
Chapter Fifteen

[P.O.V. King Zyston Woods]

"Leave them out of this it doesn't concern them! It only concerns you and me." Telling Evanora coldly, with a warning.

"No, you made it their problem that day you brought them into this world." She snaps back at me with venom in her tone. Adriana coughs and when she does, a lot of blood came out of her mouth. Looking down at her, I knew within my heart my mate was most likely going to die. Pressing my hand underneath hers, I put some better pressure on her wound. "Looks like her time is almost up."

"I'm going to make you a promise better yet, I'm going to make you an oath. If you come anywhere near my children, I swear I will torture you with brutality until you wish you were dead. If my mate dies, I promise I will take your life slowly. I make an oath that I will finally end you, even if it means I have to scatter your remains across multiple worlds. I will bury them in the deepest parts that no one will find them," My voice came out cold and cruel as I made an oath to her. Looking straight into her eyes, I could see a small part of the fear in them.

Travis, Stryker, and I were feeling the same emotions. Anger mixed with heartbreak and so many other emotions. We wanted to kill her here and now we wanted blood. She wounds our mate and then threatens our children. I wouldn't doubt it if she went after Katrina and her children, too. I strongly believe she wants to wipe us out like Alexander was trying to all those years ago. It's the only explanation why she is here and has targeted Adriana.

The fear in her eyes didn't last long, for she hid it quickly. After making my oath to her. The sounds of heels clicking across the floor echoed in the greenhouse. When the person of those heels showed themselves, I knew she was no good from the beginning.

"What in the fuck are you doing here?" Riley growls out. The woman doesn't pay any attention to him.

"Mistress Evanora, you need to leave if you don't the shield will go up and you won't be able to get out," Lexi says.

"Damn and I wanted to see what brief life she had left in her go out." A deep rumble comes from my chest it was a warning.

"We can't let her leave, Zyston!" Travis says to me.

"I want her blood!" Stryker pitches in.

"Patience boys, we won't let her get away that easy." Telling my beast. Mind linking with Jake, my Beta. "Jake."

"Yea?" He responds

"I want my best guards around the greenhouse right now. I also want guards surrounding any entrances that anyone can get in or out. Tell them to be on their top guard. My son Mistress, Lexi has turned against her own people and has joined the other side. She is now an enemy to this Kingdom and all the others."

"Is that why the top security? She not that big of a threat."

"No, just giving you a head up the top security is for Evanora she still alive."

"Understood." Cutting off the mind link.

"Well, I guess I better on my way then." Evanora gives me a wink, then using some kind of potion she drops, smokes goes everywhere.

"Dammit, don't let her get away!" Riley yells. Jared and he are both ready to chase after her.

"Stand down!!" Giving them an alpha command. They both stop in their tracks. I know Evanora she most likely wanted my sons to chase after her. But I won't give her the satisfaction of bringing any harm to my children.

"Are kidding me? Mother is hurt, and the person who did this is getting away! Why are you allowing this!?" Riley yells at me.

"Father, I'm with Riley on this one." Jared pipes in.

"Silence!" Giving them another command. I couldn't think, let alone almost even breathe. I can feel how cold Adriana is I can see the light in her eyes slowly fading away. The light that has led me through my darkness for all these years is almost snuffed out. Few minutes after giving my command, Kat comes in along with her two children. I can hear them whispering about the situation.

"Zyston.." Adriana says my name quietly.

"Yea?.. "I could feel the tears falling down my face.

"You need to tell them... about the proph... prophecy that involves them."

"How did you even know about that?" I haven't told anyone about the prophecy that involves my sons. She gives me a small smile and tries to speak.

"Me and my damn curiosity..." She coughs up a little more blood. I give her a small and sad chuckle. "I love seeing you smile...Zyston?..."

"Yes, my Queen?"

"I... I... Lo... Lov.." Before she could even finish that sentence, she took her last breath.

"Adri?... Little Light?.." The sobs I was holding back finally broke through. I haven't cried like sense I lost Vincent. I squeezed her lifeless body against mine, trying to feel the sparks of the bond I just lost.

Looking at the greenhouse glass ceiling, I could see the moon. As I stared at the moon, I cursed Mother Moon for doing this to me. I curse her for putting so many damn challenges in my life that usually bring death. Feeling the anger and hatred building up within him, I let out a scream. It was no ordinary scream; it was a voice of Travis, Strykers, and mine combined. After screaming everything out I was feeling, I take a deep breath and felt a sharp pain in my heart.

The pain was my body shifting into the beast I was before I found Adriana light. The dark part of me was coming back out after all these years. It was the beast that Teresa had to help teach me to control. Whenever a son or daughter of the moon loses their mates, they either go mentally insane and become a shell of nothing, or they become rogue. My beasts and I made our choice we had no reason to hold back anymore. I could feel my eyes shifting to the color of my hybrid form. I could feel the power I held radiate off my body.

"Zyston?" Kats says my name with caution. Turning my head back to look at her, she instantly got the look of fear. She knew what I was going to do through our twin bond. "Don't you dare go dark on me!"

"Jared, the kingdom will need you now more than ever. They need their king and damn good one you will be." Telling my son looking at him, I knew I terrified him to see me like this, even though he tried hard not to show it. Looking at Riley, he had the same look of terror I couldn't blame them nobody had seen this side of me besides very few. "Riley, even though you're not king, you can do more to help on the outside of the kingdoms than on the insides. Your incredible warrior... Both of you will find documents in my office about everything I know about a prophecy about you two. I thought I could hide it and ignore it, but it was foolish of me to think that I could."

Looking at my twin in the eyes, I said the words to her and let her feel how I was truly sorry I was. "I'm sorry..."

After saying my goodbyes, I put Adriana's body on the ground off my lap. Letting my beast take complete control, we shift into our hybrid form. Howling with a mix of Stryker growl, we leave the greenhouse breaking through the glass wall to catch Evanora. We wanted blood, we wanted revenge.

*hello readers and followers I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know when I wrote it I cried like a baby. Let me know what your thoughts are. What do you think will happen next? update soon.*

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