
Chapter 3 ran

Translator: 549690339

Tang Anzhi, now intoxicated, was dreaming at this moment. In her dream, she was actually gnawing on a chicken leg, likely due to not having dinner that evening. Maybe she was hungry now, which is why she dreamt about this.

She smacked her lips...

This action of hers broke the last strand of restraint in Huangfu Zheng completely.

Tang Anzhi wasn't responding—she was just struggling with a chicken leg in her dream. Damn it, even a chicken leg dares to bully her. Don't run away...

Qin Tingjie looked at the passionate pair in the backseat through the rearview mirror, clicked his tongue, and then very kindly raised the privacy partition between the front and back seats.

It was better for them not to witness their boss's affairs—otherwise, they might get retaliated against afterwards.

He and Qia Huo at the copilot seat exchanged an ambiguous smile, as the car slowly headed in the direction of the hotel that had been booked earlier.

Huangfu Zheng thought he had really lived the past twenty-eight years in vain. He had never known a woman's mouth could be so sweet, making him unable to stop wanting more.

This might be why the woman in his arms was different from those women whom he found revolting even at a glance.

Her faint scent on her body was truly comforting.


The car had already arrived at the destination. Because the soundproofing in the vehicle was so good, it was impossible to hear any noise from the back.

But Qin Tingjie could assert that his boss had certainly succeeded; otherwise, he wouldn't stay inside the car after it stopped.

The two then got out of the car, locked the doors, and looked back at the vehicle, unable to contain their laughter. Hahahaha, their boss had finally rid himself of his virgin status—look at him, he really is extraordinary.

They had to share this great news with others, of course, though they didn't dare to linger any longer now. Otherwise, they were the ones who would end up being sliced.

When Tang Anzhi realized something was wrong, she opened her eyes in a flash. Even without full awareness, she understood what had happened and began to struggle fiercely.

Raising his head, Huangfu Zheng looked into the flaming, angry eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "I will take responsibility..." From the moment he made her his, he had planned to marry her. Not just because she was his first woman, but mainly because he was somewhat addicted to her—she made him unable to resist, knowing the flavor once tasted.

This was the first time he had felt such intense interest in a woman.

Tang Anzhi was initially dazzled by the face in front of her—it was the most handsome face she had seen in her life, and he also had a voice that could make one pregnant just by listening.

But then her face turned completely dark. What was she doing? Was she being infatuated with a man who was... "Take responsibility my ass. Get the hell away from me..."

However, she soon realized that her own strength was utterly ineffective against this man before her, no matter how fiercely she resisted.

Clearly, this man's strength was more than just a bit higher than hers.

When Tang Anzhi woke up, she silently widened her eyes, took a glance at the luxurious ceiling, and then slowly moved out of the man's embrace. What good would it do to be resentful? What's lost is lost—was she supposed to try and reclaim it?

After a search, she only found her purse and not her clothes, so she reached for the man's shirt and slowly put it on.

After leaving the hotel, she went straight back to the dormitory and did not see her best friend Liu Xiaoxiao. She changed her clothes, and as for those men's clothes she'd taken off, she twisted them into a ball and threw them into the trash can.

Then she began to pack up her belongings, which in fact weren't many. Those quilts and the like she did not intend to take with her. She looked around the place where she had lived for nearly four years, and Tang Anzhi's heart held not much attachment. Taking out her phone, she composed a message: "Xiaoxiao, I'm leaving, going back to where I belong. Don't worry about me, and I'll call you later." Then she pressed the send button.

Afterward, she walked out of the dormitory with her suitcase, not looking back. As she reached the school gate, she saw a couple of figures, paused for a moment, then sneered and walked past them, not sparing them a glance.

Just a pair of scumbags, she couldn't care less to squabble with them.

"Anzhi, where are you going?" Shi Mingchen, seeing the person passing by, hurriedly asked with a panicked heart. He had a feeling that if he let her go today, he would never cross paths with her for the rest of his life.

"Anzhi, don't leave, it was my fault yesterday... Please forgive us! The one who should leave is me." Qiong Yintong said softly, biting her lip.

Tang Anzhi, upon hearing the words of the two people behind her, couldn't help but stop. She slowly turned around, scoffed at them, "You know, could you not be so shameless? I'm afraid of being infected by your slutty aura, so please, have the courtesy to walk around me when you see me, okay?"

"How can you talk like that, Anzhi? We just couldn't control ourselves, can't you forgive us?" Qiong Yintong accused, on the verge of tears.