
The Tycoon’s Unexpected princess

Teh_Boonthong · Urban
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28 Chs

2.Discipline and self-respect Lawyer Louise

Wen Yu returned home to find Aunt Ruan deep in concentration on the sofa, her eyes crimson as if she had been crying.

Wen Yu looked around the room and couldn't help but wonder,

"Aunt Ruan, what's going on?"

"How about Dad?" Wen Yu's father's second wife was Aunt Ruan.

She couldn't help but cry as she heard Wen Yu's question.

"Guo Xiang, you heartless fool!" He's overreacted! You stood by him when the Guo family was struggling a few years ago, and now that he's recovered, he's not only abandoned you, but he's also placed your father behind bars; he's now in jail."

"Aunt Ruan, please calm down," Wen Yu murmured, taken aback. I'll inquire about Guo Xiang." She reasoned that despite their split, there should be some residual goodwill between them, and Guo Xiang would not be so cruel. She dialed his number, and he instantly returned her call.

Wen Yu pled softly, "Guo Xiang, we've already parted ways. Please don't take it out on my father." Guo Xiang grinned.

"Someone has to take responsibility for that loss."

Wen Yu wanted to continue pleading, but Guo Xiang cut her off, saying, "There's another way, it depends on whether you're willing." Wen Yu, if you stay with me for five years, I'll liberate your uncle."

Wen Yu was taken aback. She had no idea Guo Xiang could be so brazen, seeking not only her support but also possession of her body and he just got married !

When Yu trembled in wrath, "Guo Xiang , you disgust me!" "What kind of person I am, haven't you known that for a while now?" shrugged Guo Xiang .

"I won't be your pawn!" Wen Yu responded, gritting her teeth. You may as far as forget about it, Guo Xiang !"

"Then prepare a lawyer for your uncle, Wen Yu," Gu Changqing said casually.

" Don't blame me for failing to warn you; with such a large cash at stake, it's at least a ten-year sentence."

"I'll hire the best lawyer!" hissed Wen Yu.

"Do you mean Louise Luo? Don't forget that he is soon to be my in-law brother "

" Don't tell me that you naively thinking that he will help you despite of thinking about our bond and relationship ?! "

Laughing heartlessly by Guo Xiang .

Wen Yu was stunning on the ground and looks like got splashed by cold water thoroughly.

Thinking by herself, " Yes , the country best lawyer is him , Louise Luo. "

"Wen Yu, I'll await your plea!" Guo Xiang said playfully.

Aunt Ruan cursed as soon as Wen Yu hung up the phone. "You scoundrel!" He's delusory! Even if our family died, we'd never give you up for his wickedness."

Tears streamed down Aunt Ruan's cheeks as she spoke. "Louise Luo, that lawyer, is the conniving wolf's brother-in-law." How could we possible seek his assistance? "

"Think of a way, Wen Yu."

Wen Yu's eyes was down. "I had a chance encounter with this lawyer, Louise Luo," she said quietly after a minute. I'll give it a shot."

Aunt Ruan, being a keen woman, suspected something. She smelled alcohol on Wen Yu and spotted the male coat draped over her, piecing together what might have happened but she choose not to delve further.

Meeting Luo Shao was proving difficult for Wen Yu.

The receptionist at the Louise Law Firm was charmingly aloof, "I'm sorry, miss, without an appointment, I can't allow you upstairs."

Wen Yu felt bad about not receiving the business card the night before. Then she asked, "If I make an appointment now, when could I see Mr. Louise ?"

"The earliest would be in at least two weeks," the receptionist checked.

Wen Yu couldn't help but be concerned.

The elevator doors around the lobby corner opened at that time, and a couple stepped out. Louise was the man in question.

The epitome of an elite, dressed in a traditional black and white suit and beautifully groomed. The woman, who was in her early forties, had an enticing physique, exuding an air of affluence.

Louise Luo noticed Wen Yu as soon as he stepped out of the elevator. Nonetheless, he acted as if he didn't recognize her, politely guiding the client to the door while ignoring her presence. He was astute, talking pleasantries with the woman but keeping a safe distance.

"Louise Luo, it's all thanks to you this time," the woman's voice was seductive and alluring. Otherwise, how could I have divorced amicably and obtained my fair portion of the assets? You have no idea how stingy he became with me after he found a new love..."

Louise Luo smiled cheerfully , "It's what I should do."

"Lawyer Louise, how about a drink tonight?" the woman suggested.

Wen Yu's gaze fell upon the woman, noting her figure—something most men wouldn't easily turn down. But Louise Luo wasn't just any man. He glanced at his watch, tactfully declining, "Unfortunately, I have a prior engagement tonight."

The woman, perceptive enough, knew that Louise Luo wasn't interested. She bid a coquettish farewell and left in her car. After seeing off his client, Louise Luo purposely paused at the reception area. Looking at Wen Yu, he remarked, "Changed your mind?"