
The Two sides of Her

Kaho Minami is a daughter of a ceo she looked as she's living normal life. But she also has some secrets that she keeps all to her self. This is my first to writing some stories. Please tell me if there's something wrong with my vocabulary. Thanks. And sorry because I'm only writing some short episodes. I promise I'll write some long episodes sometimes later. And I also edit this story by myself. So if anyone wants to help me then I appreciate it. Also thanks for over 11.8K reads Update info : 1. I'll try to update every week 2. For a next Chapter it'll be on volume 2 (I'll change the volume on every new mission / arc) 3. I'll update this story again when I'm on my winter break. I need to study now sorry. PS I'll start editing the story for now bc there are tons of misspelled words here.

Stacy182 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 12 : the past part 2

The long night is following you as it flows

Time follows you and fades

Why are you getting farther away?

So far that I can't reach you?

Tell me why, you're so far away, why

Can't you see me in your eyes anymore?

BTS -Love is not Over-

-Ryuko's pov-

I love you so much.


I still can't tell you the truth....

I just can't help but to feel...


Cold.... it's starting again.

The voice in my head...


Just stop.

Then you came you became the color in my life. The life where it was only darkness. Where I feel the pleasure of killing. I wonder now.

How many innocent lives have I took?

I couldn't even remember.

Pathetic right?

I always asked myself.

Am I pathetic?

-Keito's pov-

I'm a CEO of the Minami company. I am a father to a daughter. A husband for my wife. And a son to my parents. Quite a responsibility right.

So as you can guess my name is Kaito Minami. And I have a secret. A secret that I intend to keep it deeply inside myself. I never told my parents about this nor my family.

My daughter have a twin brother. I already gave a name to him. His name Kento. I feel really sorry for him. I couldn't even protect him.

So one powerful mafia gang's boss threatened me with the lives of my wife and Kaho's. He said that he'll leave us alone if we gave him our son. I always wanted to tell Ryoko about this for a long time.

But the problem is.....


If you want to know why I haven't told her until now. Because I'm scared. I'm scared that she wouldn't forgive me. That she'll hate me. That she could even take Kaho away from me.

But one thing for sure. I can't keep this secret forever.

I made up my mind

I'll tell her tommorow.

-time skip -

-the next day-

Okay. I'll definitely tell her today.

I gulped down my saliva as I walked into the kitchen. Here goes nothing.

(Ryoko as R)

Me :

"um..... good morning. "

R :

"whats wrong. are you okay? "

Me :

"so um.. there's been a thing that I wanted to tell you for a while. "

To be continued....

pop quiz

1.)eoseo wa bangtaneun cheoeumiji?

2.)sorryIf this can no longer resonate

Can you guess it correctly. It's a line from one of BTS's song. If anyone of you can guess both of them correctly I'll give you extra updates.

1 correct answer : 1 extra chapter (2 chaps in total)

2 correct answer : 2 extra chapter (3 chaps in total)

Please feel free to leave some comments.

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