him so agitated he wanted to kick someone, "Damn it, what the hell, how can all the cameras just happen to be broken."

He immediately sensed something was wrong.

If one or two cameras were broken, that might be a coincidence, but it's not a matter of coincidence when all the cameras in the desired area are down.

It's definitely man-made.

But if it was man-made, then... When Qin Tingjie thought of this, his expression became very serious, and within seconds, countless thoughts had raced through his mind.

The worst possibility of this phenomenon was that the woman had deliberately and strategically approached them.

No, to be more precise, she was getting close to his older brother Huangfu Zheng.

She might have been targeting him since the Dark Night Bar.

And this group was no ordinary bunch; they employed hackers to tamper with the surveillance—all gone for that particular time period. How else could there be no footage?

He was now deeply regretting having pushed that scheming person into his boss's arms.

If anything really happened to the boss, dying a thousand times wouldn't be regret enough for him.

Thinking this, he broke out in a cold sweat...

Right, there was another place: the Kaige Hotel, where his brother was currently staying.

Qin Tingjie quickly called the manager of the Kaige Hotel.

This time, he didn't hang up at all and simply waited for the response on the other end.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jie, our hotel's surveillance system was broken and has just been fixed. All the footage from last night until eight o'clock this morning is gone," the voice on the phone said.

Qin Tingjie's face darkened, and then he grabbed his car keys and headed for the garage.

He wanted to check things out at the hotel himself.

On the way there, Qin Tingjie's phone rang.

With a bitter smile upon hearing the distinctive ringtone, he answered, "Brother, I'm sorry, I couldn't find any information on that woman; all the surveillance has been destroyed..."

Huangfu Zheng was clutching his phone, his face grim.

After Qin Tingjie shared his thoughts and received no reply from the other end of the phone, he called out twice, "Brother, brother, that woman getting close to you is definitely up to no good..."

Huangfu Zheng, with a stern face, interjected, "Impossible. Get a sketch artist over here." After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Qin Tingjie stared at the disconnected call, momentarily stunned. His big brother couldn't possibly have taken a fancy to that one-night stand, could he?

That was not a good sign!

If that woman was harmless, well and good, but if not, how could they allow it?

The Huangfu family surely could not accept a woman with ulterior motives.

Regardless, since the boss had ordered to find someone, it was imperative to locate this person.

No matter what her intentions were, she indeed needed to be found; any threat must be dealt with promptly—there could be no danger lurking around the boss.

Qin Tingjie immediately made a phone call...

Three hours later, Huangfu Zheng had the woman's information in hand. Although it wasn't very detailed, it was enough for her to go and apprehend someone.

The woman who belonged to Huangfu Zheng, unless she herself did not want to let go, then there was no chance of escaping from her grasp.

"Book me a flight ticket immediately," Huangfu Zheng commanded, her eyes fiercely determined. "Notify the people in Beijing to intercept her at the airport."

Sure enough, the woman her father had his eye on did have some skills.

A flicker of admiration and pride passed through Huangfu Zheng's eyes.

Then she thought of the man named Shi Mingchen from the information, who had been involved with her woman for three years. A surge of rage flitted through her eyes, and she felt extremely uncomfortable inside.

However, considering that it was the woman's first time last night, the fury in her eyes subsided.

This indicated that the woman did not love that man that much after all.

It was for this reason that Huangfu Zheng decided to spare the man.

"Yes, Boss," Qin Tingjie said, seeing her like this and couldn't help but mourn for the woman named Tang Anzhi for three minutes in his heart. He hadn't expected that after all she had done, she simply fell into the boss's hands anyway.

He knew well that Beijing was the boss's territory.

Initially, he had been somewhat worried, but once he saw the information, he put his heart at ease.

That woman really had no issues.

Moreover, she had been cheated on by her ex-boyfriend last night, no wonder she ran off to the bar to drown her sorrows.

Speaking of which, that woman's taste was really questionable.

An inferior man with whom she had been involved for three years, yet when she encountered his family's boss yesterday, she actually fled and even erased the traces of her appearance.

If his family's boss did not have a good memory, remembering her face clearly, enabling the portrait artist to sketch it out, it might have indeed been difficult to find her now.

Qin Tingjie went aside to make the phone call. He needed to handle the few instructions given by the boss.

He also took the opportunity to book an extra ticket. Beijing was such an interesting place; how could he miss out on such excitement?

Meanwhile, Tang Anzhi was completely unaware that her cover had been blown.

She had just come out of the airport and was preparing to hail a cab when several large men appeared in front of her, preventing her from getting into the car.

"Excuse me, are you Tang Anzhi?"

Tang Anzhi looked at these men who suddenly appeared, feeling somewhat flustered. What was going on?

Why all this fuss to stop her?

Regaining her composure quickly, Tang Anzhi faced the question. Her eyes flickered, then she nodded and looked innocently at the person who asked the question, "Yes, my name is Tang Anzhi, but Uncle, why are you stopping me? Can you explain what's going on?"

Her appearance was naturally radiant and stunning, especially her eyes. Without any coverings, when she gazed at someone with such eyes, the effect was truly soul-stirring!

The man who had asked the question was almost lost in those bewitching eyes, his heart beating wildly.

Fortunately, his willpower was also extraordinary, so in just one minute, he had already composed himself, but now he dared not look at her face again.

Damn it, her beauty was just too lethal for men.

This was their boss's woman; he dared not harbor any foolish thoughts.

After clearing his throat twice, he collected himself, sensing his expression had turned serious, and then said in a grave tone, "There's something we need to discuss with you."