
Chapter 1 Betrayal

Translator: 549690339

"My dear, do you like me or her?" a coquettish voice slowly asked.

"Of course I like you more…"

Tang Anzhi stood at the door listening for a while before she opened the door and walked in.

When she saw the two people, a cold smirk involuntarily formed on the corner of her mouth.

The abrupt laughter suddenly awakened the two people indulged in their passion.

"…Ah… Anzhi, why are you… here… I didn't…" Qiong Yintong screamed.

Seemingly not expecting her to appear, her blushing face was filled with nervousness.

Yet, a hint of smugness flickered in her eyes.

Shi Mingchen, too, hadn't expected the person who shouldn't have been there to appear, and his expression turned genuinely panicked upon seeing Tang Anzhi. He quickly pushed Qiong Yintong away.

He didn't care about her state at that moment.

Frantic, he began to explain to Tang Anzhi, "Anzhi… listen to me… this… isn't… I was just confused for a moment…"

He clumsily tried to get up and rush to Tang Anzhi's side.

As she was pushed away, a shadow of gloom swept across Qiong Yintong's eyes, quickly hidden under her lowered eyelids.

Then, struggling to get up, their exposed bodies became even more unconcealed, "Anzhi, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, it's just… I just love Mingchen too much, you… you shouldn't blame her…"

She said, trying to hold back tears…

Shi Mingchen reached out to embrace Tang Anzhi, wanting to explain to her.

Tang Anzhi saw the extended hand and her sharp gaze swept over it with endless disgust and contempt, as if looking at something filthy beyond measure, and then she coldly spat out a word, "Get out…"

Her expression was too icy, and perhaps the blatant disdain in her eyes was too obvious, causing Shi Mingchen to involuntarily withdraw his hand.

Then, possibly provoked by her gaze, he became agitated and loudly roared at Tang Anzhi, "I'm at fault, I shouldn't have done this, but are you blame-free? I am a man in my twenties. Why can't you give it to me, not even willing to kiss me, why? If I weren't like this, would I be in bed with another woman?"

Faced with his yelling, Tang Anzhi burst out laughing with anger. So, it was her fault that this man couldn't keep his thing in check?

She sneered coldly, "Shi Mingchen, I only realize today how blind I have been, how poor my judgment was to have spent three years with a scumbag like you. Thank you for hitting me with reality and letting me wake up in time. I hope you and this shameless woman are a perfect match, may you hurt each other forever."

After finishing, she turned and left without looking back. Her stride did not falter, her posture straight as she left the scene with the poise of a queen.

Watching this scene, Shi Mingchen felt his eyes splitting and a chill in his heart; he could no longer lift his feet to chase after her. His mind was flooded with thoughts that it was truly over…

"Mingchen, don't be like this, even if Tang Anzhi doesn't want you, I'm here, I will love you more than Tang Anzhi ever did…" At some point, Qiong Yintong appeared behind Shi Mingchen, wrapped her arms around him. A smug smile flashed in her eyes; she had finally pushed that wretch aside and won Shi Mingchen.

They all had entered the same school and encountered each other at the same time; why did Tang Anzhi easily win Shi Mingchen's love while she could only watch from the sidelines? Now at last, Shi Mingchen was hers…

After leaving the rented room, Tang Anzhi immediately relaxed, then let out a bitter smile. She hadn't realized how severely blind she was to not see through a scumbag and a white lotus.

Or was it their ability to hide so well?

Men are truly unreliable. At this moment, she found herself not very saddened, but rather relieved from the bottom of her heart.

It seemed she truly didn't love Shi Mingchen; otherwise, she wouldn't have been so indifferent upon witnessing him in bed with another woman.

Was she genuinely just lonely, which led her to keep a relationship with Shi Mingchen for three years?

Walking on the streets shimmering with neon lights, she felt a sense of familiarity yet strangeness. She couldn't feel any sense of belonging to this city...

Just then, her phone in her pocket rang abruptly. Tang Anzhi didn't want to pay attention to it, but the ringtone was persistent.

So she took out her phone and saw the name on the screen. It was her only good friend, her confidante calling. She swiped to answer, "Hello…"

Before she could finish speaking, a barrage of words exploded from the other end of the phone.

"Tang Anzhi, where the hell have you been? Why haven't you been answering your phone, do you know how worried I was?"

Although the voice was almost deafening, the concern in the words warmed Tang Anzhi's heart, and a slight smile appeared on her face, "Xiaoxiao, I'm fine, just out shopping, don't worry."

