
The Twin Paths of Fate

A boy who once loved a girl and a girl who would do anything for his love. Now each embark on their on path to become the strongest and ascend. However the farther they go on their path they more ,unknowingly, grow closer to each other. Will they reconcile, or will the boy traumatized from her betrayal reject her once more. Note: When you are reading the prologue please skip the Prologue 2 and start from Prologue 1 for a better experience, thank you. [Hiatus]

unknown_redeye · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Truth, A New Place

Curious Matthew looked towards the remnant soul and asked," What could possibly be so dangerous that I might die just from listening to it?"

"Young man, you don't know just how dangerous the information I'm telling you is," said the remnant proudly.

"Alright, now listen closely, back in the day, there was an organization made up of Holy Mages. In fact they even had 3 peak Supreme Mages with them. This organization specializes in dealing with evil things as well as entities that serve harm to our continent. They were extremely strong until one day, something happened. A malevolent being had emerged that single-handedly wiped out the organization leaving behind no survivors."

"Did the 3 peak Supreme Mages die as well?!" exclaimed Matthew in shock, one had to know Supreme Mages were all-powerful beings that were virtually undying due to the fact that their mana planet could provide them with unlimited mana that easily restores them to peak condition.

"Indeed, young man, they all died. After that this malevolent being then came to the former rainforest or the Corrupted Rainforest as you know it. Back then we were on equal footing as I had the power of the entire Rainforest, but it shamelessly sneak attacked me as well as setting up a great formation that turned the entire Rainforest corrupted. I died quickly after that because of losing my power but with my remnant soul I established 3 safe points in the Rainforest as well as setting up 4 temples in the Rainforest to serve as a base point for a great formation that can cleanse the Rainforest. Nowadays the 3 safe points have been turned into clans, and I have also set up trials there to find someone to give my blessing to. All you need to do is to receive my blessings in order to open the 4 temples and purify the entire Rainforest! Be warned although this malevolent creature doesn't like to reveal itself when you are on the verge of successfully purifying the Rainforest it may come out and try to attack you. Alright, farewell young man, I hope you can succeed."

With that, the remnant soul vanished, leaving Matthew with lots of questions and the Flower of Longevity. After staying in shock for a while, Matthew quickly recovered and took the Flower of Longevity.

"Alright, since I'm going to be fighting this malevolent creature, as well as completing the trials, I should probably increase my strength with this Flower of Longevity." Matthew quickly took the Flower of Longevity and ate it.

As the overwhelming power and mana energy flowed into his body, Matthew felt younger than ever before, his entire body was being filled with vitality and all of his skin, muscles, organs, bones were being transformed. After the energy transforming him subsided he felt refreshed and young. In fact it felt like he was now light as a leaf and could move at extreme speeds.

"Ahhh, indeed the Flower of Longevity is rightfully coveted by all Mage's," said Matthew satisfied as he felt the changes to his body, and adapted to them, "With my new agility and vitality I should be able to rival a Official Mage Tier 3 Mage right?"

After feeling the changes around his body once more, Matthew decided to test it out against something. He quickly darted around like a bullet, his figure a blur. Satisfied by the changes Matthew decided to leave the secret cavern.

Just after he thought of leaving a green glow surrounded him and suddenly his vision turned black, before he knew it he was back at the original cave he was at. Looking out the sun was already up and before he knew it the night was already over.

"Alright time to visit one of the clans," said Matthew before darting into the Rainforest towards the nearest clan. As he traveled through the Rainforest, a blur could be seen traversing the area with dust and dirt rising from where he had run.

After running like this for over hours, Matthew finally saw an opening in the trees and some houses in front. After quickly sprinting into the opening Matthew felt as if he had just passed through something. It was like a transparent membrane but after he passed through he was shocked by the scenery he saw around him.

Around him were lush trees and vegetation with many cozy looking wooden cottages around, children were playing on the streets and in the center were 3 big lodges that seemed to be bustling with people. However, while the first two were bustling with people the last seemed to be looked upon with respect and only some important-looking people were entering.

In the center of these three buildings was a small park, there was a pond in the middle with some vegetation around it as well as stone paths. In the center of the pond was a stone altar that had carvings that glowed with a greenish hue.

However, just after Matthew took stock of the surrounding scenery he was suddenly surrounded by people. 5 people with menacing expressions surrounded Matthew with mana fluctuations around them, seemingly preparing to attack him.

Looking at the people around him, Matthew realized that they were all Official Mage Tier 1 Mages! "Who are you? Where are you from?" questioned one of them angrily, "If you don't answer we'll destroy you!"

Sorry for not updating for a long time, I had things to do and lost some motivation

unknown_redeyecreators' thoughts