
Chapter 13: Two Monsters

Kaminari was able to stop his momentum with his "Lightning Human" technique which stopped him from finishing his descent to the ground. He..He hits much harder than Deku and is fast enough to keep up with me. My body is so weak from all the hits I took. I need to find the healing Nomu I left out here. Please be alive still, Kaminari begged.Kaminari began to fly at full speed. He couldn't hear Futari ever since the yell he heard from the stadium, but he had flown out after Kaminari. There was no question about that. Kaminari began to have a cold sweat. He had a shattered jaw, a bruised back, and a few cracked ribs. In a seemingly random place within the forest, there was a green nomu sitting by a tree with white bark. Kaminari landed by the nomu. The nomu got up and put its palm on Kaminari's head. Kaminari began to feel refreshed. The nomu had a series of healing quirks that made it virtually capable of healing anything besides brain damage. All of his injuries and ailments disappeared, but Kaminari became quite hungry.

"So…this is where the final nomu was. I picked up its scent but I guess I wanted to kill you so badly I just ignored it." Kaminari heard behind him. Kaminari dashed forward and turned around. It was Typhon Futari standing on a tree branch about 10 feet away from Kaminari.

"I didn't even know you could talk in that form." Kaminari said while being on edge.

"There are plenty things you don't about me."

"You'd be surprised. I did some research on your history. It's too bad I couldn't find anything about your quirk."

"Is that all you want to say? I'm allowing you to speak your peace before I maul you and leave your body out here."

Kaminari's stomach dropped a bit, but he maintained his composure. "What I don't understand about you Futari is how you have not become a villain yet. There is no way you like hero society after what they did to you last year."

"You are right. I hate hero society."

"Then I don't get it! Hero society has created a place where people like you and my father become outcasts even though you are both perfectly fine people. Outcasts who are bullied and stereotyped are basically pushed to become villains by society. We have heroes who only do their job for glory and who will backstab other heroes and sometimes even the citizen themselves in order to get ahead. Why are people like them celebrated? They shouldn't be. If justice is dictated by a corrupt society, then it is corrupt justice."

"If you seek validation, you will find none here. If you are trying to recruit me to your side, then stop wasting your time. You think that you don't it's unfair that outcasts are bullied by society. You say you hate heroes who do their job for selfish reasons. You say that society is corrupt. But what kind of society will the League of Villains bring? You think it'll be one where everyone is treated equally?" Futari begins to laugh hysterically. "No. Let me tell you what will happen. The heroes would then become the outcasts. The villains will become the ones who betray each other; betray the civilians. In fact, they are more likely to do. Justice will still be corrupt. All you'd be doing is reversing the roles. A waste of time. Your ends don't even justify your means because it will accomplish nothing. You people are just murderers."


"No. We are quite different. I am going to murder a man who sided with an organization that has killed thousands of innocent civilians; A man who betrayed his friends, who are a group of young heroes that nothing more than, because somehow in his angry mind, the kids of this generation are responsible for what happened to his father. Somehow in his mind, these kids will only perpetuate the problem and he won't even give them a chance to prove that they can change it. You tried to murder an entire school of innocent young men and women because you are so angry at this world's issues that you convinced yourself that the way to change it is to completely destroy it. That's vastly different." Kaminari thought about the speech that Class 1A and Futari gave him. His beliefs began to crack. This doubt enraged him even further. "Did you know that when I began killing all the nomu, I found Jirou being attacked by several nomu?" Kaminari eyes widened. "You had her leave the fair so you wouldn't have to hurt her right? Awwww. That's so cute. You care about her. But she did get hurt because you forgot that she wouldn't just sit there and let everyone died. She got hurt trying to protect Eri and Recovery Girl. She was about to beaten to death from two nomu when I arrived. She risked her life to protect those two-innocent people. Is she one of the heroes you talk about? After slaughtering the two nomu. She asked me one simple question: 'Will you kill Kaminari?' I told her that I would. She began to cry and tried to fight me to stop me; declaring that she is a hero and needs to stop me from killing you." Kaminari's knees felt weak and he began to tear. "When Recovery Girl stopped her, she had a nervous breakdown and said how much she loved you. Imagine that. She fell in love with a monster like you and still tried to protect you even after she learned that your actions almost killed her and her friends intentionally. Jirou, Toru, Deku, Iida, Uraraka, and your two best friends Bakugo and Kirishima are all heroes that I know are the exact opposite of the heroes you are trying to destroy and yet you and your organization tried to kill them all." Futari gave Kaminari a death stare with his glowing red eyes. "That is beyond unforgivable and so I will kill you because that's what I feel you deserve. That's the kind of monster I am." Futari roared. The sound of his cry was probably heard for miles.

