
Chapter 42 One Day (PK for Collections)

Translator: 549690339

Upon hearing this, Qin Tingjie gave his boss a suggestive look, well aware of what the boss was thinking—it was nothing more than wanting to spend quality time with that woman today, right?

He could understand that, so he left swiftly, giving his boss the day and not holding him up any longer.

Before leaving, "Bro, take your sister-in-law out for some fun today! I hear little girls like watching movies!"

After saying that, he winked at his boss, waved the documents in his hand, and left with a swaying grace...

Movies? Huangfu Zheng frowned, what's so interesting about such boring stuff?

But then he turned around, took out his phone, dialed a number, and said with a deep voice on the other end of the line, "Get me two tickets for this afternoon's movie..."

When Tang Anzhi came out, she saw that there was no one in the living room, which made her raise her eyebrows slightly.

She hadn't expected the guy to leave so quickly.