

  I sighed in frustration, running my fingers through my hair, “Why can’t he leave me alone”

  “Because he is an asshole. He should get bored eventually,” Lola replied, leaning over the table and squeezing my hand.

  He could have gone anywhere, yet he chose here, which was obviously on purpose to get to Ryland and me. I wouldn’t be surprised if his father had something to do with it.

  “Gracie, Lola, your food is ready,” Avena called over. We left our table and headed over to pick up our food, and I paid, making sure to leave a generous tip. We thanked her, exited the pizzeria and started the walk to our apartment.

  “Let’s now tell Ryland and Ben about what happened, because if we do, I think Ryland is going to lose it. I don’t want him getting into any trouble because of me,” I sighed. I hated lying to him, but it was in his best interest.

  “I agree. They don’t need to know.”

  It didn’t take long for us to arrive home.