A swirl of emotions ran through Kaminari's body but at this point he shoved down all his feelings so that he could try to worry about surviving. "Lightning Human!" Kaminari's began to crackle with electricity and he flew up into the air.

"Armadillo." Futari's nails grew to 16-inch blades that acted like an armadillo. He leaped out of the tree but much to Kaminari's surprise he went downward. The Nomu! Kaminari realized. It was far too late. The nomu was slashed apart, its brain ripped and cut in half. "Falcon." Gorgeous falcon wings grew out of Futari's back again as his claws shrank. The battle finally started.

"Minefield!" Kaminari shouted. Electrical currents began to build up in random spaces all across the sky. Futari's wings expanded to each side blasting gusts of winds through the forest. Futari took off destroying the ground. He began to effortlessly maneuver through the electrical field. "Wall of Zeus!" A giant electric wall appeared in the sky far above both of them. Kaminari looks down expecting to see fear in Futari's face but Futari remained having a blood lusted straight face. This sent chills down Kaminari's spine. Kaminari flung his hand down in Futari's direction. A massive lightning bolt from the Wall of Zeus came crashing down. Futari considered the surrounding electrical field and was able to jet past the lightning bolt while avoiding the electrical field. He then flew straight at Kaminari. Kaminari put out his hand to shoot an electrical blast, but he underestimated Futari's speed.

Kaminari's eyes widened as Futari closed in on him. "Armadillo!" Futari yelled. Futari wings quickly went back into his back as the huge claws returned. Futari swung his arm, his claws barely missing Kaminari's face because Kaminari had ducked out of the way. The force of the swing created a massive gust of wind. Futari's momentum already had carried him past Kaminari. Suddenly, Kaminari felt something grab his ankles. Kaminari looked down. It was a tentacle. Kaminari felt his body instantly get dragged by Futari's momentum.

"Sit down!" Futari yelled as he whipped his right hand downwards, slamming Kaminari into the ground destroying many trees and a lot of rocks flew everywhere (His fingers had transformed into octopus tentacles). Kaminari felt pain shoot up his back as he coughed up blood. Futari, still ensnaring Kaminari, pulled Kaminari towards him. Kaminari electrifies himself, shocking Futari for half a second which caused Futari to let go. Kaminari quickly put his palm out in front of himself. A Massive ball of electricity formed in front of him and blasted it forward. Futari dodged to the right of the ball with relative ease but then the ball burst into many small balls.

"Wha-." Futari began to say.

Kaminari smiled. "Electric Scuffle." The small balls all detonated at once creating a large zone of destruction. Before the destruction subsided, Kaminari heard a step on his right side. Before he could turn Futari hit him on his right cheek sending him through multiple trees. His face was bruised. WHAT?! Did that attack even hit him?! Kaminari thought to himself in irritation. Before Kaminari stopped himself, Futari appeared directly over him. Kaminari saw why Futari was not hit. His legs looked strange. Cheetah legs, I think?! I can't even tell because every new body part is colored pure black! Kaminari thought to himself shocked. Kaminari was able to bring his arms up to block before Futari could stomp on his head. Kaminari was pushed to the ground again but landed on his feet. Futari fell in front of Kaminari and quickly blitzed forward. Kaminari coated himself in electricity as Futari closed in and put his hands up in a fighting stance.

Futari laughed as he got right in front of Kaminari. "You really want to fight me in hand to hand combat?" Futari said with an arrogant smile. Futari threw a punch with his right hand. It was slow enough that Kaminari could block it so he began to lift his left hand to block. As soon as the hand connected to Kaminari's arm, Futria said "Gorrila Mass." The arm he was punching with suddenly became about 20% more muscular. The enhanced fist drove into Kaminari's left arm and sent him about 30 meters backward but landed on his feet as Futari pursued him. Kaminari began to lift his left arm to hand to fire off a blast but he noticed he couldn't feel it any more. Kaminari glanced down to see a swollen blue mess. His eyes widened as he realized that his arm was broken. Futari switched back to the cheetah legs and leapt forward after Kaminari but Kaminari quickly used his right hand to create a sword and thrusted forward to meet Futari's chest. Futari evaded to his left but Kaminari began to swing his sword as it expanded to follow Futari. Futari ducked under the slash but Kaminari let go of the sword, detonating it right next to Futari's body. Kaminari began to fly back up into the air while the explosion happened to get a breather. I get it now. His quirk isn't powerful because of the strength or the speed. It is because of its versatility. Midrange is where I shine. I can't hope to engage him in close combat, so I need to not get caught again.Kaminari thought to himself. Futari was still on the ground covered in electrical charges. The blast from the sword hit him straight on, afflicting sizable damage to his body. He grew wings again and chased Kaminari. Kaminari was near his lightning wall he created at the start of the fight. Lightning bolts began to strike down one after another. Futari was able to dodge them regardless of the angle but Kaminari began to launch his own blasts at different angles creating a crossfire. Futari acknowledged that the lightning from the wall was powerful, but Kaminari's own lightning was not nearly as strong. Kaminari kept flying away from Futari to give himself distance while still firing his blasts, but Futari was closing the distance. Once Futari was close his wings went back into his body to unleash a strange fish tail. Kaminari quickly intensified the electricity in his body as that tail whipped toward him.

