
The sliders

In a universe with two worlds destined to different fates, one must slide between fate to stop the inevitable. That's where I come into the fray. I'm Dakota I was born in the old world. As I said earlier the world are destined to colid. However just before the world's would have colided the ancient powers of the old world stoped it from being reality. And because of the ancients disappearing, the land they protected grew restless and made monster, That are summoned from dungeon that opened. The sliders are groups of people from the old world that gained parts of power from the new world. Many sliders are dungeon hunters too we hunt down were the dungeon is located and kill the cores. The first sliders made a union to only fight against the monsters to destroy the cores and not fight on behafe of the current world powers. Many have broken that agreement this is were I come in to work. I hunt down other sliders that have broken laws, agreements, and those who back stab the union.