
The meet

There once was two friends who were always together. Then one day they fell in love but after that their parents transferred them to different schools so they never saw each other again. Then when they went to college they met again and loved each other but their parents didn't know they were gay so they kept it a secret from their parents so they became roommates in college and they worked together to pass college then they went to their dorm together. Then his friend Kim went to take his shower then he took off all his clothes and hopped in the shower. then his friend nick had got into the shower when he was in their so he started to have sex with his friend and the shower so he put his dick in his friend ass then start moving back and forth and his friend Kim let out a cute moaning sound * MH ahhhhhh uh hu hu * stop he says as his face blushes red * no more nick people will be able to hear me moan so stop please. so you are asking for more hehehe I'm not going to stop I'm going to keep going in and out your ass with my dick. to be continued...