As the tail got closer, Kaminari expanded the electricity on his body to meet Futari's tail. Much to Kaminari surprise Futari was not electrocuted. Futari saw the surprise in Kaminari's face as the tail smashed into Kaminari's back. "Did you know that there are is a category of fish called 'electric fish'? Their bodies can produce something called "bioelectricity". It's fascinating stuff. This tail is actually an eel's body." Futari explained as he regrew his wings to plummet after Kaminari. Suddenly, a bolt from the wall struck Futari as he was beginning to fly, however, this bolt did not hurt. Instead it held him in place. Futari had not realized how close he was to the wall and assumed that hitting Kaminari would stop the strikes long enough for him to switch to his wings.

"Tether." Kaminari said panting. "You always did seem a bit arrogant, but this is the end. I know just striking you with a lightning bolt won't kill you and will release you, so I'll make sure I use an attack you cannot live through." Kaminari said he lifted his right arm summoning all the electricity from his Wall of Zeus.

As the electricity gathered, Futari began to grow a bit, his muscles becoming massive. "Gorilla Mass!" Futari started to slowly move out of Tether's paralysis. His muscles were vibrating as if he was lifting weights and his muscles were failing. It's been about 15 minutes since I activated my quirk. I'm starving. My body is going to start eating itself. I need to end this! Futari reminded himself. Kaminari saw that Futari was starting to break out of the tether. "You are powerful. But this is the end of you!" Kaminari said as he gathered the last of the electricity. "Current Catastrophe!" The massive ball went forward and as it did Kaminari's eyes met with Futari once more. Futari appeared calm. "Shouldn't you be more afraid?! You are about to die!"

"I won't die until I've killed you, Kaminari." Kaminari got angry but at the same time respected how Futari tricked himself to not be afraid of death. The electric ball began to move forward blocking a Kaminari's view of Futari. Kaminari began to fly away slowly as he could barely maintain his Lightning Human form. The ball expanded and finally detonated releasing a massive yellow explosion in the sky. The yellow lights lit up the forest during the explosion. It almost looked like the weather wasn't cloudy but rather very sunny. Kaminari felt deep regret for what he tried to do to UA. He knew it was unlikely he'd escape after that battle with Futari. He was far too tired to use his powers to escape. He started to cry at the thought of betraying all of his friends as he descended to land. He was about 20 feet in the air. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his left abdomen. He looked down and saw a series of bloody claws sticking out of his abdomen. Kaminari's eyes began to widen.

"Crying? You seemed pretty sure of your conviction earlier." Futari said calmly.

"That's impossible…" Kaminari whispered.

"My dad, you know one of the old men you tried to obliterate, he always would say a phrase, 'Never use your trump card first because then they'll be no more surprises'. You pretended to play hero so you know all heroes all name their ultimate attacks. Well this is mine, 'Multi-modial.' It removes my weakness of using one animal at a time. Gorilla muscles and eel skin to resist and break out of your 'Tether', peregrine falcon wings to quickly drive the bomb outside of the explosion's radius and now, armadillo claws to rip your apart." Futari removed the claws from Kaminari allowing Kaminari to fall unto the ground. Futari landed, his wings and eel skin disappearing, muscles returning to normal. His claws remained. Futari was clearly tired panting and on the verge of his body eating itself. However, he had to complete his mission. He began to walk towards Kaminari to give Kaminari a painful death.

"STOP!" yelled a girl on the right of them both. They both turned to look who it was. Toru ran out of the forest and put herself in between Kaminari and Futari with her hands spread out.

Toru? How and why is she here? Futari thought to himself. Futari tried to walk around her. She stepped to block him again. "Move, Toru."

"I won't."


"Because you don't need to kill Kaminari."



"I don't care about that."

"When you deactivate your quirk, you will. You called yourself a monster the second day I knew you. I didn't understand what you meant, but now I do, and you are wrong. Futari goes out of his way to help people, He puts himself at risk to save other people. He is more heroic than most heroes in our society! I know Futari is not a killer or a monster because heon my problems and helped save me from them even though he barely knew me and even though I told him not to. He's not a killer and he's not a monster. He just needs to learn how to control his quirk. Your quirk makes you act on your impulse and anyone's first impulse is to want to kill someone like Kaminari but our impulses don't make us who we are. Please...you are not a monster, so I beg you don't act like one!" Futari stared at Toru and began to ponder who he was as a person.