
The Two sides of Her

Kaho Minami is a daughter of a ceo she looked as she's living normal life. But she also has some secrets that she keeps all to her self. This is my first to writing some stories. Please tell me if there's something wrong with my vocabulary. Thanks. And sorry because I'm only writing some short episodes. I promise I'll write some long episodes sometimes later. And I also edit this story by myself. So if anyone wants to help me then I appreciate it. Also thanks for over 11.8K reads Update info : 1. I'll try to update every week 2. For a next Chapter it'll be on volume 2 (I'll change the volume on every new mission / arc) 3. I'll update this story again when I'm on my winter break. I need to study now sorry. PS I'll start editing the story for now bc there are tons of misspelled words here.

Stacy182 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


"Quick get him! " "Where is he?" " did he manages to get away" I silently listened to the voices, I smirked. I wanted to laugh but I can't blow my cover. And most importantly I, Minami Kaho is a she. Not he. And well I'll give you some quick introduction about my self.

My name is Minami Kaho. People calls me Kaho. I am 18 years old. And I actually have a job. I am a secret agent. My code name is Medusa. And I guess I'm one of the best agent in my place.

I am also the daughter of the ceo of the Minami company. Which is my father's company. I got a younger brother Minami Kaito. He's my partner in the agency. His code name is Xenon.

Anyway I just finished my mission & I'm super sleepy. I mean back at the academy they taught me that an agent must be ready at any moment. Even in the middle of the night. And right now it's 2.30 in the morning and tommorow we ( me & Kaito) have a meeting at the company. I guess that the person who made that rule isn't a son/daughter of an ceo. And that sometimes make me a bit angry.

Anyway I'm gonna sleep now and I very tired. Good night for u all.