"Out shopping this late at night? With your glamorous looks, aren't you afraid of being molested? Hurry up and roll back here," Liu Xiaoxiao continued to yell.

Tang Anzhi chuckled lightly and then slowly said, "Who could dare harass me? Don't forget I'm a black belt eighth dan. I'm not going home tonight, you should go to sleep early! I'll see you tomorrow, that's it, bye."

Liu Xiaoxiao thought about it and agreed, knowing her friend was quite the martial arts expert, "Then be careful, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Anzhi realized that she was standing in front of a bar. She raised an eyebrow and walked in, deciding it was time to stop being the good girl she had been for the past twenty years. Perhaps indulging herself for once was a very good idea.

As soon as she entered the Dark Night Bar, it elicited many wolf whistles.

Tang Anzhi ignored the whistles directed at her and sat down at the bar.

The male bartender, upon seeing Tang Anzhi sit down, couldn't help but be dazzled by her beauty. He approached and asked, "Would you like a drink, miss?"

"Yeah, give me the strongest drink you have." Tang Anzhi took out twenty hundred-yuan bills from her wallet and added, "All the money is here, serve me as you see fit." She had never been to a bar before and didn't know how the pricing worked, so she took out all the money in advance and placed it on the countertop."

The bartender's gaze reluctantly moved from Tang Anzhi's face to the stack of money. It seemed she was a girl who had been let down, and he wondered which man could bear to see such a beautiful woman upset.

"Alright, miss, just a moment."

"Mm." Tang Anzhi responded indifferently and quietly waited.

At that moment, several men approached her, "Miss, what do you say if I buy you that drink?"

"Miss, let me buy you a drink."


Tang Anzhi slowly turned to look at the men.

With an indifferent expression, she uttered one word, "Scram..." Who the hell do you think you're calling miss? Your whole family must be misses."

"Miss, don't be like that, let's be friends! You're alone anyway." Huangmao's face was alight with a smile, his eyes fixed on her captivating face, thinking she was really top-notch! If he could get her in bed... At that thought, he felt himself.

Tang Anzhi, receiving such a blatant stare, felt truly disgusted.

Narrowing her eyes with a glint of fierceness, she shot a warning at Huangmao, "Make yourself scarce... quickly."

Upon hearing this, Huangmao immediately became angrily embarrassed, "You damn &&, don't push away a friendly face. Not only will you have to drink with me tonight, but you'll also have to sleep with me. If you make me happy, I might let you go, otherwise... hmph..."

Tang Anzhi gave Huangmao a contemptuous look and threw a punch, landing it squarely on his eye, instantly turning it into a panda eye.

She withdrew her fist and blew on it, confirming that striking someone could indeed lift her mood.

She felt a twinge of regret; she should have given that scumbag couple a sound beating earlier, not just walked away doing nothing. She had really let them off too easily.

Huangmao, clutching his injured eye, raged, "You bitch, you dare hit me? Guys, come on, let's give this slut a good lesson. Tonight, we'll take turns with her."

The seven or eight men trailing behind him were instantly roused and charged towards Tang Anzhi.

Tang Anzhi sneered and grabbed a wine bottle, smashing it onto the head of one of them.

There was a resounding crash, and the man's head blossomed with red.

Those around were momentarily stunned; they hadn't expected such a small woman to be so fierce, smashing a bottle on someone's head without blinking an eye...

"What are you all standing there for? We have so many people here; can't we take down one woman?" Seeing his crew hesitate, Huangmao roared, unable to believe that all these men couldn't deal with one woman.

After his shout, everyone snapped out of their daze. Right! No matter how tough the woman was, she was only one person, and there were seven or eight of them—no reason to be scared.

So they rushed forward again...

All eyes in the bar were drawn to the commotion, but nobody made a move to intervene. The regulars knew Huangmao was not someone to mess with, and they didn't want to get into trouble over a stranger, no matter how pretty she was.

Tang Anzhi watched as the crowd surged towards her, scoffed, and quickly threw punches—left and right—landing them on her assailants.

The scene descended into chaos...

At the railing of the second floor, a group of men was seated with a clear view of the action below.

"Tsk tsk, that woman is really something, taking on eight guys. But it doesn't look good for her; Huangmao was just on the phone, probably calling for backup," Qia Huo said, enjoying the spectacle.

Qin Tingjie stroked his chin, mumbling to himself, "Not only does this chick have some moves, but she's also pretty. Just her temper is a mess, starting a fight without a word in this kind of place. What do you guys think about me playing the hero and saving the beauty? Maybe she'll fall deeply in love with me then?"