

  He called for Ashley and Ryland to come out, “Mommy, did you know Gracie and Ryland are going to get married” Her little face lit up when she said that.

  “I did, yes.” Ashley grinned.

  Abby went over to Ryland, “Hello, Ryland. I am Abby, Gracie’s little sister,” she seemed so excited to tell him.

  Ryland kneeled to her level, “It is very nice to meet you, princess.” Abby hugged him too, and he happily hugged back. Ryland turned his attention to Connor after he and Abby had greeted each other.

  “And you must be Connor!” Ryland smiled.

  “Yes.” Connor was definitely the shy one out of the two.

  “It is really nice to meet you too.” Ryland offered him his hand to shake, which he took.

  It made my heart happy watching Ryland with them. He would be an amazing father one day, and I couldn’t wait to give him babies.

  “Ryland, Gracie said she would play with us. Do you want to play too” Abby asked so freely.